selective-0.5: Selective applicative functors
Copyright (c) Andrey Mokhov 2018-2019
License MIT (see the file LICENSE)
Stability experimental
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



This is a library for selective applicative functors , or just selective functors for short, an abstraction between applicative functors and monads, introduced in this paper: .

This module defines free selective functors using the ideas from the Sjoerd Visscher's package 'free-functors': .


Free selective functors

newtype Select f a Source #

Free selective functors.


Select ( forall g. Selective g => ( forall x. f x -> g x) -> g a)

liftSelect :: f a -> Select f a Source #

Lift a functor into a free selective computation.

Static analysis

getPure :: Select f a -> Maybe a Source #

Extract the resulting value if there are no necessary effects.

getEffects :: Functor f => Select f a -> [f ()] Source #

Collect all possible effects in the order they appear in a free selective computation.

getNecessaryEffects :: Functor f => Select f a -> [f ()] Source #

Extract all necessary effects in the order they appear in a free selective computation.

runSelect :: Selective g => ( forall x. f x -> g x) -> Select f a -> g a Source #

Given a natural transformation from f to g , this gives a canonical natural transformation from Select f to g . Note that here we rely on the fact that g is a lawful selective functor.

foldSelect :: Monoid m => ( forall x. f x -> m) -> Select f a -> m Source #

Concatenate all effects of a free selective computation.