mono-traversable- Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010





class ( Monoid set, Semigroup set, MonoFoldable set, Eq ( ContainerKey set), GrowingAppend set) => SetContainer set where Source #

A container whose values are stored in Key-Value pairs.

Associated Types

type ContainerKey set Source #

The type of the key


member :: ContainerKey set -> set -> Bool Source #

Check if there is a value with the supplied key in the container.

notMember :: ContainerKey set -> set -> Bool Source #

Check if there isn't a value with the supplied key in the container.

union :: set -> set -> set Source #

Get the union of two containers.

unions :: ( MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ set) => mono -> set Source #

Combine a collection of SetContainer s, with left-most values overriding when there are matching keys.

Since: 1.0.0

difference :: set -> set -> set Source #

Get the difference of two containers.

intersection :: set -> set -> set Source #

Get the intersection of two containers.

keys :: set -> [ ContainerKey set] Source #

Get a list of all of the keys in the container.


Instances details
SetContainer IntSet Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Eq key => SetContainer [(key, value)] Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey [(key, value)] Source #


member :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> Bool Source #

notMember :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> Bool Source #

union :: [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

unions :: ( MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ [(key, value)]) => mono -> [(key, value)] Source #

difference :: [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

intersection :: [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

keys :: [(key, value)] -> [ ContainerKey [(key, value)]] Source #

SetContainer ( IntMap value) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.IntMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey ( IntMap value) Source #

Ord element => SetContainer ( Set element) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey ( Set element) Source #

( Eq element, Hashable element) => SetContainer ( HashSet element) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey ( HashSet element) Source #

Ord k => SetContainer ( Map k v) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.Map.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey ( Map k v) Source #

( Eq key, Hashable key) => SetContainer ( HashMap key value) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.HashMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) Source #

class PolyMap map where Source #

A guaranteed-polymorphic Map , which allows for more polymorphic versions of functions.


differenceMap :: map value1 -> map value2 -> map value1 Source #

Get the difference between two maps, using the left map's values.

intersectionMap :: map value1 -> map value2 -> map value1 Source #

Get the intersection of two maps, using the left map's values.

intersectionWithMap :: (value1 -> value2 -> value3) -> map value1 -> map value2 -> map value3 Source #

Get the intersection of two maps with a supplied function that takes in the left map's value and the right map's value.


Instances details
PolyMap IntMap Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.IntMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers


differenceMap :: IntMap value1 -> IntMap value2 -> IntMap value1 Source #

intersectionMap :: IntMap value1 -> IntMap value2 -> IntMap value1 Source #

intersectionWithMap :: (value1 -> value2 -> value3) -> IntMap value1 -> IntMap value2 -> IntMap value3 Source #

Ord key => PolyMap ( Map key) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.Map.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers


differenceMap :: Map key value1 -> Map key value2 -> Map key value1 Source #

intersectionMap :: Map key value1 -> Map key value2 -> Map key value1 Source #

intersectionWithMap :: (value1 -> value2 -> value3) -> Map key value1 -> Map key value2 -> Map key value3 Source #

( Eq key, Hashable key) => PolyMap ( HashMap key) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.HashMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers


differenceMap :: HashMap key value1 -> HashMap key value2 -> HashMap key value1 Source #

intersectionMap :: HashMap key value1 -> HashMap key value2 -> HashMap key value1 Source #

intersectionWithMap :: (value1 -> value2 -> value3) -> HashMap key value1 -> HashMap key value2 -> HashMap key value3 Source #

class BiPolyMap map where Source #

A Map type polymorphic in both its key and value.

