{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

module Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.State.Infra (
    -- * Initialization
    -- * Lifting 'Telescope' operations
  , fromTZ
  , match
  , sequence
  , tip
    -- * Situated
  , Situated (..)
  , situate
    -- * Aligning
  , align
    -- * EpochInfo/Summary
  , reconstructSummary
  ) where

import           Prelude hiding (sequence)

import           Data.Functor.Product
import           Data.SOP.Strict hiding (shape)

import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History (Bound (..), EraEnd (..),
                     EraParams (..), EraSummary (..), SafeZone (..))
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History as History
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Counting

import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Abstract.SingleEraBlock
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.State.Lift
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.State.Types
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.InPairs (InPairs,
                     Requiring (..))
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.InPairs as InPairs
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.Match (Mismatch)
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.Match as Match
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.Telescope
                     (Extend (..), Telescope (..))
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Util.Telescope as Telescope


initHardForkState :: f x -> HardForkState f (x ': xs)
initHardForkState :: f x -> HardForkState f (x : xs)
initHardForkState f x
st = Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs) -> HardForkState f (x : xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs
HardForkState (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs)
 -> HardForkState f (x : xs))
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs)
-> HardForkState f (x : xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Current f x -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs)
forall a (f :: a -> *) (x :: a) (g :: a -> *) (xs :: [a]).
f x -> Telescope g f (x : xs)
TZ (Current f x -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs))
-> Current f x -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) (x : xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Current :: forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Bound -> f blk -> Current f blk
Current {
      currentStart :: Bound
currentStart = Bound
    , currentState :: f x
currentState = f x

  Lift telescope operations

tip :: SListI xs => HardForkState f xs -> NS f xs
tip :: HardForkState f xs -> NS f xs
tip (HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
st) = (forall a. Current f a -> f a) -> NS (Current f) xs -> NS f xs
forall k l (h :: (k -> *) -> l -> *) (xs :: l) (f :: k -> *)
       (f' :: k -> *).
(SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
hmap forall a. Current f a -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk
currentState (NS (Current f) xs -> NS f xs) -> NS (Current f) xs -> NS f xs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> NS (Current f) xs
forall k (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Telescope g f xs -> NS f xs
Telescope.tip Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs

match :: SListI xs
      => NS h xs
      -> HardForkState f xs
      -> Either (Mismatch h (Current f) xs) (HardForkState (Product h f) xs)
match :: NS h xs
-> HardForkState f xs
-> Either
     (Mismatch h (Current f) xs) (HardForkState (Product h f) xs)
match NS h xs
ns (HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
t) =
    Telescope (K Past) (Current (Product h f)) xs
-> HardForkState (Product h f) xs
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs
HardForkState (Telescope (K Past) (Current (Product h f)) xs
 -> HardForkState (Product h f) xs)
-> (Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs
    -> Telescope (K Past) (Current (Product h f)) xs)
-> Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs
-> HardForkState (Product h f) xs
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (forall a. Product h (Current f) a -> Current (Product h f) a)
-> Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current (Product h f)) xs
forall k l (h :: (k -> *) -> l -> *) (xs :: l) (f :: k -> *)
       (f' :: k -> *).
(SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
hmap forall a. Product h (Current f) a -> Current (Product h f) a
forall (h :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) blk.
Product h (Current f) blk -> Current (Product h f) blk
distrib (Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs
 -> HardForkState (Product h f) xs)
-> Either
     (Mismatch h (Current f) xs)
     (Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs)
-> Either
     (Mismatch h (Current f) xs) (HardForkState (Product h f) xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> NS h xs
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
-> Either
     (Mismatch h (Current f) xs)
     (Telescope (K Past) (Product h (Current f)) xs)
forall k (h :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]) (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *).
NS h xs
-> Telescope g f xs
-> Either (Mismatch h f xs) (Telescope g (Product h f) xs)
Match.matchTelescope NS h xs
ns Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
    distrib :: Product h (Current f) blk -> Current (Product h f) blk
    distrib :: Product h (Current f) blk -> Current (Product h f) blk
distrib (Pair h blk
x (Current Bound
start f blk
y)) =
        Bound -> Product h f blk -> Current (Product h f) blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Bound -> f blk -> Current f blk
Current Bound
start (h blk -> f blk -> Product h f blk
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (a :: k).
f a -> g a -> Product f g a
Pair h blk
x f blk

