postgresql-simple-0.6.5: Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Module with newtypes suitable to usage with DerivingVia or standalone.

The newtypes are named after packages they wrap.



newtype Aeson a Source #

A newtype wrapper with ToField and FromField instances based on ToJSON and FromJSON type classes from aeson .

Example using DerivingVia :

data Foo = Foo Int String
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)            -- GHC built int
  deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)          -- Derived using GHC Generics
  deriving (ToField, FromField) via Aeson Foo   -- DerivingVia

Example using Aeson newtype directly, for more ad-hoc queries

execute conn "INSERT INTO tbl (fld) VALUES (?)" (Only (Aeson x))

Since: 0.6.3


Aeson a