{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Ledger.Forge (
  , forgeRegularBlock
    -- * For testing purposes
  , forgeEBB
  ) where

import           Control.Monad (void)
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.Coerce (coerce)
import           GHC.Stack

import           Cardano.Binary (Annotated (..), reAnnotate)
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Block as CC.Block
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Byron.API as CC
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Common as CC.Common
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Delegation as CC.Delegation
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Genesis as CC.Genesis
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Slotting as CC.Slot
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Ssc as CC.Ssc
import qualified Cardano.Chain.UTxO as CC.UTxO
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Update as CC.Update
import qualified Cardano.Crypto as Crypto
import           Cardano.Crypto.DSIGN

import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Abstract
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.SupportsMempool
                     (LedgerSupportsMempool (..), txForgetValidated)
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Mempool.TxLimits as TxLimits
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.PBFT

import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Crypto.DSIGN
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Ledger.Block
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Ledger.Config
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Ledger.Mempool
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Ledger.PBFT
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.Protocol

  :: HasCallStack
  => TopLevelConfig ByronBlock
  -> TxLimits.Overrides ByronBlock    -- ^ How to override max tx capacity
                                      --   defined by ledger
  -> BlockNo                          -- ^ Current block number
  -> SlotNo                           -- ^ Current slot number
  -> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock     -- ^ Current ledger
  -> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]   -- ^ Txs to consider adding in the block
  -> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto     -- ^ Leader proof ('IsLeader')
  -> ByronBlock
forgeByronBlock :: TopLevelConfig ByronBlock
-> Overrides ByronBlock
-> BlockNo
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
-> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
-> ByronBlock
forgeByronBlock TopLevelConfig ByronBlock
cfg = HasCallStack =>
BlockConfig ByronBlock
-> Overrides ByronBlock
-> BlockNo
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
-> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
-> ByronBlock
BlockConfig ByronBlock
-> Overrides ByronBlock
-> BlockNo
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
-> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
-> ByronBlock
forgeRegularBlock (TopLevelConfig ByronBlock -> BlockConfig ByronBlock
forall blk. TopLevelConfig blk -> BlockConfig blk
configBlock TopLevelConfig ByronBlock

  :: BlockConfig ByronBlock
  -> SlotNo                          -- ^ Current slot
  -> BlockNo                         -- ^ Current block number
  -> ChainHash ByronBlock            -- ^ Previous hash
  -> ByronBlock
forgeEBB :: BlockConfig ByronBlock
-> SlotNo -> BlockNo -> ChainHash ByronBlock -> ByronBlock
forgeEBB BlockConfig ByronBlock
cfg SlotNo
curSlot BlockNo
curNo ChainHash ByronBlock
prevHash =
        EpochSlots -> ABlockOrBoundary ByteString -> ByronBlock
mkByronBlock EpochSlots
      (ABlockOrBoundary ByteString -> ByronBlock)
-> (ABoundaryBlock () -> ABlockOrBoundary ByteString)
-> ABoundaryBlock ()
-> ByronBlock
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ABoundaryBlock ByteString -> ABlockOrBoundary ByteString
forall a. ABoundaryBlock a -> ABlockOrBoundary a
      (ABoundaryBlock ByteString -> ABlockOrBoundary ByteString)
-> (ABoundaryBlock () -> ABoundaryBlock ByteString)
-> ABoundaryBlock ()
-> ABlockOrBoundary ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ProtocolMagicId -> ABoundaryBlock () -> ABoundaryBlock ByteString
CC.reAnnotateBoundary (BlockConfig ByronBlock -> ProtocolMagicId
byronProtocolMagicId BlockConfig ByronBlock
      (ABoundaryBlock () -> ByronBlock)
-> ABoundaryBlock () -> ByronBlock
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ABoundaryBlock ()
    epochSlots :: CC.Slot.EpochSlots
    epochSlots :: EpochSlots
epochSlots = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> EpochSlots
byronEpochSlots BlockConfig ByronBlock

    prevHeaderHash :: Either CC.Genesis.GenesisHash CC.Block.HeaderHash
    prevHeaderHash :: Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
prevHeaderHash = case ChainHash ByronBlock
prevHash of
      ChainHash ByronBlock
GenesisHash             -> GenesisHash -> Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left  (BlockConfig ByronBlock -> GenesisHash
byronGenesisHash BlockConfig ByronBlock
      BlockHash (ByronHash h) -> HeaderHash -> Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right HeaderHash

