Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module includes a set of common functions for Records and Variants. It includes:
- Common constructors, destructors, and querying functions
It specifically excludes:
Functions that have the same name for Records and Variants (e.g.
, etc.) -
Common clashes with the standard Prelude or other modules (e.g.
, etc.)
If these particular functions are needed, they should be brought in qualified from one of the Data.Row.*** modules directly.
- data Label (s :: Symbol ) = Label
- class KnownSymbol (n :: Symbol )
- type family AllUniqueLabels (r :: Row k) :: Constraint where ...
- type WellBehaved ρ = ( Forall ρ Unconstrained1 , AllUniqueLabels ρ)
- data Var (r :: Row *)
- data Rec (r :: Row *)
- data Row a
- type Empty = R '[]
- type (≈) a b = a ~ b
- class (r .! l) ≈ a => HasType l a r
- type family Subset (r1 :: Row k) (r2 :: Row k) :: Constraint where ...
- class Lacks (l :: Symbol ) (r :: Row *)
- type family (r :: Row k) .\ (l :: Symbol ) :: Constraint where ...
- type family (l :: Row k) .+ (r :: Row k) :: Row k where ...
- type family (l :: Row k) .\/ (r :: Row k) where ...
- type family (l :: Row k) .\\ (r :: Row k) :: Row k where ...
- type family (l :: Row k) .// (r :: Row k) where ...
- class BiForall (r1 :: Row k1) (r2 :: Row k2) (c :: k1 -> k2 -> Constraint )
- class Forall (r :: Row k) (c :: k -> Constraint )
- type FreeForall r = Forall r Unconstrained1
- type FreeBiForall r1 r2 = BiForall r1 r2 Unconstrained2
- switch :: forall v r x. BiForall r v ( AppliesTo x) => Var v -> Rec r -> x
- caseon :: forall v r x. BiForall r v ( AppliesTo x) => Rec r -> Var v -> x
- empty :: Rec Empty
- type (.==) (l :: Symbol ) (a :: k) = Extend l a Empty
- (.==) :: KnownSymbol l => Label l -> a -> Rec (l .== a)
- pattern (:==) :: forall l a. KnownSymbol l => Label l -> a -> Rec (l .== a)
- type family (r :: Row k) .- (s :: Symbol ) :: Row k where ...
- (.-) :: KnownSymbol l => Rec r -> Label l -> Rec (r .- l)
- type family (r :: Row k) .! (t :: Symbol ) :: k where ...
- (.!) :: KnownSymbol l => Rec r -> Label l -> r .! l
- (.+) :: forall l r. FreeForall l => Rec l -> Rec r -> Rec (l .+ r)
- type Disjoint l r = ( WellBehaved l, WellBehaved r, Subset l (l .+ r), Subset r (l .+ r), ((l .+ r) .\\ l) ≈ r, ((l .+ r) .\\ r) ≈ l)
- pattern (:+) :: forall l r. Disjoint l r => Rec l -> Rec r -> Rec (l .+ r)
- (.//) :: Rec r -> Rec r' -> Rec (r .// r')
- pattern IsJust :: forall l r. ( AllUniqueLabels r, KnownSymbol l) => Label l -> (r .! l) -> Var r
- diversify :: forall r' r. Var r -> Var (r .\/ r')
- impossible :: Var Empty -> a
- trial :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Either ( Var (r .- l)) (r .! l)
- trial' :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Maybe (r .! l)
- multiTrial :: forall x y. ( AllUniqueLabels x, FreeForall x) => Var y -> Either ( Var (y .\\ x)) ( Var x)
- labels :: forall ρ c s. ( IsString s, Forall ρ c) => [s]
Types and constraints
data Label (s :: Symbol ) Source #
A label
class KnownSymbol (n :: Symbol ) Source #
This class gives the string associated with a type-level symbol. There are instances of the class for every concrete literal: "hello", etc.
Since: base-
type family AllUniqueLabels (r :: Row k) :: Constraint where ... Source #
Are all of the labels in this Row unique?
AllUniqueLabels ( R r) = AllUniqueLabelsR r |
type WellBehaved ρ = ( Forall ρ Unconstrained1 , AllUniqueLabels ρ) Source #
A convenient way to provide common, easy constraints
data Var (r :: Row *) Source #
The variant type.
( AllUniqueLabels r, KnownSymbol name, (r .! name) ≈ a, r ≈ ((r .- name) .\/ (name .== a))) => AsConstructor' name ( Var r) a Source # | |
( AllUniqueLabels r, AllUniqueLabels r', KnownSymbol name, (r .! name) ≈ a, (r' .! name) ≈ b, r' ≈ ((r .- name) .\/ (name .== b))) => AsConstructor name ( Var r) ( Var r') a b Source # |
Every possibility of a row-types based variant has an
Forall r Eq => Eq ( Var r) Source # | |
( Forall r Eq , Forall r Ord ) => Ord ( Var r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Variants |
Forall r Show => Show ( Var r) Source # | |
GenericVar r => Generic ( Var r) Source # | |
Forall r NFData => NFData ( Var r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Variants |
type Rep ( Var r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Variants |
data Rec (r :: Row *) Source #
A record with row r.
