{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{- |
Copyright: © 2022 IOHK
License: Apache-2.0

Data type 'TxHistory' for storing a set of transactions.
Transactions are encoded "as" expressed in DB tables.

module Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.Transactions.Model
    ( DeltaTxHistory (..)
    , TxHistory
    , TxHistoryF (TxHistoryF)
    , TxRelationF (..)
    , tokenCollateralOrd
    , tokenOutOrd
    , mkTxHistory
    , Decoration (..)
    , WithTxOut (..)
    , decorateWithTxOuts
    , mkTxIn
    , mkTxCollateral
    , mkTxOut
    , undecorateFromTxOuts
    ) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite.Schema
    ( TxCollateral (..)
    , TxCollateralOut (..)
    , TxCollateralOutToken (..)
    , TxIn (..)
    , TxOut (..)
    , TxOutToken (..)
    , TxWithdrawal (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite.Types
    ( TxId (TxId) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.RewardAccount
    ( RewardAccount )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenMap
    ( AssetId (AssetId) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenPolicy
    ( TokenName, TokenPolicyId )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenQuantity
    ( TokenQuantity )
import Control.Arrow
    ( (&&&) )
import Data.Delta
    ( Delta (..) )
import Data.Foldable
    ( fold, toList )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL
    ( view, (^.) )
import Data.List
    ( sortOn )
import Data.Map.Strict
    ( Map )
import Data.Word
    ( Word32 )
import Fmt
    ( Buildable (build) )
import GHC.Generics
    ( Generic )

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Coin as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenBundle as TokenBundle
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Tx as W
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

-- | A context that carries a TxOut together with its tokens
-- (this will be needed in the future for the DB Layer
-- to reconstruct 'TransactionInfo').
data WithTxOut txin = WithTxOut
    { WithTxOut txin -> txin
txIn :: txin, WithTxOut txin -> Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
context :: Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) }
    deriving ( Int -> WithTxOut txin -> ShowS
[WithTxOut txin] -> ShowS
WithTxOut txin -> String
(Int -> WithTxOut txin -> ShowS)
-> (WithTxOut txin -> String)
-> ([WithTxOut txin] -> ShowS)
-> Show (WithTxOut txin)
forall txin. Show txin => Int -> WithTxOut txin -> ShowS
forall txin. Show txin => [WithTxOut txin] -> ShowS
forall txin. Show txin => WithTxOut txin -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [WithTxOut txin] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall txin. Show txin => [WithTxOut txin] -> ShowS
show :: WithTxOut txin -> String
$cshow :: forall txin. Show txin => WithTxOut txin -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> WithTxOut txin -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall txin. Show txin => Int -> WithTxOut txin -> ShowS
Show, WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
(WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool)
-> (WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool)
-> Eq (WithTxOut txin)
forall txin. Eq txin => WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
$c/= :: forall txin. Eq txin => WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
== :: WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
$c== :: forall txin. Eq txin => WithTxOut txin -> WithTxOut txin -> Bool
Eq, a -> WithTxOut b -> WithTxOut a
(a -> b) -> WithTxOut a -> WithTxOut b
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> WithTxOut a -> WithTxOut b)
-> (forall a b. a -> WithTxOut b -> WithTxOut a)
-> Functor WithTxOut
forall a b. a -> WithTxOut b -> WithTxOut a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> WithTxOut a -> WithTxOut b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
<$ :: a -> WithTxOut b -> WithTxOut a
$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> WithTxOut b -> WithTxOut a
fmap :: (a -> b) -> WithTxOut a -> WithTxOut b
$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> WithTxOut a -> WithTxOut b
Functor )

-- | A kind to index the 2 flavours of a 'TxRelationF', with or without 'TxOuts'
data Decoration
    = Without
    | With

-- | Define the TxOut context type
type family DecorateWithTxOut f a where
    DecorateWithTxOut 'Without a = a
    DecorateWithTxOut 'With a = WithTxOut a

