Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



IP subscription worker implentation.



ipSubscriptionWorker :: forall a. Snocket IO Socket SockAddr -> Tracer IO ( WithIPList ( SubscriptionTrace SockAddr )) -> Tracer IO ( WithAddr SockAddr ErrorPolicyTrace ) -> NetworkMutableState SockAddr -> IPSubscriptionParams a -> ( Socket -> IO a) -> IO Void Source #

Spawns a subscription worker which will attempt to keep the specified number of connections (Valency) active towards the list of IP addresses given in IPSubscriptionTarget.

data ErrorPolicyTrace Source #

Trace data for error policies


ErrorPolicySuspendPeer ( Maybe (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )) DiffTime DiffTime

suspending peer with a given exception until

ErrorPolicySuspendConsumer ( Maybe (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )) DiffTime

suspending consumer until

ErrorPolicyLocalNodeError (ConnectionOrApplicationExceptionTrace SomeException )

caught a local exception


resume a peer (both consumer and producer)


consumer was suspended until producer will resume


resume consumer


resume producer

ErrorPolicyUnhandledApplicationException SomeException

an application throwed an exception, which was not handled by any ErrorPolicy .

ErrorPolicyUnhandledConnectionException SomeException

connect throwed an exception, which was not handled by any ErrorPolicy .

ErrorPolicyAcceptException IOException

accept throwed an exception

PeerState STM transactions

type BeforeConnect m s addr = Time -> addr -> s -> STM m ( ConnectDecision s) Source #

Check state before connecting to a remote peer. We will connect only if it retuns True .

beforeConnectTx :: forall m addr. ( MonadSTM m, Ord addr) => BeforeConnect m ( PeerStates m addr) addr Source #

BeforeConnect callback: it updates peer state and return boolean value wheather to connect to it or not. If a peer hasn't been recorded in PeerStates , we add it and try to connect to it.

mainTx :: ( MonadThrow ( STM m), MonadSTM m) => Main m ( PeerStates m addr) Void Source #

Main callback. It throws an exception when the state becomes ThrowException . This exception is thrown from the main thread.

Utilitity functions