selective-0.5: Selective applicative functors
Copyright (c) Andrey Mokhov 2018-2020
License MIT (see the file LICENSE)
Stability experimental
Safe Haskell Safe-Inferred
Language Haskell2010



This is a library for selective applicative functors , or just selective functors for short, an abstraction between applicative functors and monads, introduced in this paper: .

This module defines multi-way selective functors , which are more efficient when selecting from a large number of options. They also fully subsume the Applicative type class because they allow to express the notion of independet effects.

This definition is inspired by the following construction by Daniel Peebles, with the main difference being the added Enumerable constraint:


Generalised sum types

data Sigma t where Source #

A generalised sum type where t stands for the type of constructor "tags". Each tag has a type parameter x which determines the type of the payload. A Sigma t value therefore contains a payload whose type is not visible externally but is revealed when pattern-matching on the tag.

See Two , eitherToSigma and sigmaToEither for an example.


Sigma :: t x -> x -> Sigma t

inject :: t x -> x -> Sigma t Source #

An injection into a generalised sum. An alias for Sigma .

data Zero a Source #

A data type defining no tags. Similar to Void but parameterised.


Instances details
Enumerable Zero Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

data One a b where Source #

A data type with a single tag. This data type is commonly known as Refl , see Data.Type.Equality .


One :: One a a


Instances details
Enumerable ( One a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

data Two a b c where Source #

A data type with two tags A and B that allows us to encode the good old Either as Sigma Two , where the tags A and B correspond to Left and Right , respectively. See eitherToSigma and sigmaToEither that witness the isomorphism between Either a b and Sigma ( Two a b) .


A :: Two a b a
B :: Two a b b


Instances details
Enumerable ( Two a b) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

data Many a b where Source #

A potentially uncountable collection of tags for the same unit () payload.


Many :: a -> Many a ()


Instances details
Enum a => Enumerable ( Many a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

matchPure :: Sigma t -> ( forall x. t x -> x -> a) -> a Source #

Generalised pattern matching on a Sigma type using a Pi type to describe how to handle each case.

This is a specialisation of matchCases for f = Identity . We could also have also given it the following type:

matchPure :: Sigma t -> (t ~> Case Identity a) -> a

We chose to simplify it by inlining ~> , Case and Identity .

eitherToSigma :: Either a b -> Sigma ( Two a b) Source #

Encode Either into a generalised sum type.

sigmaToEither :: Sigma ( Two a b) -> Either a b Source #

Decode Either from a generalised sum type.

Selective functors

data Some t where Source #

Hide the type of the payload a tag.

There is a whole library dedicated to this nice little GADT: .


Some :: t a -> Some t

class Enumerable t where Source #

A class of tags that can be enumerated.

A valid instance must list every tag in the resulting list exactly once.

class Applicative f => Selective f where Source #

Multi-way selective functors. Given a computation that produces a value of a sum type, we can match it to the corresponding computation in a given product type.

For greater similarity with matchCases , we could have given the following type to match :

match :: f (Sigma t) -> (t ~> Case f a) -> f a

We chose to simplify it by inlining ~> and Case .


match :: Enumerable t => f ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> f (x -> a)) -> f a Source #


Instances details
Monoid m => Selective ( Under m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


match :: Enumerable t => Under m ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> Under m (x -> a)) -> Under m a Source #

Monoid m => Selective ( Over m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


match :: Enumerable t => Over m ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> Over m (x -> a)) -> Over m a Source #

newtype Over m a Source #

Static analysis of selective functors with over-approximation.





Instances details
Functor ( Over m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Over m a -> Over m b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Over m b -> Over m a Source #

Monoid m => Applicative ( Over m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Monoid m => Selective ( Over m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


match :: Enumerable t => Over m ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> Over m (x -> a)) -> Over m a Source #

Eq m => Eq ( Over m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Ord m => Ord ( Over m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Show m => Show ( Over m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

newtype Under m a Source #

Static analysis of selective functors with under-approximation.





Instances details
Functor ( Under m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Under m a -> Under m b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Under m b -> Under m a Source #

Monoid m => Applicative ( Under m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Monoid m => Selective ( Under m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi


match :: Enumerable t => Under m ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> Under m (x -> a)) -> Under m a Source #

Eq m => Eq ( Under m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Ord m => Ord ( Under m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

Show m => Show ( Under m a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Selective.Multi

select :: Selective f => f ( Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b Source #

The basic "if-then" selection primitive from Control.Selective .

branch :: Selective f => f ( Either a b) -> f (a -> c) -> f (b -> c) -> f c Source #

Choose a matching effect with Either .

apS :: Selective f => f a -> f (a -> b) -> f b Source #

Recover the application operator <*> from match .

bindS :: ( Enum a, Selective f) => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b Source #

A restricted version of monadic bind.

Applicative functors

class Functor f => ApplicativeS f where Source #

An alternative definition of applicative functors, as witnessed by ap and matchOne . This class is almost like Selective but has a strict constraint on t .


pureA :: a -> f a Source #

matchOne :: t ~ One x => f ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> f (x -> a)) -> f a Source #

ap :: ApplicativeS f => f a -> f (a -> b) -> f b Source #

Recover the application operator <*> from matchOne .

matchA :: ( Applicative f, t ~ One x) => f ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> f (x -> a)) -> f a Source #

Every Applicative is also an ApplicativeS .


class Applicative f => MonadS f where Source #

An alternative definition of monads, as witnessed by bind and matchM . This class is almost like Selective but has no the constraint on t .


matchUnconstrained :: f ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> f (x -> a)) -> f a Source #

bind :: MonadS f => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b Source #

Monadic bind.

matchM :: Monad f => f ( Sigma t) -> ( forall x. t x -> f (x -> a)) -> f a Source #

Every monad is a multi-way selective functor.

Generalised products and various combinators

type (~>) t u = forall x. t x -> u x infixl 4 Source #

A generalised product type (Pi), which holds an appropriately tagged payload u x for every possible tag t x .

Note that this looks different than the standard formulation of Pi types. Maybe it's just all wrong!

See Two , pairToPi and piToPair for an example.

type Pi t = t ~> Identity Source #

A product type where the payload has the type specified with the tag.

project :: t a -> Pi t -> a Source #

A projection from a generalised product.

identity :: t ~> t Source #

A trivial product type that stores nothing and simply returns the given tag as the result.

compose :: (u ~> v) -> (t ~> u) -> t ~> v Source #

As it turns out, one can compose such generalised products. Why not: given a tag, get the payload of the first product and then pass it as input to the second. This feels too trivial to be useful but is still somewhat cute.

apply :: (t ~> u) -> Sigma t -> Sigma u Source #

Update a generalised sum given a generalised product that takes care of all possible cases.

toSigma :: a -> Sigma ( One a) Source #

Encode a value into a generalised sum type that has a single tag One .

fromSigma :: Sigma ( One a) -> a Source #

Decode a value from a generalised sum type that has a single tag One .

toPi :: a -> Pi ( One a) Source #

Encode a value into a generalised product type that has a single tag One .

fromPi :: Pi ( One a) -> a Source #

Decode a value from a generalised product type that has a single tag One .

pairToPi :: (a, b) -> Pi ( Two a b) Source #

Encode (a, b) into a generalised product type.

piToPair :: Pi ( Two a b) -> (a, b) Source #

Decode (a, b) from a generalised product type.

newtype Case f a x Source #

Handler of a single case in a generalised pattern matching matchCases .




matchCases :: Functor f => Sigma t -> (t ~> Case f a) -> f a Source #

Generalised pattern matching on a Sigma type using a Pi type to describe how to handle each case.