sequence :: forall f m xs. (SListI xs, Functor m)
         => HardForkState (m :.: f) xs -> m (HardForkState f xs)
sequence :: HardForkState (m :.: f) xs -> m (HardForkState f xs)
sequence = \(HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current (m :.: f)) xs
st) -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs
HardForkState (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs)
-> m (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs) -> m (HardForkState f xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    Telescope (K Past) (m :.: Current f) xs
-> m (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs)
forall k (m :: * -> *) (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Functor m =>
Telescope g (m :.: f) xs -> m (Telescope g f xs)
Telescope.sequence ((forall a. Current (m :.: f) a -> (:.:) m (Current f) a)
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current (m :.: f)) xs
-> Telescope (K Past) (m :.: Current f) xs
forall k l (h :: (k -> *) -> l -> *) (xs :: l) (f :: k -> *)
       (f' :: k -> *).
(SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
hmap forall a. Current (m :.: f) a -> (:.:) m (Current f) a
distrib Telescope (K Past) (Current (m :.: f)) xs
    distrib :: Current (m :.: f) blk -> (m :.: Current f) blk
    distrib :: Current (m :.: f) blk -> (:.:) m (Current f) blk
distrib (Current Bound
start (:.:) m f blk
st) = m (Current f blk) -> (:.:) m (Current f) blk
forall l k (f :: l -> *) (g :: k -> l) (p :: k).
f (g p) -> (:.:) f g p
Comp (m (Current f blk) -> (:.:) m (Current f) blk)
-> m (Current f blk) -> (:.:) m (Current f) blk
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        Bound -> f blk -> Current f blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Bound -> f blk -> Current f blk
Current Bound
start (f blk -> Current f blk) -> m (f blk) -> m (Current f blk)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (:.:) m f blk -> m (f blk)
forall l k (f :: l -> *) (g :: k -> l) (p :: k).
(:.:) f g p -> f (g p)
unComp (:.:) m f blk

fromTZ :: HardForkState f '[blk] -> f blk
fromTZ :: HardForkState f '[blk] -> f blk
fromTZ = Current f blk -> f blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk
currentState (Current f blk -> f blk)
-> (HardForkState f '[blk] -> Current f blk)
-> HardForkState f '[blk]
-> f blk
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Telescope (K Past) (Current f) '[blk] -> Current f blk
forall k (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (x :: k).
Telescope g f '[x] -> f x
Telescope.fromTZ (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) '[blk] -> Current f blk)
-> (HardForkState f '[blk]
    -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) '[blk])
-> HardForkState f '[blk]
-> Current f blk
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HardForkState f '[blk] -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) '[blk]
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
HardForkState f xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs


-- | A @h@ situated in time
data Situated h f xs where
  SituatedCurrent :: Current f x ->    h x  -> Situated h f (x ': xs)
  SituatedNext    :: Current f x ->    h y  -> Situated h f (x ': y ': xs)
  SituatedFuture  :: Current f x -> NS h xs -> Situated h f (x ': y ': xs)
  SituatedPast    :: K Past    x ->    h x  -> Situated h f (x ': xs)
  SituatedShift   :: Situated h f xs        -> Situated h f (x ': xs)