( KnownSymbol name, (r .! name) ≈ a, r ~ Modify name a r) => HasField' name ( Rec r) a Source # | |
( KnownSymbol name, (r' .! name) ≈ b, (r .! name) ≈ a, r' ~ Modify name b r, r ~ Modify name a r') => HasField name ( Rec r) ( Rec r') a b Source # |
Every field in a row-types based record has a
( Forall r Bounded , AllUniqueLabels r) => Bounded ( Rec r) Source # | |
Forall r Eq => Eq ( Rec r) Source # | |
( Forall r Eq , Forall r Ord ) => Ord ( Rec r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Records |
Forall r Show => Show ( Rec r) Source # | |
GenericRec r => Generic ( Rec r) Source # | |
Forall r NFData => NFData ( Rec r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Records |
type Rep ( Rec r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Records |
The kind of rows. This type is only used as a datakind. A row is a typelevel entity telling us which symbols are associated with which types.
class (r .! l) ≈ a => HasType l a r Source #
Alias for
(r .! l) ≈ a
. It is a class rather than an alias, so that
it can be partially applied.
type family Subset (r1 :: Row k) (r2 :: Row k) :: Constraint where ... Source #
Is the first row a subset of the second? Or, does the second row contain every binding that the first one does?
class Lacks (l :: Symbol ) (r :: Row *) Source #
Alias for
. It is a class rather than an alias, so that
it can be partially applied.
r .\ l => Lacks l r Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Internal |
type family (r :: Row k) .\ (l :: Symbol ) :: Constraint where ... infixl 4 Source #
Does the row lack (i.e. it does not have) the specified label?
( R '[]) .\ l = Unconstrained | |
( R r) .\ l = LacksR l r r |
type family (l :: Row k) .\/ (r :: Row k) where ... infixl 6 Source #
The minimum join of the two rows.
type family (l :: Row k) .\\ (r :: Row k) :: Row k where ... infixl 6 Source #
Type level Row difference. That is,
is the row remaining after
removing any matching elements of
type family (l :: Row k) .// (r :: Row k) where ... infixl 6 Source #
The overwriting union, where the left row overwrites the types of the right row where the labels overlap.
class BiForall (r1 :: Row k1) (r2 :: Row k2) (c :: k1 -> k2 -> Constraint ) Source #
Any structure over two rows in which the elements of each row satisfy some constraints can be metamorphized into another structure over both of the rows.
( KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ1 τ2, BiForall (' R ρ1) (' R ρ2) c, FrontExtends ℓ τ1 (' R ρ1), FrontExtends ℓ τ2 (' R ρ2), AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ1 (' R ρ1)), AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ2 (' R ρ2))) => BiForall (' R ((ℓ :-> τ1) ': ρ1) :: Row k1) (' R ((ℓ :-> τ2) ': ρ2) :: Row k2) (c :: k1 -> k2 -> Constraint ) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Internal biMetamorph :: forall p f g h. Bifunctor p => Proxy ( Proxy h, Proxy p) -> (f Empty Empty -> g Empty Empty ) -> ( forall (ℓ0 :: Symbol ) (τ10 :: k10) (τ20 :: k20) (ρ10 :: Row k10) (ρ20 :: Row k20). ( KnownSymbol ℓ0, c τ10 τ20, HasType ℓ0 τ10 ρ10, HasType ℓ0 τ20 ρ20) => Label ℓ0 -> f ρ10 ρ20 -> p (f (ρ10 .- ℓ0) (ρ20 .- ℓ0)) (h τ10 τ20)) -> ( forall (ℓ1 :: Symbol ) (τ11 :: k10) (τ21 :: k20) (ρ11 :: Row k10) (ρ21 :: Row k20). ( KnownSymbol ℓ1, c τ11 τ21, FrontExtends ℓ1 τ11 ρ11, FrontExtends ℓ1 τ21 ρ21, AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ1 τ11 ρ11), AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ1 τ21 ρ21)) => Label ℓ1 -> p (g ρ11 ρ21) (h τ11 τ21) -> g ( Extend ℓ1 τ11 ρ11) ( Extend ℓ1 τ21 ρ21)) -> f (' R ((ℓ :-> τ1) ': ρ1)) (' R ((ℓ :-> τ2) ': ρ2)) -> g (' R ((ℓ :-> τ1) ': ρ1)) (' R ((ℓ :-> τ2) ': ρ2)) Source # |
BiForall (' R ('[] :: [ LT k1]) :: Row k1) (' R ('[] :: [ LT k2]) :: Row k2) (c1 :: k1 -> k2 -> Constraint ) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Internal biMetamorph :: forall p f g h. Bifunctor p => Proxy ( Proxy h, Proxy p) -> (f Empty Empty -> g Empty Empty ) -> ( forall (ℓ :: Symbol ) (τ1 :: k10) (τ2 :: k20) (ρ1 :: Row k10) (ρ2 :: Row k20). ( KnownSymbol ℓ, c1 τ1 τ2, HasType ℓ τ1 ρ1, HasType ℓ τ2 ρ2) => Label ℓ -> f ρ1 ρ2 -> p (f (ρ1 .- ℓ) (ρ2 .- ℓ)) (h τ1 τ2)) -> ( forall (ℓ :: Symbol ) (τ1 :: k10) (τ2 :: k20) (ρ1 :: Row k10) (ρ2 :: Row k20). ( KnownSymbol ℓ, c1 τ1 τ2, FrontExtends ℓ τ1 ρ1, FrontExtends ℓ τ2 ρ2, AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ1 ρ1), AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ2 ρ2)) => Label ℓ -> p (g ρ1 ρ2) (h τ1 τ2) -> g ( Extend ℓ τ1 ρ1) ( Extend ℓ τ2 ρ2)) -> f (' R '[]) (' R '[]) -> g (' R '[]) (' R '[]) