Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Error policies, and integration with SuspendDecision -semigroup action on PeerState .



data ErrorPolicies Source #

List of error policies for exception handling and a policy for handing application return values.




data ErrorPolicy where Source #




evalErrorPolicies :: forall e. Exception e => e -> [ ErrorPolicy ] -> Maybe ( SuspendDecision DiffTime ) Source #

Evaluate a list of ErrorPolicy s; If none of them applies this function returns Nothing , in this case the exception will be traced and not thrown.

type CompleteApplication m s addr r = Result addr r -> s -> STM m ( CompleteApplicationResult m addr s) Source #

Complete a connection, which receive application result (or exception).

data Result addr r where Source #

Result of the connection thread. It's either result of an application, or an exception thrown by it.


ApplicationResult :: ! Time -> !addr -> !r -> Result addr r
Connected :: ! Time -> !addr -> Result addr r
ConnectionError :: Exception e => ! Time -> !addr -> !e -> Result addr r
ApplicationError :: Exception e => ! Time -> !addr -> !e -> Result addr r


data ErrorPolicyTrace Source #

Trace data for error policies


ErrorPolicySuspendPeer ( Maybe (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )) DiffTime DiffTime

suspending peer with a given exception until

ErrorPolicySuspendConsumer ( Maybe (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )) DiffTime

suspending consumer until

ErrorPolicyLocalNodeError (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )

caught a local exception


resume a peer (both consumer and producer)


consumer was suspended until producer will resume


resume consumer


resume producer

ErrorPolicyUnhandledApplicationException SomeException

an application throwed an exception, which was not handled by any ErrorPolicy .

ErrorPolicyUnhandledConnectionException SomeException

connect throwed an exception, which was not handled by any ErrorPolicy .

ErrorPolicyAcceptException IOException

accept throwed an exception

Re-exports of PeerState

data SuspendDecision t Source #

Semigroup of commands which acts on PeerState . The t variable might be initiated to DiffTime or Time m .

This semigroup allows to either suspend both consumer and producer or just the consumer part.


SuspendPeer !t !t

peer is suspend; The first t is the time until which a local producer is suspended, the second one is the time until which a local consumer is suspended.

SuspendConsumer !t

suspend local consumer / initiator side until t (this mean we are not allowing to communicate with the producer / responder of a remote peer).


throw an error from the main thread.


Instances details
Functor SuspendDecision Source #
Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState

Eq t => Eq ( SuspendDecision t) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState

Ord t => Ord ( SuspendDecision t) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState

Show t => Show ( SuspendDecision t) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState

Ord t => Semigroup ( SuspendDecision t) Source #

The semigroup instance. Note that composing SuspendPeer with SuspendConsumer gives SuspendPeer . SuspendPeer and SuspendConsumer form a sub-semigroup.

Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState

SAct ( SuspendDecision Time ) ( Maybe ( PeerState m)) Source #

Action of SuspendDecision on Maybe PeerState . We use this action together with alter function.

Note: SuspendDecision does not act on PeerState , only the sub-semigroup generated by SuspendConsumer and SuspendPeer does.

Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Subscription.PeerState