ouroboros-network- A networking layer for the Ouroboros blockchain protocol
Safe Haskell Safe-Inferred
Language Haskell2010




data BlockFetchServer block point m a where Source #


BlockFetchServer :: ( ChainRange point -> m ( BlockFetchBlockSender block point m a)) -> a -> BlockFetchServer block point m a

data BlockFetchBlockSender block point m a where Source #

Send batches of blocks, when a batch is sent loop using BlockFetchServer .


SendMsgStartBatch :: m ( BlockFetchSendBlocks block point m a) -> BlockFetchBlockSender block point m a

Initiate a batch of blocks.

SendMsgNoBlocks :: m ( BlockFetchServer block point m a) -> BlockFetchBlockSender block point m a

data BlockFetchSendBlocks block point m a where Source #

Stream batch of blocks


SendMsgBlock :: block -> m ( BlockFetchSendBlocks block point m a) -> BlockFetchSendBlocks block point m a

Send a single block and recurse.

SendMsgBatchDone :: m ( BlockFetchServer block point m a) -> BlockFetchSendBlocks block point m a

End of the stream of block bodies.