{- | A low level definition of a transaction covering all transaction content
 by collecting all related-to-index database rows.
 Normalization is performed anyway after the first relation level.
 All values used here are records in the database.
 Foreign keys are used to group data correctly,
 but they are not removed from the data.
data TxRelationF (f :: Decoration) =
    { TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
ins :: [DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
    , TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
collateralIns :: [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
    , TxRelationF f -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
outs :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
    , TxRelationF f -> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
collateralOuts :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
    , TxRelationF f -> [TxWithdrawal]
withdrawals :: [TxWithdrawal]
    deriving ( (forall x. TxRelationF f -> Rep (TxRelationF f) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TxRelationF f) x -> TxRelationF f)
-> Generic (TxRelationF f)
forall x. Rep (TxRelationF f) x -> TxRelationF f
forall x. TxRelationF f -> Rep (TxRelationF f) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (f :: Decoration) x. Rep (TxRelationF f) x -> TxRelationF f
forall (f :: Decoration) x. TxRelationF f -> Rep (TxRelationF f) x
$cto :: forall (f :: Decoration) x. Rep (TxRelationF f) x -> TxRelationF f
$cfrom :: forall (f :: Decoration) x. TxRelationF f -> Rep (TxRelationF f) x
Generic )

deriving instance ( Eq (DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn)
                  , Eq (DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral))
    => Eq (TxRelationF f)

deriving instance ( Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn)
                  , Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral))
    => Show (TxRelationF f)

-- | Transactions history is 'TxRelationF's indexed by 'TxId'
newtype TxHistoryF f =
    TxHistoryF { TxHistoryF f -> Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
relations :: Map TxId (TxRelationF f) }
    deriving ( (forall x. TxHistoryF f -> Rep (TxHistoryF f) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TxHistoryF f) x -> TxHistoryF f)
-> Generic (TxHistoryF f)
forall x. Rep (TxHistoryF f) x -> TxHistoryF f
forall x. TxHistoryF f -> Rep (TxHistoryF f) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (f :: Decoration) x. Rep (TxHistoryF f) x -> TxHistoryF f
forall (f :: Decoration) x. TxHistoryF f -> Rep (TxHistoryF f) x
$cto :: forall (f :: Decoration) x. Rep (TxHistoryF f) x -> TxHistoryF f
$cfrom :: forall (f :: Decoration) x. TxHistoryF f -> Rep (TxHistoryF f) x
Generic )

deriving instance ( Eq (DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn)
                  , Eq (DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral))
    => Eq (TxHistoryF f)

deriving instance ( Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn)
                  , Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral))
    => Show (TxHistoryF f)

instance Monoid (TxHistoryF f) where
    mempty :: TxHistoryF f
mempty = Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
forall a. Monoid a => a

instance Semigroup (TxHistoryF f) where
    TxHistoryF Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
h1 <> :: TxHistoryF f -> TxHistoryF f -> TxHistoryF f
<> TxHistoryF Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
h2 =
        Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF (Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
h1 Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map TxId (TxRelationF f)

instance ( Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn)
         , Show (DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral))
    => Buildable (TxHistoryF f) where
    build :: TxHistoryF f -> Builder
build TxHistoryF f
txs = Builder
"TxHistory " Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Builder
forall p. Buildable p => p -> Builder
build (Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> String)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxHistoryF f -> Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
forall (f :: Decoration). TxHistoryF f -> Map TxId (TxRelationF f)
relations TxHistoryF f

-- | Shortcut type for transaction history where inputs are not
-- decorated with their corresponding `TxOut`.
type TxHistory = TxHistoryF 'Without

-- | Verbs to change a 'TxHistory'.
data DeltaTxHistory
    = Append TxHistory
    -- ^ Add new set of transactions.
    -- Overwrites transactions whose id is already present in the 'TxHistory'.
    | DeleteTx TxId
    -- ^ Try to remove the transaction at the given transaction id.
    deriving ( Int -> DeltaTxHistory -> ShowS
[DeltaTxHistory] -> ShowS
DeltaTxHistory -> String
(Int -> DeltaTxHistory -> ShowS)
-> (DeltaTxHistory -> String)
-> ([DeltaTxHistory] -> ShowS)
-> Show DeltaTxHistory
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [DeltaTxHistory] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [DeltaTxHistory] -> ShowS
show :: DeltaTxHistory -> String
$cshow :: DeltaTxHistory -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> DeltaTxHistory -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> DeltaTxHistory -> ShowS
Show, DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool
(DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool)
-> (DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool) -> Eq DeltaTxHistory
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool
$c/= :: DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool
== :: DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool
$c== :: DeltaTxHistory -> DeltaTxHistory -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. DeltaTxHistory -> Rep DeltaTxHistory x)
-> (forall x. Rep DeltaTxHistory x -> DeltaTxHistory)
-> Generic DeltaTxHistory
forall x. Rep DeltaTxHistory x -> DeltaTxHistory
forall x. DeltaTxHistory -> Rep DeltaTxHistory x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep DeltaTxHistory x -> DeltaTxHistory
$cfrom :: forall x. DeltaTxHistory -> Rep DeltaTxHistory x
Generic )

