{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module PlutusCore.Builtin.HasConstant
    ( throwNotAConstant
    , HasConstant (..)
    , HasConstantIn
    ) where

import PlutusCore.Core
import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Exception
import PlutusCore.Name

import Control.Monad.Except
import Universe

-- | Throw an 'UnliftingError' saying that the received argument is not a constant.
    :: (MonadError (ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err)
    => Maybe cause -> m r
throwNotAConstant :: Maybe cause -> m r
throwNotAConstant = AReview err UnliftingError -> UnliftingError -> Maybe cause -> m r
forall exc e t term (m :: * -> *) x.
(exc ~ ErrorWithCause e term, MonadError exc m) =>
AReview e t -> t -> Maybe term -> m x
throwingWithCause AReview err UnliftingError
forall r. AsUnliftingError r => Prism' r UnliftingError
_UnliftingError UnliftingError
"Not a constant"

-- | Ensures that @term@ has a 'Constant'-like constructor to lift values to and unlift values from.
class HasConstant term where
    -- Switching from 'MonadError' to 'Either' here gave us a speedup of 2-4%.
    -- | Unlift from the 'Constant' constructor throwing an 'UnliftingError' if the provided @term@
    -- is not a 'Constant'.
        :: AsUnliftingError err
        => Maybe cause -> term -> Either (ErrorWithCause err cause) (Some (ValueOf (UniOf term)))

    -- | Wrap a Haskell value as a @term@.
    fromConstant :: Some (ValueOf (UniOf term)) -> term

-- | Ensures that @term@ has a 'Constant'-like constructor to lift values to and unlift values from
-- and connects @term@ and its @uni@.
type HasConstantIn uni term = (UniOf term ~ uni, HasConstant term)

instance HasConstant (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) where
    asConstant :: Maybe cause
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ()
-> Either
     (ErrorWithCause err cause)
     (Some (ValueOf (UniOf (Term TyName Name uni fun ()))))
asConstant Maybe cause
_        (Constant ()
_ Some (ValueOf uni)
val) = Some (ValueOf uni)
-> Either (ErrorWithCause err cause) (Some (ValueOf uni))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Some (ValueOf uni)
    asConstant Maybe cause
mayCause Term TyName Name uni fun ()
_                = Maybe cause
-> Either (ErrorWithCause err cause) (Some (ValueOf uni))
forall err cause (m :: * -> *) r.
(MonadError (ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err) =>
Maybe cause -> m r
throwNotAConstant Maybe cause

    fromConstant :: Some (ValueOf (UniOf (Term TyName Name uni fun ())))
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ()
fromConstant = () -> Some (ValueOf uni) -> Term TyName Name uni fun ()
forall tyname name (uni :: * -> *) fun ann.
ann -> Some (ValueOf uni) -> Term tyname name uni fun ann
Constant ()