optics-core-0.4.1: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



A Fold S A has the ability to extract some number of elements of type A from a container of type S . For example, toListOf can be used to obtain the contained elements as a list. Unlike a Traversal , there is no way to set or update elements.

This can be seen as a generalisation of traverse_ , where the type S does not need to be a type constructor with A as the last parameter.

A close relative is the AffineFold , which is a Fold that contains at most one element.



type Fold s a = Optic' A_Fold NoIx s a Source #

Type synonym for a fold.


foldVL :: ( forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f u) -> s -> f v) -> Fold s a Source #

Obtain a Fold by lifting traverse_ like function.

foldVL . traverseOf_id
traverseOf_ . foldVLid


foldOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Monoid a) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> a Source #

Combine the results of a fold using a monoid.

foldMapOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Monoid m) => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> m) -> s -> m Source #

Fold via embedding into a monoid.

foldrOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r Source #

Fold right-associatively.

foldlOf' :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r Source #

Fold left-associatively, and strictly.

toListOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> [a] Source #

Fold to a list.

>>> toListOf (_1 % folded % _Right) ([Right 'h', Left 5, Right 'i'], "bye")

sequenceOf_ :: ( Is k A_Fold , Applicative f) => Optic' k is s (f a) -> s -> f () Source #

Evaluate each action in a structure observed by a Fold from left to right, ignoring the results.

sequenceA_sequenceOf_ folded
>>> sequenceOf_ each (putStrLn "hello",putStrLn "world")

traverseOf_ :: ( Is k A_Fold , Applicative f) => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f () Source #

Traverse over all of the targets of a Fold , computing an Applicative -based answer, but unlike traverseOf do not construct a new structure. traverseOf_ generalizes traverse_ to work over any Fold .

>>> traverseOf_ each putStrLn ("hello","world")
traverse_traverseOf_ folded

forOf_ :: ( Is k A_Fold , Applicative f) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f () Source #

A version of traverseOf_ with the arguments flipped.


traverseOf_ (foldVL f) ≡ f

Additional introduction forms

folded :: Foldable f => Fold (f a) a Source #

Fold via the Foldable class.

folding :: Foldable f => (s -> f a) -> Fold s a Source #

Obtain a Fold by lifting an operation that returns a Foldable result.

This can be useful to lift operations from Data.List and elsewhere into a Fold .

>>> toListOf (folding tail) [1,2,3,4]

foldring :: ( forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f u -> f u) -> f v -> s -> f w) -> Fold s a Source #

Obtain a Fold by lifting foldr like function.

>>> toListOf (foldring foldr) [1,2,3,4]

unfolded :: (s -> Maybe (a, s)) -> Fold s a Source #

Build a Fold that unfolds its values from a seed.

unfoldrtoListOf . unfolded
>>> toListOf (unfolded $ \b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b - 1)) 10

Additional elimination forms

See also setOf , which constructs a Set from a Fold .

has :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Bool Source #

Check to see if this optic matches 1 or more entries.

>>> has _Left (Left 12)
>>> has _Right (Left 12)

This will always return True for a Lens or Getter .

>>> has _1 ("hello","world")

hasn't :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Bool Source #

Check to see if this Fold or Traversal has no matches.

>>> hasn't _Left (Right 12)
>>> hasn't _Left (Left 12)

headOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Retrieve the first entry of a Fold .

>>> headOf folded [1..10]
Just 1
>>> headOf each (1,2)
Just 1

lastOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Retrieve the last entry of a Fold .

>>> lastOf folded [1..10]
Just 10
>>> lastOf each (1,2)
Just 2

andOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s Bool -> s -> Bool Source #

Returns True if every target of a Fold is True .

>>> andOf each (True, False)
>>> andOf each (True, True)
andandOf folded

orOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s Bool -> s -> Bool Source #

Returns True if any target of a Fold is True .

>>> orOf each (True, False)
>>> orOf each (False, False)
ororOf folded

allOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> Bool ) -> s -> Bool Source #

Returns True if every target of a Fold satisfies a predicate.

>>> allOf each (>=3) (4,5)
>>> allOf folded (>=2) [1..10]
allallOf folded

anyOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> Bool ) -> s -> Bool Source #

Returns True if any target of a Fold satisfies a predicate.