instance Buildable DeltaTxHistory where
    build :: DeltaTxHistory -> Builder
build DeltaTxHistory
action = String -> Builder
forall p. Buildable p => p -> Builder
build (String -> Builder) -> String -> Builder
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DeltaTxHistory -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show DeltaTxHistory

instance Delta DeltaTxHistory where
    type Base DeltaTxHistory = TxHistory
    -- transactions are immutable so here there should happen no rewriting
    -- but we mimic the repsert in the store
    apply :: DeltaTxHistory -> Base DeltaTxHistory -> Base DeltaTxHistory
apply (Append TxHistory
txs) Base DeltaTxHistory
h = TxHistory
txs TxHistory -> TxHistory -> TxHistory
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Base DeltaTxHistory
    apply (DeleteTx TxId
tid) (TxHistoryF txs) =
        Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF (Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxId
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.delete TxId
tid Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)

mkTxIn :: TxId -> (Int, (W.TxIn, W.Coin)) -> TxIn
mkTxIn :: TxId -> (Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxIn
mkTxIn TxId
tid (Int
amt)) =
    TxIn :: TxId -> Int -> TxId -> Word32 -> Coin -> TxIn
    { txInputTxId :: TxId
txInputTxId = TxId
    , txInputOrder :: Int
txInputOrder = Int
    , txInputSourceTxId :: TxId
txInputSourceTxId = Hash "Tx" -> TxId
TxId (TxIn -> Hash "Tx"
W.inputId TxIn
    , txInputSourceIndex :: Word32
txInputSourceIndex = TxIn -> Word32
W.inputIx TxIn
    , txInputSourceAmount :: Coin
txInputSourceAmount = Coin

mkTxCollateral :: TxId
    -> (Int, (W.TxIn, W.Coin))
    -> TxCollateral
mkTxCollateral :: TxId -> (Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxCollateral
mkTxCollateral TxId
tid (Int
amt)) =
    TxCollateral :: TxId -> Int -> TxId -> Word32 -> Coin -> TxCollateral
    { txCollateralTxId :: TxId
txCollateralTxId = TxId
    , txCollateralOrder :: Int
txCollateralOrder = Int
    , txCollateralSourceTxId :: TxId
txCollateralSourceTxId = Hash "Tx" -> TxId
TxId (Hash "Tx" -> TxId) -> Hash "Tx" -> TxId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxIn -> Hash "Tx"
W.inputId TxIn
    , txCollateralSourceIndex :: Word32
txCollateralSourceIndex = TxIn -> Word32
W.inputIx TxIn
    , txCollateralSourceAmount :: Coin
txCollateralSourceAmount = Coin

-- The key to sort TxCollateralOutToken
tokenCollateralOrd :: TxCollateralOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenCollateralOrd :: TxCollateralOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenCollateralOrd = TxCollateralOutToken -> TokenPolicyId
txCollateralOutTokenPolicyId (TxCollateralOutToken -> TokenPolicyId)
-> (TxCollateralOutToken -> TokenName)
-> TxCollateralOutToken
-> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& TxCollateralOutToken -> TokenName

-- The key to sort TxOutToken
tokenOutOrd :: TxOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenOutOrd :: TxOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenOutOrd = TxOutToken -> TokenPolicyId
txOutTokenPolicyId (TxOutToken -> TokenPolicyId)
-> (TxOutToken -> TokenName)
-> TxOutToken
-> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& TxOutToken -> TokenName