Associated Types

type BPMKeyConstraint map key :: Constraint Source #


mapKeysWith Source #


:: ( BPMKeyConstraint map k1, BPMKeyConstraint map k2)
=> (v -> v -> v)

combine values that now overlap

-> (k1 -> k2)
-> map k1 v
-> map k2 v


Instances details
BiPolyMap Map Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type BPMKeyConstraint Map key Source #


mapKeysWith :: ( BPMKeyConstraint Map k1, BPMKeyConstraint Map k2) => (v -> v -> v) -> (k1 -> k2) -> Map k1 v -> Map k2 v Source #

BiPolyMap HashMap Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

class ( MonoTraversable map, SetContainer map) => IsMap map where Source #

Polymorphic typeclass for interacting with different map types

Associated Types

type MapValue map Source #

In some cases, MapValue and Element will be different, e.g., the IsMap instance of associated lists.


lookup :: ContainerKey map -> map -> Maybe ( MapValue map) Source #

Look up a value in a map with a specified key.

insertMap :: ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> map -> map Source #

Insert a key-value pair into a map.

deleteMap :: ContainerKey map -> map -> map Source #

Delete a key-value pair of a map using a specified key.

singletonMap :: ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> map Source #

Create a map from a single key-value pair.

mapFromList :: [( ContainerKey map, MapValue map)] -> map Source #

Convert a list of key-value pairs to a map

mapToList :: map -> [( ContainerKey map, MapValue map)] Source #

Convert a map to a list of key-value pairs.

findWithDefault :: MapValue map -> ContainerKey map -> map -> MapValue map Source #

Like lookup , but uses a default value when the key does not exist in the map.

insertWith Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the new value and the previous value and returns the value that will be set in the map.

-> ContainerKey map


-> MapValue map

new value to insert

-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Insert a key-value pair into a map.

Inserts the value directly if the key does not exist in the map. Otherwise, apply a supplied function that accepts the new value and the previous value and insert that result into the map.

insertWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the key, the new value, and the previous value and returns the value that will be set in the map.

-> ContainerKey map


-> MapValue map

new value to insert

-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Insert a key-value pair into a map.

Inserts the value directly if the key does not exist in the map. Otherwise, apply a supplied function that accepts the key, the new value, and the previous value and insert that result into the map.

insertLookupWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the key, the new value, and the previous value and returns the value that will be set in the map.

-> ContainerKey map


-> MapValue map

new value to insert

-> map

input map

-> ( Maybe ( MapValue map), map)

previous value and the resulting map

Insert a key-value pair into a map, return the previous key's value if it existed.

Inserts the value directly if the key does not exist in the map. Otherwise, apply a supplied function that accepts the key, the new value, and the previous value and insert that result into the map.

adjustMap Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function to apply to the previous value

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Apply a function to the value of a given key.

Returns the input map when the key-value pair does not exist.

adjustWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the key and the previous value and returns the new value

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Equivalent to adjustMap , but the function accepts the key, as well as the previous value.

updateMap Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> Maybe ( MapValue map))

function that accepts the previous value and returns the new value or Nothing

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Apply a function to the value of a given key.

If the function returns Nothing , this deletes the key-value pair.

Returns the input map when the key-value pair does not exist.

updateWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> Maybe ( MapValue map))

function that accepts the key and the previous value and returns the new value or Nothing

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Equivalent to updateMap , but the function accepts the key, as well as the previous value.

updateLookupWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> Maybe ( MapValue map))

function that accepts the key and the previous value and returns the new value or Nothing

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> ( Maybe ( MapValue map), map)

previous/new value and the resulting map

Apply a function to the value of a given key.

If the map does not contain the key this returns Nothing and the input map.

If the map does contain the key but the function returns Nothing , this returns the previous value and the map with the key-value pair removed.

If the map contains the key and the function returns a value, this returns the new value and the map with the key-value pair with the new value.

alterMap Source #


:: ( Maybe ( MapValue map) -> Maybe ( MapValue map))

function that accepts the previous value and returns the new value or Nothing

-> ContainerKey map


-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Update/Delete the value of a given key.

Applies a function to previous value of a given key, if it results in Nothing delete the key-value pair from the map, otherwise replace the previous value with the new value.

unionWith Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the first map's value and the second map's value and returns the new value that will be used

-> map

first map

-> map

second map

-> map

resulting map

Combine two maps.

