{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Strict variants of 'Seq' operations.
module Data.Sequence.Strict
  ( StrictSeq (Empty, (:<|), (:|>)),

    -- * Construction

    -- * Deconstruction

    -- | Additional functions for deconstructing sequences are available
    -- via the 'Foldable' instance of 'Seq'.

    -- ** Queries

    -- * Scans

    -- * Sublists

    -- ** Sequential searches

    -- * Indexing

    -- * Indexing with predicates

    -- * Zips and unzips

import Codec.Serialise (Serialise)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl', toList)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Unit.Strict (forceElemsToWHNF)
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..), noThunksInValues)
import Prelude hiding
  ( drop,

infixr 5 ><

infixr 5 <|

infixl 5 |>

infixr 5 :<|

infixl 5 :|>

{-# COMPLETE Empty, (:<|) #-}

{-# COMPLETE Empty, (:|>) #-}

-- | A @newtype@ wrapper around a 'Seq', representing a general-purpose finite
-- sequence that is strict in its values.
-- This strictness is not enforced at the type level, but rather by the
-- construction functions in this module. These functions essentially just
-- wrap the original "Data.Sequence" functions while forcing the provided
-- value to WHNF.
newtype StrictSeq a = StrictSeq {StrictSeq a -> Seq a
fromStrict :: Seq a}
  deriving stock (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
(StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool) -> Eq (StrictSeq a)
forall a. Eq a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c/= :: forall a. Eq a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
== :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c== :: forall a. Eq a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
Eq, Eq (StrictSeq a)
Eq (StrictSeq a)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Ordering)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a)
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a)
-> Ord (StrictSeq a)
StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Ordering
StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall a. Ord a => Eq (StrictSeq a)
forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
min :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$cmin :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
max :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$cmax :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
>= :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c>= :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
> :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c> :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
<= :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c<= :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
< :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$c< :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
compare :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall a. Ord a => Eq (StrictSeq a)
Ord, Int -> StrictSeq a -> ShowS
[StrictSeq a] -> ShowS
StrictSeq a -> String
(Int -> StrictSeq a -> ShowS)
-> (StrictSeq a -> String)
-> ([StrictSeq a] -> ShowS)
-> Show (StrictSeq a)
forall a. Show a => Int -> StrictSeq a -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => [StrictSeq a] -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => StrictSeq a -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [StrictSeq a] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall a. Show a => [StrictSeq a] -> ShowS
show :: StrictSeq a -> String
$cshow :: forall a. Show a => StrictSeq a -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall a. Show a => Int -> StrictSeq a -> ShowS
  deriving newtype (a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
StrictSeq m -> m
StrictSeq a -> [a]
StrictSeq a -> Bool
StrictSeq a -> Int
StrictSeq a -> a
StrictSeq a -> a
StrictSeq a -> a
StrictSeq a -> a
(a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
(a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
(a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
(a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
(forall m. Monoid m => StrictSeq m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a)
-> (forall a. StrictSeq a -> [a])
-> (forall a. StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => StrictSeq a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => StrictSeq a -> a)
-> Foldable StrictSeq
forall a. Eq a => a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
forall a. Num a => StrictSeq a -> a
forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> a
forall m. Monoid m => StrictSeq m -> m
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Bool
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> [a]
forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
forall (t :: * -> *).
(forall m. Monoid m => t m -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a)
-> (forall a. t a -> [a])
-> (forall a. t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. t a -> Int)