    boundaryBlock :: CC.Block.ABoundaryBlock ()
    boundaryBlock :: ABoundaryBlock ()
boundaryBlock =
      ABoundaryBlock :: forall a.
-> ABoundaryHeader a -> ABoundaryBody a -> a -> ABoundaryBlock a
CC.Block.ABoundaryBlock {
        boundaryBlockLength :: Int64
CC.Block.boundaryBlockLength = Int64
0 -- Used only in testing anyway
      , ABoundaryHeader ()
boundaryHeader :: ABoundaryHeader ()
boundaryHeader :: ABoundaryHeader ()
      , boundaryBody :: ABoundaryBody ()
CC.Block.boundaryBody        = () -> ABoundaryBody ()
forall a. a -> ABoundaryBody a
CC.Block.ABoundaryBody ()
      , boundaryAnnotation :: ()
CC.Block.boundaryAnnotation  = ()

    boundaryHeader :: CC.Block.ABoundaryHeader ()
    boundaryHeader :: ABoundaryHeader ()
boundaryHeader = Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
-> Word64 -> ChainDifficulty -> () -> ABoundaryHeader ()
forall a.
Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
-> Word64 -> ChainDifficulty -> a -> ABoundaryHeader a
      Either GenesisHash HeaderHash
      (BlockNo -> ChainDifficulty
coerce BlockNo
        CC.Slot.EpochNumber Word64
epoch =
          EpochSlots -> SlotNumber -> EpochNumber
CC.Slot.slotNumberEpoch EpochSlots
epochSlots (SlotNo -> SlotNumber
coerce SlotNo

-- | Internal helper data type for 'forgeRegularBlock' used to accumulate the
-- different kinds of block payloads that can be found in a given collection
-- of Byron 'GenTx's.
-- n.b. This data type is not to be exposed from this module.
data BlockPayloads = BlockPayloads
  { BlockPayloads -> [TxAux]
bpTxs        :: ![CC.UTxO.TxAux]
  , BlockPayloads -> [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts   :: ![CC.Delegation.Certificate]
  , BlockPayloads -> [Vote]
bpUpVotes    :: ![CC.Update.Vote]
  , BlockPayloads -> Maybe Proposal
bpUpProposal :: !(Maybe CC.Update.Proposal)
    -- ^ 'Just' if there is at least one 'CC.Update.Proposal' in a list of
    -- Byron 'GenTx's and 'Nothing' if there are none. It is worth noting that
    -- if we encounter multiple 'CC.Update.Proposal's in a collection of
    -- 'GenTx's, this value will be that of the last 'CC.Update.Proposal'
    -- encountered.

initBlockPayloads :: BlockPayloads
initBlockPayloads :: BlockPayloads
initBlockPayloads = BlockPayloads :: [TxAux]
-> [Certificate] -> [Vote] -> Maybe Proposal -> BlockPayloads
  { bpTxs :: [TxAux]
bpTxs        = []
  , bpDlgCerts :: [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts   = []
  , bpUpVotes :: [Vote]
bpUpVotes    = []
  , bpUpProposal :: Maybe Proposal
bpUpProposal = Maybe Proposal
forall a. Maybe a

  :: HasCallStack
  => BlockConfig ByronBlock
  -> TxLimits.Overrides ByronBlock     -- ^ How to override max tx capacity
                                       --   defined by ledger
  -> BlockNo                           -- ^ Current block number
  -> SlotNo                            -- ^ Current slot number
  -> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock      -- ^ Current ledger
  -> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]    -- ^ Txs to consider adding in the block
  -> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto      -- ^ Leader proof ('IsLeader')
  -> ByronBlock
forgeRegularBlock :: BlockConfig ByronBlock
-> Overrides ByronBlock
-> BlockNo
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
-> PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
-> ByronBlock
forgeRegularBlock BlockConfig ByronBlock
cfg Overrides ByronBlock
maxTxCapacityOverrides BlockNo
bno SlotNo
sno TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
st [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
txs PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
isLeader =
    PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
-> ByronBlock
forge (PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
 -> ByronBlock)
-> PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
-> ByronBlock
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (VerKeyDSIGN (PBftDSIGN PBftByronCrypto)
 -> ContextDSIGN (PBftDSIGN PBftByronCrypto))
-> IsLeader (PBft PBftByronCrypto)
-> Annotated ToSign ByteString
-> PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
forall c toSign.
(PBftCrypto c, Signable (PBftDSIGN c) toSign) =>
(VerKeyDSIGN (PBftDSIGN c) -> ContextDSIGN (PBftDSIGN c))
-> IsLeader (PBft c) -> toSign -> PBftFields c toSign
        (BlockConfig ByronBlock
-> VerKeyDSIGN ByronDSIGN -> ContextDSIGN ByronDSIGN
mkByronContextDSIGN BlockConfig ByronBlock
        PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto
IsLeader (PBft PBftByronCrypto)
        (Annotated ToSign () -> Annotated ToSign ByteString
forall a b. ToCBOR a => Annotated a b -> Annotated a ByteString
reAnnotate (Annotated ToSign () -> Annotated ToSign ByteString)
-> Annotated ToSign () -> Annotated ToSign ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ToSign -> () -> Annotated ToSign ()
forall b a. b -> a -> Annotated b a
Annotated ToSign
toSign ())
    epochSlots :: CC.Slot.EpochSlots
    epochSlots :: EpochSlots
epochSlots = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> EpochSlots
byronEpochSlots BlockConfig ByronBlock

    blockPayloads :: BlockPayloads
    blockPayloads :: BlockPayloads
blockPayloads =
        (Validated (GenTx ByronBlock) -> BlockPayloads -> BlockPayloads)
-> BlockPayloads -> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)] -> BlockPayloads
forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
          Validated (GenTx ByronBlock) -> BlockPayloads -> BlockPayloads
          (Overrides ByronBlock
-> TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
-> [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]
forall blk.
TxLimits blk =>
Overrides blk
-> TickedLedgerState blk
-> [Validated (GenTx blk)]
-> [Validated (GenTx blk)]
takeLargestPrefixThatFits Overrides ByronBlock
maxTxCapacityOverrides TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
st [Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)]

    txPayload :: CC.UTxO.TxPayload
    txPayload :: TxPayload
txPayload = [TxAux] -> TxPayload
CC.UTxO.mkTxPayload (BlockPayloads -> [TxAux]
bpTxs BlockPayloads

    dlgPayload :: CC.Delegation.Payload
    dlgPayload :: Payload
dlgPayload = [Certificate] -> Payload
CC.Delegation.unsafePayload (BlockPayloads -> [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts BlockPayloads

    updatePayload :: CC.Update.Payload
    updatePayload :: Payload
updatePayload = Maybe Proposal -> [Vote] -> Payload
CC.Update.payload (BlockPayloads -> Maybe Proposal
bpUpProposal BlockPayloads
                                      (BlockPayloads -> [Vote]
bpUpVotes BlockPayloads

    extendBlockPayloads :: Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)
                        -> BlockPayloads
                        -> BlockPayloads
    extendBlockPayloads :: Validated (GenTx ByronBlock) -> BlockPayloads -> BlockPayloads
extendBlockPayloads Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)
validatedGenTx bp :: BlockPayloads
bpTxs :: [TxAux]
bpTxs :: BlockPayloads -> [TxAux]
bpTxs, [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts :: [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts :: BlockPayloads -> [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts, [Vote]
bpUpVotes :: [Vote]
bpUpVotes :: BlockPayloads -> [Vote]
bpUpVotes} =
      -- TODO: We should try to use 'recoverProof' (and other variants of
      -- 'recoverBytes') here as opposed to throwing away the serializations
      -- (the 'ByteString' annotations) with 'void' as we're currently doing.
      case Validated (GenTx ByronBlock) -> GenTx ByronBlock
forall blk.
LedgerSupportsMempool blk =>
Validated (GenTx blk) -> GenTx blk
txForgetValidated Validated (GenTx ByronBlock)
validatedGenTx of
        ByronTx             _ tx   -> BlockPayloads
bp { bpTxs :: [TxAux]
bpTxs        = ATxAux ByteString -> TxAux
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ATxAux ByteString
tx TxAux -> [TxAux] -> [TxAux]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [TxAux]
bpTxs }
        ByronDlg            _ cert -> BlockPayloads
bp { bpDlgCerts :: [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts   = ACertificate ByteString -> Certificate
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ACertificate ByteString
cert Certificate -> [Certificate] -> [Certificate]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Certificate]
bpDlgCerts }
        -- TODO: We should throw an error if we encounter multiple
        -- 'ByronUpdateProposal's (i.e. if 'bpUpProposal' 'isJust').
        -- This is because we should only be provided with a maximum of one
        -- 'ByronUpdateProposal' to include in a block payload.
        ByronUpdateProposal _ prop -> BlockPayloads
bp { bpUpProposal :: Maybe Proposal
bpUpProposal = Proposal -> Maybe Proposal
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (AProposal ByteString -> Proposal
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void AProposal ByteString
prop) }
        ByronUpdateVote     _ vote -> BlockPayloads
bp { bpUpVotes :: [Vote]
bpUpVotes    = AVote ByteString -> Vote
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void AVote ByteString
vote Vote -> [Vote] -> [Vote]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Vote]
bpUpVotes }

    body :: CC.Block.Body
    body :: Body
body = ABody :: forall a.
ATxPayload a -> SscPayload -> APayload a -> APayload a -> ABody a
CC.Block.ABody {
          bodyTxPayload :: TxPayload
CC.Block.bodyTxPayload     = TxPayload
        , bodySscPayload :: SscPayload
CC.Block.bodySscPayload    = SscPayload
        , bodyDlgPayload :: Payload
CC.Block.bodyDlgPayload    = Payload
        , bodyUpdatePayload :: Payload
CC.Block.bodyUpdatePayload = Payload

    proof :: CC.Block.Proof
    proof :: Proof
proof = Body -> Proof
CC.Block.mkProof Body

    prevHeaderHash :: CC.Block.HeaderHash
    prevHeaderHash :: HeaderHash
prevHeaderHash = case TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
-> ChainHash (TickedLedgerState ByronBlock)
forall l. GetTip l => l -> ChainHash l
getTipHash TickedLedgerState ByronBlock
st of
      ChainHash (TickedLedgerState ByronBlock)
GenesisHash             -> [Char] -> HeaderHash
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
"the first block on the Byron chain must be an EBB"
      BlockHash (ByronHash h) -> HeaderHash

    epochAndSlotCount :: CC.Slot.EpochAndSlotCount
    epochAndSlotCount :: EpochAndSlotCount
epochAndSlotCount = EpochSlots -> SlotNumber -> EpochAndSlotCount
CC.Slot.fromSlotNumber EpochSlots
epochSlots (SlotNo -> SlotNumber
coerce SlotNo

    toSign :: CC.Block.ToSign
    toSign :: ToSign
toSign = ToSign :: HeaderHash
-> Proof
-> EpochAndSlotCount
-> ChainDifficulty
-> ProtocolVersion
-> SoftwareVersion
-> ToSign
CC.Block.ToSign {
          tsHeaderHash :: HeaderHash
CC.Block.tsHeaderHash      = HeaderHash
        , tsSlot :: EpochAndSlotCount
CC.Block.tsSlot            = EpochAndSlotCount
        , tsDifficulty :: ChainDifficulty
CC.Block.tsDifficulty      = BlockNo -> ChainDifficulty
coerce BlockNo
        , tsBodyProof :: Proof
CC.Block.tsBodyProof       = Proof
        , tsProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
CC.Block.tsProtocolVersion = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> ProtocolVersion
byronProtocolVersion BlockConfig ByronBlock
        , tsSoftwareVersion :: SoftwareVersion
CC.Block.tsSoftwareVersion = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> SoftwareVersion
byronSoftwareVersion BlockConfig ByronBlock

    dlgCertificate :: CC.Delegation.Certificate
    dlgCertificate :: Certificate
dlgCertificate = PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto -> PBftDelegationCert PBftByronCrypto
forall c. PBftIsLeader c -> PBftDelegationCert c
pbftIsLeaderDlgCert PBftIsLeader PBftByronCrypto

    headerGenesisKey :: Crypto.VerificationKey
    VerKeyByronDSIGN headerGenesisKey = PBftDelegationCert PBftByronCrypto
-> VerKeyDSIGN (PBftDSIGN PBftByronCrypto)
forall c.
PBftCrypto c =>
PBftDelegationCert c -> VerKeyDSIGN (PBftDSIGN c)
dlgCertGenVerKey Certificate
PBftDelegationCert PBftByronCrypto

