text-short-0.1.5: Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings
Copyright © Herbert Valerio Riedel 2018
License BSD3
Maintainer hvr@gnu.org
Stability stable
Safe Haskell Trustworthy
Language Haskell2010



Partial functions vocabulary

This module provides common partial functions for operating on ShortText .

The use of these functions is discouraged as they tend to be error-prone.

Since: 0.1.2



head :: ShortText -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(1)\) Returns first character of a non-empty ShortText

>>> head "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception for empty ShortText s. Consider using the total functions uncons or indexMaybe instead.

Since: 0.1.2

tail :: ShortText -> ShortText Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Drop first character from non-empty ShortText .

>>> tail "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception for empty ShortText s. Consider using the total functions uncons or drop instead.

Since: 0.1.2

init :: ShortText -> ShortText Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Drop last character from non-empty ShortText .

>>> tail "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception for empty ShortText s. Consider using the total functions unsnoc or dropEnd instead.

Since: 0.1.2

last :: ShortText -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(1)\) Return last character from non-empty ShortText .

>>> last "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception for empty ShortText s. Consider using the total functions unsnoc or indexEndMaybe instead.

Since: 0.1.2

index :: ShortText -> Int -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Retrieve \(i\) -th character (code-point)

>>> index "abcd" 1

Note : Will throw an error exception if index is out of bounds. Consider using the total functions indexMaybe or indexEndMaybe instead.

Since: 0.1.2

foldl1 :: ( Char -> Char -> Char ) -> ShortText -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Reduces the characters of the ShortText with the binary operator.

>>> foldl1 max "abcdcba"
>>> foldl1 const "abcd"
>>> foldl1 (flip const) "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception if index is out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.2

foldl1' :: ( Char -> Char -> Char ) -> ShortText -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Strict version of foldl1 .

Since: 0.1.2

foldr1 :: ( Char -> Char -> Char ) -> ShortText -> Char Source #

\(\mathcal{O}(n)\) Reduces the characters of the ShortText with the binary operator.

>>> foldr1 max "abcdcba"
>>> foldr1 const "abcd"
>>> foldr1 (flip const) "abcd"

Note : Will throw an error exception if index is out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.2