situate :: NS h xs -> HardForkState f xs -> Situated h f xs
situate :: NS h xs -> HardForkState f xs -> Situated h f xs
situate NS h xs
ns = NS h xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> Situated h f xs
forall (h :: * -> *) (xs' :: [*]) (f :: * -> *).
NS h xs' -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> Situated h f xs'
go NS h xs
ns (Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> Situated h f xs)
-> (HardForkState f xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs)
-> HardForkState f xs
-> Situated h f xs
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HardForkState f xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
HardForkState f xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
    go :: NS h xs'
       -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs'
       -> Situated h f xs'
    go :: NS h xs' -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> Situated h f xs'
go (Z    h x
era)  (TZ Current f x
cur)    = Current f x -> h x -> Situated h f (x : xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) x (h :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
Current f x -> h x -> Situated h f (x : xs)
SituatedCurrent Current f x
cur h x
h x
    go (S (Z h x
era)) (TZ Current f x
cur)    = Current f x -> h x -> Situated h f (x : x : xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) x (h :: * -> *) y (x :: [*]).
Current f x -> h y -> Situated h f (x : y : x)
SituatedNext    Current f x
cur h x
    go (S (S NS h xs
era)) (TZ Current f x
cur)    = Current f x -> NS h xs -> Situated h f (x : x : xs)
forall (f :: * -> *) x (h :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) y.
Current f x -> NS h xs -> Situated h f (x : y : xs)
SituatedFuture  Current f x
cur NS h xs
    go (Z    h x
era)  (TS K Past x
past Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
_) = K Past x -> h x -> Situated h f (x : xs)
forall x (h :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
K Past x -> h x -> Situated h f (x : xs)
SituatedPast   K Past x
past h x
h x
    go (S    NS h xs
era)  (TS K Past x
_ Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
st)   = Situated h f xs -> Situated h f (x : xs)
forall (h :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) x.
Situated h f xs -> Situated h f (x : xs)
SituatedShift (Situated h f xs -> Situated h f (x : xs))
-> Situated h f xs -> Situated h f (x : xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NS h xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> Situated h f xs
forall (h :: * -> *) (xs' :: [*]) (f :: * -> *).
NS h xs' -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> Situated h f xs'
go NS h xs
era Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs


align :: forall xs f f' f''. All SingleEraBlock xs
      => InPairs (Translate f) xs
      -> NP (f' -.-> f -.-> f'') xs
      -> HardForkState f'  xs -- ^ State we are aligning with
      -> HardForkState f   xs -- ^ State we are aligning
      -> HardForkState f'' xs
align :: InPairs (Translate f) xs
-> NP (f' -.-> (f -.-> f'')) xs
-> HardForkState f' xs
-> HardForkState f xs
-> HardForkState f'' xs
align InPairs (Translate f) xs
fs NP (f' -.-> (f -.-> f'')) xs
updTip (HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current f') xs
alignWith) (HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
toAlign) =
    Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs -> HardForkState f'' xs
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> HardForkState f xs
HardForkState (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs -> HardForkState f'' xs)
-> (I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs)
    -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs)
-> I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs)
-> HardForkState f'' xs
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs)
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs
forall a. I a -> a
unI (I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs) -> HardForkState f'' xs)
-> I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs) -> HardForkState f'' xs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      InPairs (Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f))) xs
-> NP (Current f' -.-> (Current f -.-> Current f'')) xs
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f') xs
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
-> I (Telescope (K Past) (Current f'') xs)
forall k (m :: * -> *) (g' :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *)
       (xs :: [k]) (f' :: k -> *) (f'' :: k -> *).
(Monad m, HasCallStack) =>
InPairs (Requiring g' (Extend m g f)) xs
-> NP (f' -.-> (f -.-> f'')) xs
-> Telescope g' f' xs
-> Telescope g f xs
-> m (Telescope g f'' xs)
        ((forall x y.
 Translate f x y
 -> Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f)) x y)
-> InPairs (Translate f) xs
-> InPairs (Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f))) xs
forall k (xs :: [k]) (f :: k -> k -> *) (g :: k -> k -> *).
SListI xs =>
(forall (x :: k) (y :: k). f x y -> g x y)
-> InPairs f xs -> InPairs g xs
InPairs.hmap (\Translate f x y
f    -> (K Past x -> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y)
-> Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f)) x y
forall k k (h :: k -> *) (f :: k -> k -> *) (x :: k) (y :: k).
(h x -> f x y) -> Requiring h f x y
Require ((K Past x -> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y)
 -> Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f)) x y)
-> (K Past x -> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y)
-> Requiring (K Past) (Extend I (K Past) (Current f)) x y
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                       \K Past x
past -> (Current f x -> I (K Past x, Current f y))
-> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y
forall k (m :: * -> *) (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (x :: k)
       (y :: k).
(f x -> m (g x, f y)) -> Extend m g f x y
Extend  ((Current f x -> I (K Past x, Current f y))
 -> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y)
-> (Current f x -> I (K Past x, Current f y))
-> Extend I (K Past) (Current f) x y
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                       \Current f x
cur  -> (K Past x, Current f y) -> I (K Past x, Current f y)
forall a. a -> I a
I       ((K Past x, Current f y) -> I (K Past x, Current f y))
-> (K Past x, Current f y) -> I (K Past x, Current f y)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                         Translate f x y
-> K Past x -> Current f x -> (K Past x, Current f y)
forall blk blk'.
Translate f blk blk'
-> K Past blk -> Current f blk -> (K Past blk, Current f blk')
newCurrent Translate f x y
f K Past x
past Current f x
cur) InPairs (Translate f) xs
        ((forall a.
 (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') a
 -> (-.->) (Current f') (Current f -.-> Current f'') a)
-> NP (f' -.-> (f -.-> f'')) xs
-> NP (Current f' -.-> (Current f -.-> Current f'')) xs
forall k l (h :: (k -> *) -> l -> *) (xs :: l) (f :: k -> *)
       (f' :: k -> *).
(SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
hmap ((Current f' a -> Current f a -> Current f'' a)
-> (-.->) (Current f') (Current f -.-> Current f'') a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k) (f' :: k -> *) (f'' :: k -> *).
(f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> (-.->) f (f' -.-> f'') a
fn_2 ((Current f' a -> Current f a -> Current f'' a)
 -> (-.->) (Current f') (Current f -.-> Current f'') a)
-> ((-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') a
    -> Current f' a -> Current f a -> Current f'' a)
-> (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') a
-> (-.->) (Current f') (Current f -.-> Current f'') a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') a
-> Current f' a -> Current f a -> Current f'' a
forall blk.
(-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') blk
-> Current f' blk -> Current f blk -> Current f'' blk
liftUpdTip) NP (f' -.-> (f -.-> f'')) xs
        Telescope (K Past) (Current f') xs
        Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
    liftUpdTip :: (f' -.-> f -.-> f'') blk
               -> Current f' blk -> Current f blk -> Current f'' blk
    liftUpdTip :: (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') blk
-> Current f' blk -> Current f blk -> Current f'' blk
liftUpdTip (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') blk
f = (f blk -> f'' blk) -> Current f blk -> Current f'' blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk (f' :: * -> *).
(f blk -> f' blk) -> Current f blk -> Current f' blk
lift ((f blk -> f'' blk) -> Current f blk -> Current f'' blk)
-> (Current f' blk -> f blk -> f'' blk)
-> Current f' blk
-> Current f blk
-> Current f'' blk
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (-.->) f f'' blk -> f blk -> f'' blk
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (a :: k).
(-.->) f g a -> f a -> g a
apFn ((-.->) f f'' blk -> f blk -> f'' blk)
-> (Current f' blk -> (-.->) f f'' blk)
-> Current f' blk
-> f blk
-> f'' blk
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') blk -> f' blk -> (-.->) f f'' blk
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (a :: k).
(-.->) f g a -> f a -> g a
apFn (-.->) f' (f -.-> f'') blk
f (f' blk -> (-.->) f f'' blk)
-> (Current f' blk -> f' blk) -> Current f' blk -> (-.->) f f'' blk
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Current f' blk -> f' blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk

    newCurrent :: Translate f blk blk'
               -> K Past blk
               -> Current f blk
               -> (K Past blk, Current f blk')
    newCurrent :: Translate f blk blk'
-> K Past blk -> Current f blk -> (K Past blk, Current f blk')
newCurrent Translate f blk blk'
f (K Past
past) Current f blk
curF = (
          Past -> K Past blk
forall k a (b :: k). a -> K a b
K Past :: Bound -> Bound -> Past
Past  { pastStart :: Bound
pastStart    = Current f blk -> Bound
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> Bound
currentStart Current f blk
                  , pastEnd :: Bound
pastEnd      = Bound
        , Current :: forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Bound -> f blk -> Current f blk
Current { currentStart :: Bound
currentStart = Bound
                  , currentState :: f blk'
currentState = Translate f blk blk' -> EpochNo -> f blk -> f blk'
forall (f :: * -> *) x y. Translate f x y -> EpochNo -> f x -> f y
translateWith Translate f blk blk'
                                     (Bound -> EpochNo
boundEpoch Bound
                                     (Current f blk -> f blk
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk
currentState Current f blk
        curEnd :: Bound
        curEnd :: Bound
curEnd = Past -> Bound
pastEnd Past