    :: TxId
    -> (Word32, W.TxOut) -- ^ (index, txout)
    -> (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
mkTxOut :: TxId -> (Word32, TxOut) -> (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
mkTxOut TxId
tid (Word32
txOut) = (TxOut
out, (TxOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName))
-> [TxOutToken] -> [TxOutToken]
forall b a. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn TxOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenOutOrd [TxOutToken]
    out :: TxOut
out =
        TxOut :: TxId -> Word32 -> Address -> Coin -> TxOut
        { txOutputTxId :: TxId
txOutputTxId = TxId
        , txOutputIndex :: Word32
txOutputIndex = Word32
        , txOutputAddress :: Address
txOutputAddress = ((Address -> Const Address Address)
 -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut)
-> TxOut -> Address
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((Address -> Const Address Address)
   -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut)
(Address -> Const Address Address) -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut
#address TxOut
        , txOutputAmount :: Coin
txOutputAmount = TxOut -> Coin
W.txOutCoin TxOut
    tokens :: [TxOutToken]
tokens =
        TxId -> Word32 -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxOutToken
mkTxOutToken TxId
tid Word32
        ((AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxOutToken)
-> [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)] -> [TxOutToken]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]) -> [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd (TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)])
TokenBundle.toFlatList (TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]))
-> TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
 -> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut)
-> TxOut -> TokenBundle
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
   -> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut)
(TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
-> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut
#tokens TxOut

    :: TxId
    -> Word32 -- ^ index
    -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity)
    -> TxOutToken
mkTxOutToken :: TxId -> Word32 -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxOutToken
mkTxOutToken TxId
tid Word32
ix (AssetId TokenPolicyId
policy TokenName
quantity) =
    TxOutToken :: TxId
-> Word32
-> TokenPolicyId
-> TokenName
-> TokenQuantity
-> TxOutToken
    { txOutTokenTxId :: TxId
txOutTokenTxId = TxId
    , txOutTokenTxIndex :: Word32
txOutTokenTxIndex = Word32
    , txOutTokenPolicyId :: TokenPolicyId
txOutTokenPolicyId = TokenPolicyId
    , txOutTokenName :: TokenName
txOutTokenName = TokenName
    , txOutTokenQuantity :: TokenQuantity
txOutTokenQuantity = TokenQuantity

    :: TxId
    -> W.TxOut
    -> (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
mkTxCollateralOut :: TxId -> TxOut -> (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
mkTxCollateralOut TxId
tid TxOut
txCollateralOut = (TxCollateralOut
out, (TxCollateralOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName))
-> [TxCollateralOutToken] -> [TxCollateralOutToken]
forall b a. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn TxCollateralOutToken -> (TokenPolicyId, TokenName)
tokenCollateralOrd [TxCollateralOutToken]
    out :: TxCollateralOut
out =
        TxCollateralOut :: TxId -> Address -> Coin -> TxCollateralOut
        { txCollateralOutTxId :: TxId
txCollateralOutTxId = TxId
        , txCollateralOutAddress :: Address
txCollateralOutAddress = ((Address -> Const Address Address)
 -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut)
-> TxOut -> Address
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((Address -> Const Address Address)
   -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut)
(Address -> Const Address Address) -> TxOut -> Const Address TxOut
#address TxOut
        , txCollateralOutAmount :: Coin
txCollateralOutAmount = TxOut -> Coin
W.txOutCoin TxOut
    tokens :: [TxCollateralOutToken]
tokens =
        TxId -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxCollateralOutToken
mkTxCollateralOutToken TxId
        ((AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxCollateralOutToken)
-> [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)] -> [TxCollateralOutToken]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]) -> [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd (TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)])
TokenBundle.toFlatList (TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)]))
-> TokenBundle -> (Coin, [(AssetId, TokenQuantity)])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
 -> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut)
-> TxOut -> TokenBundle
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
   -> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut)
(TokenBundle -> Const TokenBundle TokenBundle)
-> TxOut -> Const TokenBundle TxOut
#tokens TxOut