When a key exists in both maps, apply a function to both of the values and use the result of that as the value of the key in the resulting map.

unionWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the key, the first map's value and the second map's value and returns the new value that will be used

-> map

first map

-> map

second map

-> map

resulting map

unionsWith Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the first map's value and the second map's value and returns the new value that will be used

-> [map]

input list of maps

-> map

resulting map

Combine a list of maps.

When a key exists in two different maps, apply a function to both of the values and use the result of that as the value of the key in the resulting map.

mapWithKey Source #


:: ( ContainerKey map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the key and the previous value and returns the new value

-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Apply a function over every key-value pair of a map.

omapKeysWith Source #


:: ( MapValue map -> MapValue map -> MapValue map)

function that accepts the first map's value and the second map's value and returns the new value that will be used

-> ( ContainerKey map -> ContainerKey map)

function that accepts the previous key and returns the new key

-> map

input map

-> map

resulting map

Apply a function over every key of a pair and run unionsWith over the results.

filterMap :: IsMap map => ( MapValue map -> Bool ) -> map -> map Source #

Filter values in a map.



Instances details
Eq key => IsMap [(key, value)] Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type MapValue [(key, value)] Source #


lookup :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)]) Source #

insertMap :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

deleteMap :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

singletonMap :: ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

mapFromList :: [( ContainerKey [(key, value)], MapValue [(key, value)])] -> [(key, value)] Source #

mapToList :: [(key, value)] -> [( ContainerKey [(key, value)], MapValue [(key, value)])] Source #

findWithDefault :: MapValue [(key, value)] -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] Source #

insertWith :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

insertWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

insertLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> ( Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)]), [(key, value)]) Source #

adjustMap :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

adjustWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

updateMap :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)])) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

updateWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)])) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

updateLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)])) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> ( Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)]), [(key, value)]) Source #

alterMap :: ( Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)]) -> Maybe ( MapValue [(key, value)])) -> ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

unionWith :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

unionWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

unionsWith :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> [[(key, value)]] -> [(key, value)] Source #

mapWithKey :: ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

omapKeysWith :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)] -> MapValue [(key, value)]) -> ( ContainerKey [(key, value)] -> ContainerKey [(key, value)]) -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

filterMap :: ( MapValue [(key, value)] -> Bool ) -> [(key, value)] -> [(key, value)] Source #

IsMap ( IntMap value) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.IntMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type MapValue ( IntMap value) Source #


lookup :: ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value)) Source #

insertMap :: ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

deleteMap :: ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

singletonMap :: ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value Source #

mapFromList :: [( ContainerKey ( IntMap value), MapValue ( IntMap value))] -> IntMap value Source #

mapToList :: IntMap value -> [( ContainerKey ( IntMap value), MapValue ( IntMap value))] Source #

findWithDefault :: MapValue ( IntMap value) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> MapValue ( IntMap value) Source #

insertWith :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

insertWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

insertLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value)), IntMap value) Source #

adjustMap :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

adjustWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

updateMap :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value))) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

updateWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value))) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

updateLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value))) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value)), IntMap value) Source #

alterMap :: ( Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( IntMap value))) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

unionWith :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

unionWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

unionsWith :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> [ IntMap value] -> IntMap value Source #

mapWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

omapKeysWith :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value) -> MapValue ( IntMap value)) -> ( ContainerKey ( IntMap value) -> ContainerKey ( IntMap value)) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

filterMap :: ( MapValue ( IntMap value) -> Bool ) -> IntMap value -> IntMap value Source #