reconstructSummary :: History.Shape xs
                   -> TransitionInfo         -- ^ At the tip
                   -> HardForkState f xs
                   -> History.Summary xs
reconstructSummary :: Shape xs -> TransitionInfo -> HardForkState f xs -> Summary xs
reconstructSummary (History.Shape Exactly xs EraParams
shape) TransitionInfo
transition (HardForkState Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
st) =
    NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> Summary xs
forall (xs :: [*]). NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> Summary xs
History.Summary (NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> Summary xs)
-> NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> Summary xs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Exactly xs EraParams
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> NonEmpty xs EraSummary
forall (xs' :: [*]) (f :: * -> *).
Exactly xs' EraParams
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> NonEmpty xs' EraSummary
go Exactly xs EraParams
shape Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
    go :: Exactly xs' EraParams
       -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs'
       -> NonEmpty xs' EraSummary
    go :: Exactly xs' EraParams
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> NonEmpty xs' EraSummary
go Exactly xs' EraParams
ExactlyNil              Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs'
t                   = case Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs'
t of {}
    go (ExactlyCons EraParams
params Exactly xs EraParams
ss) (TS (K Past{Bound
pastEnd :: Bound
pastStart :: Bound
pastEnd :: Past -> Bound
pastStart :: Past -> Bound
..}) Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
t) =
-> NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a (xs :: [*]) x. a -> NonEmpty xs a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyCons (Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary Bound
pastStart (Bound -> EraEnd
EraEnd Bound
pastEnd) EraParams
params) (NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary)
-> NonEmpty xs EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Exactly xs EraParams
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs -> NonEmpty xs EraSummary
forall (xs' :: [*]) (f :: * -> *).
Exactly xs' EraParams
-> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs' -> NonEmpty xs' EraSummary
go Exactly xs EraParams
ss Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
    go (ExactlyCons EraParams
params Exactly xs EraParams
ss) (TZ Current{f x
currentState :: f x
currentStart :: Bound
currentState :: forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk
currentStart :: forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> Bound
..}) =
        case TransitionInfo
transition of
          TransitionKnown EpochNo
epoch ->
            -- We haven't reached the next era yet, but the transition is
            -- already known. The safe zone applies from the start of the
            -- next era.
            let currentEnd :: Bound
currentEnd = HasCallStack => EraParams -> Bound -> EpochNo -> Bound
EraParams -> Bound -> EpochNo -> Bound
History.mkUpperBound EraParams
params Bound
currentStart EpochNo
                nextStart :: Bound
nextStart  = Bound
            in case Exactly xs EraParams
ss of
              ExactlyCons EraParams
nextParams Exactly xs EraParams
_ ->
-> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : x : xs) EraSummary
forall a (xs :: [*]) x. a -> NonEmpty xs a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyCons EraSummary :: Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary {
                      eraStart :: Bound
eraStart  = Bound
                    , eraParams :: EraParams
eraParams = EraParams
                    , eraEnd :: EraEnd
eraEnd    = Bound -> EraEnd
EraEnd Bound
                (NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : x : xs) EraSummary)
-> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : x : xs) EraSummary
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a x (xs :: [*]). a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyOne EraSummary :: Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary {
                      eraStart :: Bound
eraStart  = Bound
                    , eraParams :: EraParams
eraParams = EraParams
                    , eraEnd :: EraEnd
eraEnd    = EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
                                    (Bound -> SlotNo
boundSlot Bound
              Exactly xs EraParams
ExactlyNil               ->
                -- HOWEVER, this code doesn't know what that next era is! This
                -- can arise when a node has not updated its code despite an
                -- imminent hard fork.
                -- In the specific case of 'ShelleyBlock' and 'CardanoBlock', a
                -- lot would have to go wrong in the PR review process for
                -- 'TransitionKnown' to arise during the last known era in the
                -- code. The 'ShelleyBlock' 'singleEraTransition' method leads
                -- to 'TransitionKnown' here only based on the
                -- 'shelleyTriggerHardFork' field of its ledger config, which is
                -- statically set by a quite obvious pattern in
                -- 'protocolInfoCardano', which is passed concrete arguments by
                -- a similarly obvious pattern in
                -- 'mkSomeConsensusProtocolCardano' defined in the
                -- @cardano-node@ repo.
                EraSummary -> NonEmpty '[x] EraSummary
forall a x (xs :: [*]). a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyOne EraSummary :: Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary {
                    eraStart :: Bound
eraStart  = Bound
                  , eraParams :: EraParams
eraParams = EraParams
                  , eraEnd :: EraEnd
eraEnd    = Bound -> EraEnd
EraEnd Bound
          TransitionUnknown WithOrigin SlotNo
ledgerTip -> EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a x (xs :: [*]). a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyOne (EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary)
-> EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EraSummary :: Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary {
                eraStart :: Bound
eraStart  = Bound
              , eraParams :: EraParams
eraParams = EraParams
              , eraEnd :: EraEnd
eraEnd    = EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
                              -- Even if the safe zone is 0, the first slot at
                              -- which the next era could begin is the /next/
                              (WithOrigin SlotNo -> SlotNo
next WithOrigin SlotNo
          -- 'TransitionImpossible' is used in one of two cases: we are in the
          -- final era this chain will ever have (handled by the corresponding
          -- 'UnsafeIndefiniteSafeZone' case within 'applySafeZone' below) or
          -- this era is a future era that hasn't begun yet, in which case the
          -- safe zone must start at the beginning of this era.
TransitionImpossible -> EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a x (xs :: [*]). a -> NonEmpty (x : xs) a
NonEmptyOne (EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary)
-> EraSummary -> NonEmpty (x : xs) EraSummary
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EraSummary :: Bound -> EraEnd -> EraParams -> EraSummary
EraSummary {
                eraStart :: Bound
eraStart  = Bound
              , eraParams :: EraParams
eraParams = EraParams
              , eraEnd :: EraEnd
eraEnd    = EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
                              (Bound -> SlotNo
boundSlot Bound