>>> anyOf each (=='x') ('x','y')

noneOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> Bool ) -> s -> Bool Source #

Returns True only if no targets of a Fold satisfy a predicate.

>>> noneOf each (not . isn't _Nothing) (Just 3, Just 4, Just 5)
>>> noneOf (folded % folded) (<10) [[13,99,20],[3,71,42]]

productOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Num a) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> a Source #

Calculate the Product of every number targeted by a Fold .

>>> productOf each (4,5)
>>> productOf folded [1,2,3,4,5]
productproductOf folded

This operation may be more strict than you would expect. If you want a lazier version use \o -> getProduct . foldMapOf o Product .

sumOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Num a) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> a Source #

Calculate the Sum of every number targeted by a Fold .

>>> sumOf each (5,6)
>>> sumOf folded [1,2,3,4]
>>> sumOf (folded % each) [(1,2),(3,4)]
sumsumOf folded

This operation may be more strict than you would expect. If you want a lazier version use \o -> getSum . foldMapOf o Sum

asumOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Alternative f) => Optic' k is s (f a) -> s -> f a Source #

The sum of a collection of actions.

>>> asumOf each ("hello","world")
>>> asumOf each (Nothing, Just "hello", Nothing)
Just "hello"
asumasumOf folded

msumOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , MonadPlus m) => Optic' k is s (m a) -> s -> m a Source #

The sum of a collection of actions.

>>> msumOf each ("hello","world")
>>> msumOf each (Nothing, Just "hello", Nothing)
Just "hello"
msummsumOf folded

elemOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Eq a) => Optic' k is s a -> a -> s -> Bool Source #

Does the element occur anywhere within a given Fold of the structure?

>>> elemOf each "hello" ("hello","world")
elemelemOf folded

notElemOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Eq a) => Optic' k is s a -> a -> s -> Bool Source #

Does the element not occur anywhere within a given Fold of the structure?

>>> notElemOf each 'd' ('a','b','c')
>>> notElemOf each 'a' ('a','b','c')
notElemnotElemOf folded

lengthOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Int Source #

Calculate the number of targets there are for a Fold in a given container.

Note: This can be rather inefficient for large containers and just like length , this will not terminate for infinite folds.

lengthlengthOf folded
>>> lengthOf _1 ("hello",())
>>> lengthOf folded [1..10]
>>> lengthOf (folded % folded) [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]

maximumOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Ord a) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Obtain the maximum element (if any) targeted by a Fold safely.

Note: maximumOf on a valid Iso , Lens or Getter will always return Just a value.

>>> maximumOf folded [1..10]
Just 10
>>> maximumOf folded []
>>> maximumOf (folded % filtered even) [1,4,3,6,7,9,2]
Just 6
maximumfromMaybe (error "empty") . maximumOf folded

In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary. \o -> getMax . foldMapOf o Max has lazier semantics but could leak memory.

minimumOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Ord a) => Optic' k is s a -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Obtain the minimum element (if any) targeted by a Fold safely.

Note: minimumOf on a valid Iso , Lens or Getter will always return Just a value.

>>> minimumOf folded [1..10]
Just 1
>>> minimumOf folded []
>>> minimumOf (folded % filtered even) [1,4,3,6,7,9,2]
Just 2
minimumfromMaybe (error "empty") . minimumOf folded

In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary. \o -> getMin . foldMapOf o Min has lazier semantics but could leak memory.

maximumByOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> a -> Ordering ) -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Obtain the maximum element (if any) targeted by a Fold according to a user supplied Ordering .

>>> maximumByOf folded (compare `on` length) ["mustard","relish","ham"]
Just "mustard"

In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.

maximumBy cmp ≡ fromMaybe (error "empty") . maximumByOf folded cmp

minimumByOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> a -> Ordering ) -> s -> Maybe a Source #

Obtain the minimum element (if any) targeted by a Fold according to a user supplied Ordering .

In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.

>>> minimumByOf folded (compare `on` length) ["mustard","relish","ham"]
Just "ham"
minimumBy cmp ≡ fromMaybe (error "empty") . minimumByOf folded cmp

findOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> Bool ) -> s -> Maybe a Source #

The findOf function takes a Fold , a predicate and a structure and returns the leftmost element of the structure matching the predicate, or Nothing if there is no such element.

