statistics- A library of statistical types, data, and functions
Copyright (c) 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan
License BSD3
Stability experimental
Portability portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Kernel density estimation. This module provides a fast, robust, non-parametric way to estimate the probability density function of a sample.

This estimator does not use the commonly employed "Gaussian rule of thumb". As a result, it outperforms many plug-in methods on multimodal samples with widely separated modes.


Estimation functions

kde Source #


:: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double , Vector v Int )
=> Int

The number of mesh points to use in the uniform discretization of the interval (min,max) . If this value is not a power of two, then it is rounded up to the next power of two.

-> v Double
-> (v Double , v Double )

Gaussian kernel density estimator for one-dimensional data, using the method of Botev et al.

The result is a pair of vectors, containing:

  • The coordinates of each mesh point. The mesh interval is chosen to be 20% larger than the range of the sample. (To specify the mesh interval, use kde_ .)
  • Density estimates at each mesh point.

kde_ Source #


:: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double , Vector v Int )
=> Int

The number of mesh points to use in the uniform discretization of the interval (min,max) . If this value is not a power of two, then it is rounded up to the next power of two.

-> Double

Lower bound ( min ) of the mesh range.

-> Double

Upper bound ( max ) of the mesh range.

-> v Double
-> (v Double , v Double )

Gaussian kernel density estimator for one-dimensional data, using the method of Botev et al.

The result is a pair of vectors, containing:

  • The coordinates of each mesh point.
  • Density estimates at each mesh point.


Botev. Z.I., Grotowski J.F., Kroese D.P. (2010). Kernel density estimation via diffusion. Annals of Statistics 38(5):2916–2957.