-> (forall a. Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Ord a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> (forall a. Num a => t a -> a)
-> Foldable t
product :: StrictSeq a -> a
$cproduct :: forall a. Num a => StrictSeq a -> a
sum :: StrictSeq a -> a
$csum :: forall a. Num a => StrictSeq a -> a
minimum :: StrictSeq a -> a
$cminimum :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> a
maximum :: StrictSeq a -> a
$cmaximum :: forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> a
elem :: a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
$celem :: forall a. Eq a => a -> StrictSeq a -> Bool
length :: StrictSeq a -> Int
$clength :: forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
null :: StrictSeq a -> Bool
$cnull :: forall a. StrictSeq a -> Bool
toList :: StrictSeq a -> [a]
$ctoList :: forall a. StrictSeq a -> [a]
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
$cfoldl1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
$cfoldr1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> StrictSeq a -> a
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
$cfoldl' :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
$cfoldl :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
$cfoldr' :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
$cfoldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StrictSeq a -> b
foldMap' :: (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
$cfoldMap' :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
foldMap :: (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
$cfoldMap :: forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> StrictSeq a -> m
fold :: StrictSeq m -> m
$cfold :: forall m. Monoid m => StrictSeq m -> m
Foldable, Semigroup (StrictSeq a)
StrictSeq a
Semigroup (StrictSeq a)
-> StrictSeq a
-> (StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a)
-> ([StrictSeq a] -> StrictSeq a)
-> Monoid (StrictSeq a)
[StrictSeq a] -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Semigroup (StrictSeq a)
forall a. StrictSeq a
forall a.
Semigroup a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> ([a] -> a) -> Monoid a
forall a. [StrictSeq a] -> StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
mconcat :: [StrictSeq a] -> StrictSeq a
$cmconcat :: forall a. [StrictSeq a] -> StrictSeq a
mappend :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$cmappend :: forall a. StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
mempty :: StrictSeq a
$cmempty :: forall a. StrictSeq a
$cp1Monoid :: forall a. Semigroup (StrictSeq a)
Monoid, b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
NonEmpty (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
(StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a)
-> (NonEmpty (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a)
-> (forall b. Integral b => b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a)
-> Semigroup (StrictSeq a)
forall b. Integral b => b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. NonEmpty (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a.
(a -> a -> a)
-> (NonEmpty a -> a)
-> (forall b. Integral b => b -> a -> a)
-> Semigroup a
forall a b. Integral b => b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
stimes :: b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$cstimes :: forall a b. Integral b => b -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
sconcat :: NonEmpty (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a
$csconcat :: forall a. NonEmpty (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a
<> :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$c<> :: forall a. StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
Semigroup, Decoder s (StrictSeq a)
Decoder s [StrictSeq a]
[StrictSeq a] -> Encoding
StrictSeq a -> Encoding
(StrictSeq a -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (StrictSeq a))
-> ([StrictSeq a] -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s [StrictSeq a])
-> Serialise (StrictSeq a)
forall s. Decoder s [StrictSeq a]
forall s. Decoder s (StrictSeq a)
forall a. Serialise a => [StrictSeq a] -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => StrictSeq a -> Encoding
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s [StrictSeq a]
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s (StrictSeq a)
forall a.
(a -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s a)
-> ([a] -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s [a])
-> Serialise a
decodeList :: Decoder s [StrictSeq a]
$cdecodeList :: forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s [StrictSeq a]
encodeList :: [StrictSeq a] -> Encoding
$cencodeList :: forall a. Serialise a => [StrictSeq a] -> Encoding
decode :: Decoder s (StrictSeq a)
$cdecode :: forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s (StrictSeq a)
encode :: StrictSeq a -> Encoding
$cencode :: forall a. Serialise a => StrictSeq a -> Encoding
Serialise, StrictSeq a -> ()
(StrictSeq a -> ()) -> NFData (StrictSeq a)
forall a. NFData a => StrictSeq a -> ()
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
rnf :: StrictSeq a -> ()
$crnf :: forall a. NFData a => StrictSeq a -> ()