    :: TxId -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxCollateralOutToken
mkTxCollateralOutToken :: TxId -> (AssetId, TokenQuantity) -> TxCollateralOutToken
mkTxCollateralOutToken TxId
tid (AssetId TokenPolicyId
policy TokenName
quantity) =
    TxCollateralOutToken :: TxId
-> TokenPolicyId
-> TokenName
-> TokenQuantity
-> TxCollateralOutToken
    { txCollateralOutTokenTxId :: TxId
txCollateralOutTokenTxId = TxId
    , txCollateralOutTokenPolicyId :: TokenPolicyId
txCollateralOutTokenPolicyId = TokenPolicyId
    , txCollateralOutTokenName :: TokenName
txCollateralOutTokenName = TokenName
    , txCollateralOutTokenQuantity :: TokenQuantity
txCollateralOutTokenQuantity = TokenQuantity

mkTxWithdrawal :: TxId -> (RewardAccount, W.Coin) -> TxWithdrawal
mkTxWithdrawal :: TxId -> (RewardAccount, Coin) -> TxWithdrawal
mkTxWithdrawal TxId
tid (RewardAccount
txWithdrawalAmount) =
    TxWithdrawal :: TxId -> Coin -> RewardAccount -> TxWithdrawal
TxWithdrawal { TxId
txWithdrawalTxId :: TxId
txWithdrawalTxId :: TxId
txWithdrawalTxId, RewardAccount
txWithdrawalAccount :: RewardAccount
txWithdrawalAccount :: RewardAccount
txWithdrawalAccount, Coin
txWithdrawalAmount :: Coin
txWithdrawalAmount :: Coin
txWithdrawalAmount }
    txWithdrawalTxId :: TxId
txWithdrawalTxId = TxId

mkTxRelation :: W.Tx -> TxRelationF 'Without
mkTxRelation :: Tx -> TxRelationF 'Without
mkTxRelation Tx
tx =
    TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
[DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
-> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
-> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
-> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
-> [TxWithdrawal]
-> TxRelationF f
    { $sel:ins:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
ins = ((Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxIn) -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxIn]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (TxId -> (Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxIn
mkTxIn TxId
tid) ([(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxIn])
-> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxIn]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(TxIn, Coin)] -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]
forall a b. (Enum a, Num a) => [b] -> [(a, b)]
indexed ([(TxIn, Coin)] -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))])
-> (Tx -> [(TxIn, Coin)]) -> Tx -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Tx -> [(TxIn, Coin)]
W.resolvedInputs (Tx -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]) -> Tx -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx
    , $sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
collateralIns =
          ((Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxCollateral)
-> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxCollateral]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (TxId -> (Int, (TxIn, Coin)) -> TxCollateral
mkTxCollateral TxId
tid) ([(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxCollateral])
-> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))] -> [TxCollateral]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(TxIn, Coin)] -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]
forall a b. (Enum a, Num a) => [b] -> [(a, b)]
indexed ([(TxIn, Coin)] -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))])
-> [(TxIn, Coin)] -> [(Int, (TxIn, Coin))]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx -> [(TxIn, Coin)]
W.resolvedCollateralInputs Tx
    , $sel:outs:TxRelationF :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
outs = ((Word32, TxOut) -> (TxOut, [TxOutToken]))
-> [(Word32, TxOut)] -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (TxId -> (Word32, TxOut) -> (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
mkTxOut TxId
tid) ([(Word32, TxOut)] -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])])
-> [(Word32, TxOut)] -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TxOut] -> [(Word32, TxOut)]
forall a b. (Enum a, Num a) => [b] -> [(a, b)]
indexed ([TxOut] -> [(Word32, TxOut)]) -> [TxOut] -> [(Word32, TxOut)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx -> [TxOut]
W.outputs Tx
    , $sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
collateralOuts = TxId -> TxOut -> (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
mkTxCollateralOut TxId
tid (TxOut -> (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken]))
-> Maybe TxOut -> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Tx -> Maybe TxOut
W.collateralOutput Tx
    , $sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: [TxWithdrawal]
withdrawals =
          ((RewardAccount, Coin) -> TxWithdrawal)
-> [(RewardAccount, Coin)] -> [TxWithdrawal]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (TxId -> (RewardAccount, Coin) -> TxWithdrawal
mkTxWithdrawal TxId
tid) ([(RewardAccount, Coin)] -> [TxWithdrawal])
-> [(RewardAccount, Coin)] -> [TxWithdrawal]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Map RewardAccount Coin -> [(RewardAccount, Coin)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map RewardAccount Coin -> [(RewardAccount, Coin)])
-> Map RewardAccount Coin -> [(RewardAccount, Coin)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx -> Map RewardAccount Coin
W.withdrawals Tx
    tid :: TxId
tid = Hash "Tx" -> TxId
TxId (Hash "Tx" -> TxId) -> Hash "Tx" -> TxId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx
tx Tx
-> ((Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
    -> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx)
-> Hash "Tx"
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. IsLabel
  ((Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
   -> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx)
(Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
-> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx
    indexed :: (Enum a, Num a) => [b] -> [(a, b)]
    indexed :: [b] -> [(a, b)]
indexed = [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [a
0 .. ]