Ord key => IsMap ( Map key value) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.Map.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type MapValue ( Map key value) Source #


lookup :: ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value)) Source #

insertMap :: ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

deleteMap :: ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

singletonMap :: ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Map key value Source #

mapFromList :: [( ContainerKey ( Map key value), MapValue ( Map key value))] -> Map key value Source #

mapToList :: Map key value -> [( ContainerKey ( Map key value), MapValue ( Map key value))] Source #

findWithDefault :: MapValue ( Map key value) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> MapValue ( Map key value) Source #

insertWith :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

insertWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

insertLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value)), Map key value) Source #

adjustMap :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

adjustWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

updateMap :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value))) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

updateWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value))) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

updateLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value))) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value)), Map key value) Source #

alterMap :: ( Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value)) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( Map key value))) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

unionWith :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> Map key value -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

unionWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> Map key value -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

unionsWith :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> [ Map key value] -> Map key value Source #

mapWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

omapKeysWith :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value) -> MapValue ( Map key value)) -> ( ContainerKey ( Map key value) -> ContainerKey ( Map key value)) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

filterMap :: ( MapValue ( Map key value) -> Bool ) -> Map key value -> Map key value Source #

( Eq key, Hashable key) => IsMap ( HashMap key value) Source #

This instance uses the functions from Data.HashMap.Strict .

Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type MapValue ( HashMap key value) Source #


lookup :: ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value)) Source #

insertMap :: ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

deleteMap :: ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

singletonMap :: ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value Source #

mapFromList :: [( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value), MapValue ( HashMap key value))] -> HashMap key value Source #

mapToList :: HashMap key value -> [( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value), MapValue ( HashMap key value))] Source #

findWithDefault :: MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) Source #

insertWith :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

insertWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

insertLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value)), HashMap key value) Source #

adjustMap :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

adjustWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

updateMap :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value))) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

updateWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value))) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

updateLookupWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value))) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> ( Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value)), HashMap key value) Source #

alterMap :: ( Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> Maybe ( MapValue ( HashMap key value))) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

unionWith :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

unionWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

unionsWith :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> [ HashMap key value] -> HashMap key value Source #

mapWithKey :: ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

omapKeysWith :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> MapValue ( HashMap key value)) -> ( ContainerKey ( HashMap key value) -> ContainerKey ( HashMap key value)) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

filterMap :: ( MapValue ( HashMap key value) -> Bool ) -> HashMap key value -> HashMap key value Source #

class ( SetContainer set, Element set ~ ContainerKey set) => IsSet set where Source #

Polymorphic typeclass for interacting with different set types


insertSet :: Element set -> set -> set Source #

Insert a value into a set.

deleteSet :: Element set -> set -> set Source #

Delete a value from a set.

singletonSet :: Element set -> set Source #

Create a set from a single element.

setFromList :: [ Element set] -> set Source #

Convert a list to a set.

setToList :: set -> [ Element set] Source #

Convert a set to a list.

filterSet :: ( Element set -> Bool ) -> set -> set Source #

Filter values in a set.



Instances details
IsSet IntSet Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Ord element => IsSet ( Set element) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

( Eq element, Hashable element) => IsSet ( HashSet element) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

class MonoFunctor mono => MonoZip mono where Source #

Zip operations on MonoFunctor s.


ozipWith :: ( Element mono -> Element mono -> Element mono) -> mono -> mono -> mono Source #

Combine each element of two MonoZip s using a supplied function.

ozip :: mono -> mono -> [( Element mono, Element mono)] Source #

Take two MonoZip s and return a list of the pairs of their elements.

ounzip :: [( Element mono, Element mono)] -> (mono, mono) Source #

Take a list of pairs of elements and return a MonoZip of the first components and a MonoZip of the second components.

class SetContainer set => HasKeysSet set where Source #

Type class for maps whose keys can be converted into sets.

Associated Types

type KeySet set Source #

Type of the key set.


keysSet :: set -> KeySet set Source #

Convert a map into a set of its keys.


Instances details
HasKeysSet ( IntMap v) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type KeySet ( IntMap v) Source #

Ord k => HasKeysSet ( Map k v) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type KeySet ( Map k v) Source #

( Hashable k, Eq k) => HasKeysSet ( HashMap k v) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Containers

Associated Types

type KeySet ( HashMap k v) Source #