typed-protocols- A framework for strongly typed protocols
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Actions for running Peer s with a Driver



A Peer is a particular implementation of an agent that engages in a typed protocol. To actually run one we need a source and sink for the typed protocol messages. These are provided by a Channel and a Codec . The Channel represents one end of an untyped duplex message transport, and the Codec handles conversion between the typed protocol messages and the untyped channel.

So given the Peer and a compatible Codec and Channel we can run the peer in some appropriate monad. The peer and codec have to agree on the same protocol and role in that protocol. The codec and channel have to agree on the same untyped medium, e.g. text or bytes. All three have to agree on the same monad in which they will run.

This module provides drivers for normal and pipelined peers. There is very little policy involved here so typically it should be possible to use these drivers, and customise things by adjusting the peer, or codec or channel.

It is of course possible to write custom drivers and the code for these ones may provide a useful starting point. The runDecoder function may be a helpful utility for use in custom drives.

data Driver ps dstate m Source #




data SomeMessage (st :: ps) where Source #

When decoding a Message we only know the expected "from" state. We cannot know the "to" state as this depends on the message we decode. To resolve this we use the SomeMessage wrapper which uses an existential type to hide the "to" state.


SomeMessage :: Message ps st st' -> SomeMessage st

Normal peers

runPeerWithDriver :: forall ps (st :: ps) pr dstate m a. Monad m => Driver ps dstate m -> Peer ps pr st m a -> dstate -> m (a, dstate) Source #

Run a peer with the given driver.

This runs the peer to completion (if the protocol allows for termination).

Pipelined peers

runPipelinedPeerWithDriver :: forall ps (st :: ps) pr dstate m a. MonadAsync m => Driver ps dstate m -> PeerPipelined ps pr st m a -> dstate -> m (a, dstate) Source #

Run a pipelined peer with the given driver.

This runs the peer to completion (if the protocol allows for termination).

Unlike normal peers, running pipelined peers rely on concurrency, hence the MonadAsync constraint.