-- | Convert high level transactions definition in low level DB history
mkTxHistory :: [W.Tx] -> TxHistory
mkTxHistory :: [Tx] -> TxHistory
mkTxHistory [Tx]
txs = Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF (Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)]
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
forall (t :: * -> *) m. (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m
fold ([Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)]
 -> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without))
-> [Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)]
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
tx <- [Tx]
    let relation :: TxRelationF 'Without
relation = Tx -> TxRelationF 'Without
mkTxRelation Tx
    Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
-> [Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
 -> [Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)])
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
-> [Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxId -> TxRelationF 'Without -> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
forall k a. k -> a -> Map k a
Map.singleton (Hash "Tx" -> TxId
TxId (Hash "Tx" -> TxId) -> Hash "Tx" -> TxId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx
tx Tx
-> ((Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
    -> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx)
-> Hash "Tx"
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. IsLabel
  ((Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
   -> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx)
(Hash "Tx" -> Const (Hash "Tx") (Hash "Tx"))
-> Tx -> Const (Hash "Tx") Tx
#txId) TxRelationF 'Without

type TxOutKey = (TxId, Word32)

decorateWithTxOuts :: TxHistoryF 'Without -> TxHistoryF 'With
decorateWithTxOuts :: TxHistory -> TxHistoryF 'With
decorateWithTxOuts (TxHistoryF Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
w) =
        txouts :: Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
        txouts :: Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
txouts = [(TxOutKey, (TxOut, [TxOutToken]))]
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
forall k a. Ord k => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromList ([(TxOutKey, (TxOut, [TxOutToken]))]
 -> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken]))
-> [(TxOutKey, (TxOut, [TxOutToken]))]
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            TxRelationF {[(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
withdrawals :: [TxWithdrawal]
collateralOuts :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
outs :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
collateralIns :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
ins :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
$sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [TxWithdrawal]
$sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
$sel:outs:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
$sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
$sel:ins:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
..} <- Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> [TxRelationF 'Without]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
toList Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
            [(TxOut -> TxId
txOutputTxId (TxOut -> TxId) -> (TxOut -> Word32) -> TxOut -> TxOutKey
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& TxOut -> Word32
txOutputIndex (TxOut -> TxOutKey) -> TxOut -> TxOutKey
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOut
txout, (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
x) | x :: (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
_ ) <- [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
    in  Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With) -> TxHistoryF 'With
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF (Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With) -> TxHistoryF 'With)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With) -> TxHistoryF 'With
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TxRelationF 'Without -> TxRelationF 'With)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
-> TxRelationF 'Without -> TxRelationF 'With
solveTxOut Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
txouts) Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)

    :: (t -> TxOutKey)
    -> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
    -> [t]
    -> [WithTxOut t]
decorateInputs :: (t -> TxOutKey)
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> [t] -> [WithTxOut t]
decorateInputs t -> TxOutKey
keyOf Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
txOutMap [t]
ins = do
i <- [t]
        WithTxOut t -> [WithTxOut t]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (WithTxOut t -> [WithTxOut t]) -> WithTxOut t -> [WithTxOut t]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ t -> Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> WithTxOut t
forall txin. txin -> Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> WithTxOut txin
WithTxOut t
i (Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> WithTxOut t)
-> Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> WithTxOut t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutKey
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
-> Maybe (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup (t -> TxOutKey
keyOf t
i) Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])