    -- Apply safe zone from the specified 'SlotNo'
    -- All arguments must be referring to or in the same era.
    applySafeZone :: EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
    applySafeZone :: EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
applySafeZone params :: EraParams
eraSafeZone :: EraParams -> SafeZone
eraSlotLength :: EraParams -> SlotLength
eraEpochSize :: EraParams -> EpochSize
eraSafeZone :: SafeZone
eraSlotLength :: SlotLength
eraEpochSize :: EpochSize
..} Bound
start =
        case SafeZone
eraSafeZone of
UnsafeIndefiniteSafeZone ->
              EraEnd -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const EraEnd
          StandardSafeZone Word64
safeFromTip ->
              Bound -> EraEnd
            (Bound -> EraEnd) -> (SlotNo -> Bound) -> SlotNo -> EraEnd
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HasCallStack => EraParams -> Bound -> EpochNo -> Bound
EraParams -> Bound -> EpochNo -> Bound
History.mkUpperBound EraParams
params Bound
            (EpochNo -> Bound) -> (SlotNo -> EpochNo) -> SlotNo -> Bound
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EraParams -> Bound -> SlotNo -> EpochNo
History.slotToEpochBound EraParams
params Bound
            (SlotNo -> EpochNo) -> (SlotNo -> SlotNo) -> SlotNo -> EpochNo
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Word64 -> SlotNo -> SlotNo
History.addSlots Word64

    next :: WithOrigin SlotNo -> SlotNo
    next :: WithOrigin SlotNo -> SlotNo
next WithOrigin SlotNo
Origin        = Word64 -> SlotNo
SlotNo Word64
    next (NotOrigin SlotNo
s) = SlotNo -> SlotNo
forall a. Enum a => a -> a
succ SlotNo