{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
{-| Freer effects for querying and updating the chain index state.
module Plutus.ChainIndex.Effects(
    -- * Query effect
    , datumFromHash
    , validatorFromHash
    , mintingPolicyFromHash
    , stakeValidatorFromHash
    , redeemerFromHash
    , txOutFromRef
    , unspentTxOutFromRef
    , txFromTxId
    , utxoSetMembership
    , utxoSetAtAddress
    , unspentTxOutSetAtAddress
    , datumsAtAddress
    , utxoSetWithCurrency
    , txoSetAtAddress
    , txsFromTxIds
    , getTip
    -- * Control effect
    , ChainIndexControlEffect(..)
    , appendBlocks
    , rollback
    , resumeSync
    , collectGarbage
    , getDiagnostics
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Freer.Extras.Pagination (PageQuery)
import Control.Monad.Freer.TH (makeEffect)
import Ledger.Credential (Credential)
import Ledger.Tx (DecoratedTxOut, TxId, TxOutRef, Versioned)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Api (IsUtxoResponse, QueryResponse, TxosResponse, UtxosResponse)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Tx (ChainIndexTx)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Types (ChainSyncBlock, Diagnostics, Point, Tip)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (Datum, DatumHash, MintingPolicy, MintingPolicyHash, Redeemer, RedeemerHash, StakeValidator,
                             StakeValidatorHash, Validator, ValidatorHash)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value (AssetClass)

data ChainIndexQueryEffect r where

    -- | Get the datum from a datum hash (if available)
    DatumFromHash :: DatumHash -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe Datum)

    -- | Get the validator from a validator hash (if available)
    ValidatorFromHash :: ValidatorHash -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe (Versioned Validator))

    -- | Get the monetary policy from an MPS hash (if available)
    MintingPolicyFromHash :: MintingPolicyHash -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))

    -- | Get the redeemer from a redeemer hash (if available)
    RedeemerFromHash :: RedeemerHash -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe Redeemer)

    -- | Get the stake validator from a stake validator hash (if available)
    StakeValidatorFromHash :: StakeValidatorHash -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))

    -- | Get the TxOut from a TxOutRef (if available)
    UnspentTxOutFromRef :: TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)

    -- | Get the TxOut from a TxOutRef (if available)
    TxOutFromRef :: TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)

    -- | Get the transaction for a tx ID
    TxFromTxId :: TxId -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (Maybe ChainIndexTx)

    -- | Whether a tx output is part of the UTXO set
    UtxoSetMembership :: TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQueryEffect IsUtxoResponse

    -- | Unspent outputs located at addresses with the given credential.
    UtxoSetAtAddress :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> Credential -> ChainIndexQueryEffect UtxosResponse

    -- | Get the unspent txouts located at an address
    -- This is to avoid multiple queries from chain-index when using utxosAt
    UnspentTxOutSetAtAddress :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> Credential -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])

    -- | get the datums located at addresses with the given credential.
    DatumsAtAddress :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> Credential -> ChainIndexQueryEffect (QueryResponse [Datum])

    -- | Unspent outputs containing a specific currency ('AssetClass').
    -- Note that requesting unspent outputs containing Ada should not return
    -- anything, as this request will always return all unspent outputs.
    UtxoSetWithCurrency :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> AssetClass -> ChainIndexQueryEffect UtxosResponse

    -- | Get the transactions for a list of tx IDs.
    TxsFromTxIds :: [TxId] -> ChainIndexQueryEffect [ChainIndexTx]

    -- | Outputs located at addresses with the given credential.
    TxoSetAtAddress :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> Credential -> ChainIndexQueryEffect TxosResponse

    -- | Get the tip of the chain index
    GetTip :: ChainIndexQueryEffect Tip

makeEffect ''ChainIndexQueryEffect

data ChainIndexControlEffect r where

    -- | Add new blocks to the chain index.
    AppendBlocks :: [ChainSyncBlock] -> ChainIndexControlEffect ()

    -- | Roll back to a previous state (previous tip)
    Rollback    :: Point -> ChainIndexControlEffect ()

    -- | Resume syncing from a certain point
    ResumeSync  :: Point -> ChainIndexControlEffect ()

    -- | Delete all data that is not covered by current UTxOs.
    CollectGarbage :: ChainIndexControlEffect ()

    GetDiagnostics :: ChainIndexControlEffect Diagnostics

makeEffect ''ChainIndexControlEffect