    forge :: PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated CC.Block.ToSign ByteString)
          -> ByronBlock
    forge :: PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
-> ByronBlock
forge PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
ouroborosPayload = EpochSlots -> Block -> ByronBlock
annotateByronBlock EpochSlots
epochSlots Block
        block :: CC.Block.Block
        block :: Block
block = ABlock :: forall a. AHeader a -> ABody a -> a -> ABlock a
CC.Block.ABlock {
              blockHeader :: AHeader ()
CC.Block.blockHeader     = AHeader ()
            , blockBody :: Body
CC.Block.blockBody       = Body
            , blockAnnotation :: ()
CC.Block.blockAnnotation = ()

        headerSignature :: CC.Block.BlockSignature
        headerSignature :: BlockSignature
headerSignature = Certificate -> Signature ToSign -> BlockSignature
forall a. ACertificate a -> Signature ToSign -> ABlockSignature a
CC.Block.ABlockSignature Certificate
dlgCertificate (Signature ToSign -> Signature ToSign
coerce Signature ToSign
            sig :: Crypto.Signature CC.Block.ToSign
            SignedDSIGN (SigByronDSIGN sig) = PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
-> SignedDSIGN
     (PBftDSIGN PBftByronCrypto) (Annotated ToSign ByteString)
forall c toSign.
PBftFields c toSign -> SignedDSIGN (PBftDSIGN c) toSign
pbftSignature PBftFields PBftByronCrypto (Annotated ToSign ByteString)

        header :: CC.Block.Header
        header :: AHeader ()
header = AHeader :: forall a.
Annotated ProtocolMagicId a
-> Annotated HeaderHash a
-> Annotated SlotNumber a
-> Annotated ChainDifficulty a
-> ProtocolVersion
-> SoftwareVersion
-> Annotated Proof a
-> VerificationKey
-> ABlockSignature a
-> a
-> a
-> AHeader a
CC.Block.AHeader {
              aHeaderProtocolMagicId :: Annotated ProtocolMagicId ()
CC.Block.aHeaderProtocolMagicId = ProtocolMagicId -> Annotated ProtocolMagicId ()
forall b. b -> Annotated b ()
ann (AProtocolMagic () -> ProtocolMagicId
forall a. AProtocolMagic a -> ProtocolMagicId
Crypto.getProtocolMagicId (BlockConfig ByronBlock -> AProtocolMagic ()
byronProtocolMagic BlockConfig ByronBlock
            , aHeaderPrevHash :: Annotated HeaderHash ()
CC.Block.aHeaderPrevHash        = HeaderHash -> Annotated HeaderHash ()
forall b. b -> Annotated b ()
ann HeaderHash
            , aHeaderSlot :: Annotated SlotNumber ()
CC.Block.aHeaderSlot            = SlotNumber -> Annotated SlotNumber ()
forall b. b -> Annotated b ()
ann (SlotNo -> SlotNumber
coerce SlotNo
            , aHeaderDifficulty :: Annotated ChainDifficulty ()
CC.Block.aHeaderDifficulty      = ChainDifficulty -> Annotated ChainDifficulty ()
forall b. b -> Annotated b ()
ann (BlockNo -> ChainDifficulty
coerce BlockNo
            , headerProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
CC.Block.headerProtocolVersion  = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> ProtocolVersion
byronProtocolVersion BlockConfig ByronBlock
            , headerSoftwareVersion :: SoftwareVersion
CC.Block.headerSoftwareVersion  = BlockConfig ByronBlock -> SoftwareVersion
byronSoftwareVersion BlockConfig ByronBlock
            , aHeaderProof :: Annotated Proof ()
CC.Block.aHeaderProof           = Proof -> Annotated Proof ()
forall b. b -> Annotated b ()
ann Proof
            , headerGenesisKey :: VerificationKey
CC.Block.headerGenesisKey       = VerificationKey
            , headerSignature :: BlockSignature
CC.Block.headerSignature        = BlockSignature
            , headerAnnotation :: ()
CC.Block.headerAnnotation       = ()
            , headerExtraAnnotation :: ()
CC.Block.headerExtraAnnotation  = ()

        ann :: b -> Annotated b ()
        ann :: b -> Annotated b ()
ann b
b = b -> () -> Annotated b ()
forall b a. b -> a -> Annotated b a
Annotated b
b ()