>>> findOf each even (1,3,4,6)
Just 4
>>> findOf folded even [1,3,5,7]
findfindOf folded

findMOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Monad m) => Optic' k is s a -> (a -> m Bool ) -> s -> m ( Maybe a) Source #

The findMOf function takes a Fold , a monadic predicate and a structure and returns in the monad the leftmost element of the structure matching the predicate, or Nothing if there is no such element.

>>> findMOf each (\x -> print ("Checking " ++ show x) >> return (even x)) (1,3,4,6)
"Checking 1"
"Checking 3"
"Checking 4"
Just 4
>>> findMOf each (\x -> print ("Checking " ++ show x) >> return (even x)) (1,3,5,7)
"Checking 1"
"Checking 3"
"Checking 5"
"Checking 7"
findMOf folded :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => (a -> m Bool) -> f a -> m (Maybe a)

lookupOf :: ( Is k A_Fold , Eq a) => Optic' k is s (a, v) -> a -> s -> Maybe v Source #

The lookupOf function takes a Fold , a key, and a structure containing key/value pairs. It returns the first value corresponding to the given key. This function generalizes lookup to work on an arbitrary Fold instead of lists.

>>> lookupOf folded 4 [(2, 'a'), (4, 'b'), (4, 'c')]
Just 'b'
>>> lookupOf folded 2 [(2, 'a'), (4, 'b'), (4, 'c')]
Just 'a'

universeOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is a a -> a -> [a] Source #

Given a Fold that knows how to locate immediate children, retrieve all of the transitive descendants of a node, including itself.

Since: 0.4.1

cosmosOf :: forall k is a. Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is a a -> Fold a a Source #

Given a Fold that knows how to locate immediate children, fold all of the transitive descendants of a node, including itself.

Since: 0.4.1

paraOf :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is a a -> (a -> [r] -> r) -> a -> r Source #

Perform a fold-like computation on each value, technically a paramorphism.

Since: 0.4.1


pre :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> AffineFold s a Source #

Convert a fold to an AffineFold that visits the first element of the original fold.

For the traversal version see singular .

backwards_ :: Is k A_Fold => Optic' k is s a -> Fold s a Source #

This allows you to traverse the elements of a Fold in the opposite order.

Monoid structures

Fold admits (at least) two monoid structures:

  • summing concatenates results from both folds.
  • failing returns results from the second fold only if the first returns no results.

In both cases, the identity element of the monoid is ignored , which returns no results.

There is no Semigroup or Monoid instance for Fold , because there is not a unique choice of monoid to use, and the ( <> ) operator could not be used to combine optics of different kinds. When porting code from lens that uses <> to combine folds, use summing instead.

summing :: ( Is k A_Fold , Is l A_Fold ) => Optic' k is s a -> Optic' l js s a -> Fold s a infixr 6 Source #

Return entries of the first Fold , then the second one.

>>> toListOf (_1 % ix 0 `summing` _2 % ix 1) ([1,2], [4,7,1])

For the traversal version see adjoin .

failing :: ( Is k A_Fold , Is l A_Fold ) => Optic' k is s a -> Optic' l js s a -> Fold s a infixl 3 Source #

Try the first Fold . If it returns no entries, try the second one.

>>> toListOf (ix 1 `failing` ix 0) [4,7]
>>> toListOf (ix 1 `failing` ix 0) [4]


data A_Fold :: OpticKind Source #

Tag for a fold.


Instances details
Is An_AffineFold A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is A_Getter A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is A_ReversedPrism A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is A_Traversal A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is An_AffineTraversal A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is A_Prism A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is A_Lens A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

Is An_Iso A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold An_AffineFold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_Getter k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_ReversedPrism k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_Traversal k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold An_AffineTraversal k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_Prism k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold A_Lens k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Fold An_Iso k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds An_AffineFold A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Getter A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_ReversedPrism A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Traversal A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds An_AffineTraversal A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Prism A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds A_Lens A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

k ~ A_Fold => JoinKinds An_Iso A_Fold k Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic.Subtyping

(s ~ t, a ~ b) => ToReadOnly A_Fold s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.ReadOnly

(s ~ t, a ~ b) => IxOptic A_Fold s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Indexed.Core

type ReadOnlyOptic A_Fold Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.ReadOnly