postgresql-simple-0.6.5: Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Leonid Onokhov Joey Adams
License BSD3
Maintainer Leon P Smith <>
Stability experimental
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



| Module for parsing errors from postgresql error messages. Currently only parses integrity violation errors (class 23).

Note: Success of parsing may depend on language settings.



data ConstraintViolation Source #


NotNullViolation ByteString

The field is a column name

ForeignKeyViolation ByteString ByteString

Table name and name of violated constraint

UniqueViolation ByteString

Name of violated constraint

CheckViolation ByteString ByteString

Relation name (usually table), constraint name

ExclusionViolation ByteString

Name of the exclusion violation constraint

constraintViolation :: SqlError -> Maybe ConstraintViolation Source #

Tries to convert SqlError to ConstrainViolation , checks sqlState and succeeds only if able to parse sqlErrorMsg.

createUser = handleJust constraintViolation handler $ execute conn ...
    handler (UniqueViolation "user_login_key") = ...
    handler _ = ...

constraintViolationE :: SqlError -> Maybe ( SqlError , ConstraintViolation ) Source #

Like constraintViolation, but also packs original SqlError.

createUser = handleJust constraintViolationE handler $ execute conn ...
    handler (_, UniqueViolation "user_login_key") = ...
    handler (e, _) = throwIO e

catchViolation :: ( SqlError -> ConstraintViolation -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #

Catches SqlError, tries to convert to ConstraintViolation, re-throws on fail. Provides alternative interface to handleJust

createUser = catchViolation catcher $ execute conn ...
    catcher _ (UniqueViolation "user_login_key") = ...
    catcher e _ = throwIO e