servant-0.19.1: A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs
Safe Haskell Safe-Inferred
Language Haskell2010



This module defines the error messages used in type-level errors. Type-level errors can signal non-existing instances, for instance when a combinator is not applied to the correct number of arguments.



type PartialApplication (tycls :: k) (expr :: k') = NoInstanceForSub tycls expr :$$: ((( ShowType expr :<>: Text " expects ") :<>: ShowType (Arity expr)) :<>: Text " more arguments") Source #

No instance exists for tycls (expr :> ...) because expr is not fully saturated.

type NoInstanceFor (expr :: k) = Text "There is no instance for " :<>: ShowType expr Source #

No instance exists for expr .

type NoInstanceForSub (tycls :: k) (expr :: k') = ((( Text "There is no instance for " :<>: ShowType tycls) :<>: Text " (") :<>: ShowType expr) :<>: Text " :> ...)" Source #

No instance exists for tycls (expr :> ...) because expr is not recognised.