    :: Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
    -> TxRelationF 'Without
    -> TxRelationF 'With
solveTxOut :: Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
-> TxRelationF 'Without -> TxRelationF 'With
solveTxOut Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
txOutMap TxRelationF {[(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
withdrawals :: [TxWithdrawal]
collateralOuts :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
outs :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
collateralIns :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
ins :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
$sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [TxWithdrawal]
$sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
$sel:outs:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
$sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
$sel:ins:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
..} = TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
[DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
-> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
-> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
-> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
-> [TxWithdrawal]
-> TxRelationF f
    { $sel:ins:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxIn]
ins =
        (TxIn -> TxOutKey)
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> [TxIn] -> [WithTxOut TxIn]
forall t.
(t -> TxOutKey)
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> [t] -> [WithTxOut t]
            (TxIn -> TxId
txInputSourceTxId (TxIn -> TxId) -> (TxIn -> Word32) -> TxIn -> TxOutKey
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& TxIn -> Word32
            Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
    , $sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxCollateral]
collateralIns =
        (TxCollateral -> TxOutKey)
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
-> [TxCollateral]
-> [WithTxOut TxCollateral]
forall t.
(t -> TxOutKey)
-> Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken]) -> [t] -> [WithTxOut t]
            (TxCollateral -> TxId
txCollateralSourceTxId (TxCollateral -> TxId)
-> (TxCollateral -> Word32) -> TxCollateral -> TxOutKey
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& TxCollateral -> Word32
            Map TxOutKey (TxOut, [TxOutToken])
[DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
    , $sel:outs:TxRelationF :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
outs = [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
    , $sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
collateralOuts = Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
    , $sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: [TxWithdrawal]
withdrawals = [TxWithdrawal]

undecorateFromTxOuts :: TxHistoryF 'With -> TxHistoryF 'Without
undecorateFromTxOuts :: TxHistoryF 'With -> TxHistory
undecorateFromTxOuts (TxHistoryF Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With)
w) = Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall (f :: Decoration). Map TxId (TxRelationF f) -> TxHistoryF f
TxHistoryF (Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without) -> TxHistory
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TxRelationF 'With -> TxRelationF 'Without)
-> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With) -> Map TxId (TxRelationF 'Without)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap TxRelationF 'With -> TxRelationF 'Without
unsolveTxOut Map TxId (TxRelationF 'With)

unsolveTxOut :: TxRelationF 'With -> TxRelationF 'Without
unsolveTxOut :: TxRelationF 'With -> TxRelationF 'Without
unsolveTxOut TxRelationF {[(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxCollateral]
[DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxIn]
Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
withdrawals :: [TxWithdrawal]
collateralOuts :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
outs :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
collateralIns :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxCollateral]
ins :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxIn]
$sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [TxWithdrawal]
$sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
$sel:outs:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration). TxRelationF f -> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
$sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
$sel:ins:TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
TxRelationF f -> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
..} = TxRelationF :: forall (f :: Decoration).
[DecorateWithTxOut f TxIn]
-> [DecorateWithTxOut f TxCollateral]
-> [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
-> Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
-> [TxWithdrawal]
-> TxRelationF f
    { $sel:ins:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxIn]
ins = (WithTxOut TxIn -> TxIn) -> [WithTxOut TxIn] -> [TxIn]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap WithTxOut TxIn -> TxIn
forall txin. WithTxOut txin -> txin
txIn [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxIn]
[WithTxOut TxIn]
    , $sel:collateralIns:TxRelationF :: [DecorateWithTxOut 'Without TxCollateral]
collateralIns = (WithTxOut TxCollateral -> TxCollateral)
-> [WithTxOut TxCollateral] -> [TxCollateral]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap WithTxOut TxCollateral -> TxCollateral
forall txin. WithTxOut txin -> txin
txIn [DecorateWithTxOut 'With TxCollateral]
[WithTxOut TxCollateral]
    , $sel:outs:TxRelationF :: [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
outs = [(TxOut, [TxOutToken])]
    , $sel:collateralOuts:TxRelationF :: Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
collateralOuts = Maybe (TxCollateralOut, [TxCollateralOutToken])
    , $sel:withdrawals:TxRelationF :: [TxWithdrawal]
withdrawals = [TxWithdrawal]