servant-websockets-2.0.0: Small library providing WebSocket endpoints for servant.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




data WebSocket Source #

Endpoint for defining a route to provide a web socket. The handler function gets an already negotiated websocket Connection to send and receive data.


type WebSocketApi = "stream" :> WebSocket

server :: Server WebSocketApi
server = streamData
  streamData :: MonadIO m => Connection -> m ()
  streamData c = do
    liftIO $ forkPingThread c 10
    liftIO . forM_ [1..] $ \i -> do
       sendTextData c (pack $ show (i :: Int)) >> threadDelay 1000000

data WebSocketPending Source #

Endpoint for defining a route to provide a web socket. The handler function gets a PendingConnection . It can either rejectRequest or acceptRequest . This function is provided for greater flexibility to reject connections.


type WebSocketApi = "stream" :> WebSocketPending

server :: Server WebSocketApi
server = streamData
  streamData :: MonadIO m => PendingConnection -> m ()
  streamData pc = do
     c <- acceptRequest pc
     liftIO $ forkPingThread c 10
     liftIO . forM_ [1..] $ \i ->
       sendTextData c (pack $ show (i :: Int)) >> threadDelay 1000000