instance Functor StrictSeq where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b
fmap a -> b
f (StrictSeq Seq a
s) = Seq b -> StrictSeq b
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq b -> StrictSeq b) -> (Seq b -> Seq b) -> Seq b -> StrictSeq b
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Seq b -> Seq b
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> t a
forceElemsToWHNF (Seq b -> StrictSeq b) -> Seq b -> StrictSeq b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap a -> b
f Seq a

instance Traversable StrictSeq where
  sequenceA :: StrictSeq (f a) -> f (StrictSeq a)
sequenceA (StrictSeq Seq (f a)
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forceToStrict (Seq a -> StrictSeq a) -> f (Seq a) -> f (StrictSeq a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Seq (f a) -> f (Seq a)
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
t (f a) -> f (t a)
sequenceA Seq (f a)

-- | Instance for 'StrictSeq' checks elements only
-- The internal fingertree in 'Seq' might have thunks, which is essential for
-- its asymptotic complexity.
instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (StrictSeq a) where
  showTypeOf :: Proxy (StrictSeq a) -> String
showTypeOf Proxy (StrictSeq a)
_ = String
  wNoThunks :: Context -> StrictSeq a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
wNoThunks Context
ctxt = Context -> [a] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
forall a. NoThunks a => Context -> [a] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
noThunksInValues Context
ctxt ([a] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (StrictSeq a -> [a]) -> StrictSeq a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. StrictSeq a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (StrictSeq a) where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (StrictSeq a)
parseJSON = ([a] -> StrictSeq a) -> Parser [a] -> Parser (StrictSeq a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap [a] -> StrictSeq a
forall a. [a] -> StrictSeq a
fromList (Parser [a] -> Parser (StrictSeq a))
-> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Parser (StrictSeq a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Value -> Parser [a]
forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (StrictSeq a) where
  toJSON :: StrictSeq a -> Value
toJSON = [a] -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
toJSON ([a] -> Value) -> (StrictSeq a -> [a]) -> StrictSeq a -> Value
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. StrictSeq a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]

-- | A helper function for the ':<|' pattern.
viewFront :: StrictSeq a -> Maybe (a, StrictSeq a)
viewFront :: StrictSeq a -> Maybe (a, StrictSeq a)
viewFront (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = case Seq a -> ViewL a
forall a. Seq a -> ViewL a
Seq.viewl Seq a
xs of
  ViewL a
Seq.EmptyL -> Maybe (a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. Maybe a
x Seq.:< Seq a
xs' -> (a, StrictSeq a) -> Maybe (a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (a
x, Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a

-- | A helper function for the ':|>' pattern.
viewBack :: StrictSeq a -> Maybe (StrictSeq a, a)
viewBack :: StrictSeq a -> Maybe (StrictSeq a, a)
viewBack (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = case Seq a -> ViewR a
forall a. Seq a -> ViewR a
Seq.viewr Seq a
xs of
  ViewR a
Seq.EmptyR -> Maybe (StrictSeq a, a)
forall a. Maybe a
  Seq a
xs' Seq.:> a
x -> (StrictSeq a, a) -> Maybe (StrictSeq a, a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a
xs', a

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym matching an empty sequence.
pattern Empty :: StrictSeq a
pattern $bEmpty :: StrictSeq a
$mEmpty :: forall r a. StrictSeq a -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
Empty = StrictSeq Seq.Empty

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym viewing the front of a non-empty
-- sequence.
pattern (:<|) :: a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
pattern x $b:<| :: a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
$m:<| :: forall r a.
StrictSeq a -> (a -> StrictSeq a -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
:<| xs <-
  (viewFront -> Just (x, xs))
x :<| StrictSeq a
xs = a
x a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
<| StrictSeq a

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym viewing the rear of a non-empty
-- sequence.
pattern (:|>) :: StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
pattern xs $b:|> :: StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
$m:|> :: forall r a.
StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a -> a -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
:|> x <-
  (viewBack -> Just (xs, x))
    StrictSeq a
xs :|> a
x = StrictSeq a
xs StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
|> a


-- | \( O(1) \). The empty sequence.
empty :: StrictSeq a
empty :: StrictSeq a
empty = StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a

-- | \( O(1) \). A singleton sequence.
singleton :: a -> StrictSeq a
singleton :: a -> StrictSeq a
singleton !a
x = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (a -> Seq a
forall a. a -> Seq a
Seq.singleton a

-- | \( O(1) \). Add an element to the left end of a sequence.
-- Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
(<|) :: a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
x) <| :: a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
<| StrictSeq Seq a
s = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (a
x a -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. a -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.<| Seq a

-- | \( O(1) \). Add an element to the right end of a sequence.
-- Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
(|>) :: StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a
s |> :: StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
|> (!a
x) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq a
s Seq a -> a -> Seq a
forall a. Seq a -> a -> Seq a
Seq.|> a

-- | \( O(\log(\min(n_1,n_2))) \). Concatenate two sequences.
(><) :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a
xs >< :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
>< StrictSeq Seq a
ys = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq a
xs Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.>< Seq a

fromList :: [a] -> StrictSeq a
fromList :: [a] -> StrictSeq a
fromList ![a]
xs = (StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a)
-> StrictSeq a -> [a] -> StrictSeq a
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a -> a -> StrictSeq a
(|>) StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a
empty [a]

-- | Convert a 'Seq' into a 'StrictSeq' by forcing each element to WHNF.
forceToStrict :: Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forceToStrict :: Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forceToStrict Seq a
xs = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq a -> Seq a
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> t a
forceElemsToWHNF Seq a


-- | \( O(1) \). Is this the empty sequence?
null :: StrictSeq a -> Bool
null :: StrictSeq a -> Bool
null (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> Bool
forall a. Seq a -> Bool
Seq.null Seq a

-- | \( O(1) \). The number of elements in the sequence.
length :: StrictSeq a -> Int
length :: StrictSeq a -> Int
length (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> Int
forall a. Seq a -> Int
Seq.length Seq a


-- | 'scanl' is similar to 'foldl', but returns a sequence of reduced
-- values from the left:
-- > scanl f z (fromList [x1, x2, ...]) = fromList [z, z `f` x1, (z `f` x1) `f` x2, ...]
scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq a
scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq a
scanl a -> b -> a
f !a
z0 (StrictSeq Seq b
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq a -> StrictSeq a) -> Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Seq a -> Seq a
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> t a
forceElemsToWHNF ((a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> Seq a
forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> Seq a
Seq.scanl a -> b -> a
f a
z0 Seq b


-- | \( O(i) \) where \( i \) is the prefix length.  @'dropWhileL' p xs@ returns
-- the suffix remaining after @'takeWhileL' p xs@.
dropWhileL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropWhileL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropWhileL a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq ((a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.dropWhileL a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | \( O(i) \) where \( i \) is the suffix length.  @'dropWhileR' p xs@ returns
-- the prefix remaining after @'takeWhileR' p xs@.
-- @'dropWhileR' p xs@ is equivalent to @'reverse' ('dropWhileL' p ('reverse' xs))@.
dropWhileR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropWhileR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropWhileR a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq ((a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.dropWhileR a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | \( O(i) \) where \( i \) is the prefix length.  'spanl', applied to
-- a predicate @p@ and a sequence @xs@, returns a pair whose first
-- element is the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that
-- satisfy @p@ and the second element is the remainder of the sequence.
spanl :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
spanl :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
spanl a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
toStrictSeqTuple ((a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
Seq.spanl a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | \( O(i) \) where \( i \) is the suffix length.  'spanr', applied to a
-- predicate @p@ and a sequence @xs@, returns a pair whose /first/ element
-- is the longest /suffix/ (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that
-- satisfy @p@ and the second element is the remainder of the sequence.
spanr :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
spanr :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
spanr a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
toStrictSeqTuple ((a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
Seq.spanr a -> Bool
p Seq a


-- | \( O(\log(\min(i,n-i))) \). The element at the specified position,
-- counting from 0. If the specified position is negative or at
-- least the length of the sequence, 'lookup' returns 'Nothing'.
-- prop> 0 <= i < length xs ==> lookup i xs == Just (toList xs !! i)
-- prop> i < 0 || i >= length xs ==> lookup i xs = Nothing
-- Unlike 'index', this can be used to retrieve an element without
-- forcing it. For example, to insert the fifth element of a sequence
-- @xs@ into a 'Data.Map.Lazy.Map' @m@ at key @k@, you could use
-- @
-- case lookup 5 xs of
--   Nothing -> m
--   Just x -> 'Data.Map.Lazy.insert' k x m
-- @
lookup :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe a
lookup :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe a
lookup Int
i (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Int -> Seq a -> Maybe a
forall a. Int -> Seq a -> Maybe a
Seq.lookup Int
i Seq a

-- | \( O(\log(\min(i,n-i))) \). A flipped, infix version of 'lookup'.
(!?) :: StrictSeq a -> Int -> Maybe a
!? :: StrictSeq a -> Int -> Maybe a
(!?) = (Int -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe a) -> StrictSeq a -> Int -> Maybe a
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip Int -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe a
forall a. Int -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe a

-- | \( O(\log(\min(i,n-i))) \). The first @i@ elements of a sequence.
-- If @i@ is negative, @'take' i s@ yields the empty sequence.
-- If the sequence contains fewer than @i@ elements, the whole sequence
-- is returned.
take :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
take :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
take Int
i (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.take Int
i Seq a

-- | Take the last @n@ elements
-- Returns the entire sequence if it has fewer than @n@ elements.
-- Inherits asymptotic complexity from @drop@.
takeLast :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
takeLast :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
takeLast Int
i StrictSeq a
  | StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
i = Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
drop (StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
i) StrictSeq a
  | Bool
otherwise = StrictSeq a

-- | \( O(\log(\min(i,n-i))) \). Elements of a sequence after the first @i@.
-- If @i@ is negative, @'drop' i s@ yields the whole sequence.
-- If the sequence contains fewer than @i@ elements, the empty sequence
-- is returned.
drop :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
drop :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
drop Int
i (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
forall a. Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
Seq.drop Int
i Seq a

-- | Drop the last @n@ elements
-- Returns the @Empty@ sequence if it has fewer than @n@ elements.
-- Inherits asymptotic complexity from @take@.
dropLast :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropLast :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
dropLast Int
i StrictSeq a
  | StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
i = Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Int -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq a
take (StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
i) StrictSeq a
  | Bool
otherwise = StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a

-- | \( O(\log(\min(i,n-i))) \). Split a sequence at a given position.
-- @'splitAt' i s = ('take' i s, 'drop' i s)@.
splitAt :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
splitAt :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
splitAt Int
i (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
toStrictSeqTuple (Int -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
forall a. Int -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
Seq.splitAt Int
i Seq a

-- | Split at the given position counting from the end of the sequence.
-- Inherits asymptotic complexity from 'splitAt'.
splitAtEnd :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
splitAtEnd :: Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
splitAtEnd Int
i StrictSeq a
  | StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
i = Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
forall a. Int -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
splitAt (StrictSeq a -> Int
forall a. StrictSeq a -> Int
length StrictSeq a
xs Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
i) StrictSeq a
  | Bool
otherwise = (StrictSeq a
forall a. StrictSeq a
Empty, StrictSeq a

-- | @'findIndexL' p xs@ finds the index of the leftmost element that
-- satisfies @p@, if any exist.
findIndexL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe Int
findIndexL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe Int
findIndexL a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Maybe Int
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Maybe Int
Seq.findIndexL a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | @'findIndexR' p xs@ finds the index of the rightmost element that
-- satisfies @p@, if any exist.
findIndexR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe Int
findIndexR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> Maybe Int
findIndexR a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Maybe Int
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> Maybe Int
Seq.findIndexR a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | @'findIndicesL' p@ finds all indices of elements that satisfy @p@, in
-- ascending order.
findIndicesL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> [Int]
findIndicesL :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> [Int]
findIndicesL a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> [Int]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> [Int]
Seq.findIndicesL a -> Bool
p Seq a

-- | @'findIndicesR' p@ finds all indices of elements that satisfy @p@, in
-- descending order.
findIndicesR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> [Int]
findIndicesR :: (a -> Bool) -> StrictSeq a -> [Int]
findIndicesR a -> Bool
p (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> [Int]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> Seq a -> [Int]
Seq.findIndicesR a -> Bool
p Seq a

  Zips and Unzips

zip :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq (a, b)
zip :: StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq (a, b)
zip = (a -> b -> (a, b))
-> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq (a, b)
forall a b c.
(a -> b -> c) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq c
zipWith (,)

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq c
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> StrictSeq a -> StrictSeq b -> StrictSeq c
zipWith a -> b -> c
f (StrictSeq Seq a
x) (StrictSeq Seq b
y) = Seq c -> StrictSeq c
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forceToStrict (Seq c -> StrictSeq c) -> Seq c -> StrictSeq c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
Seq.zipWith a -> b -> c
f Seq a
x Seq b

unzip :: StrictSeq (a, b) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq b)
unzip :: StrictSeq (a, b) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq b)
unzip = ((a, b) -> (a, b))
-> StrictSeq (a, b) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq b)
forall a b c.
(a -> (b, c)) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c)
unzipWith (a, b) -> (a, b)
forall a. a -> a

unzipWith :: (a -> (b, c)) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c)
unzipWith :: (a -> (b, c)) -> StrictSeq a -> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c)
unzipWith a -> (b, c)
f (StrictSeq Seq a
xs) = Seq b -> StrictSeq b
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq (Seq b -> StrictSeq b)
-> (Seq c -> StrictSeq c)
-> (Seq b, Seq c)
-> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c b' c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b, b') (c, c')
*** Seq c -> StrictSeq c
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq ((Seq b, Seq c) -> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c))
-> (Seq b, Seq c) -> (StrictSeq b, StrictSeq c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (a -> (b, c)) -> Seq a -> (Seq b, Seq c)
forall a b c. (a -> (b, c)) -> Seq a -> (Seq b, Seq c)
Seq.unzipWith a -> (b, c)
f Seq a


toStrictSeqTuple :: (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
toStrictSeqTuple :: (Seq a, Seq a) -> (StrictSeq a, StrictSeq a)
toStrictSeqTuple (Seq a
a, Seq a
b) = (Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a
a, Seq a -> StrictSeq a
forall a. Seq a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq Seq a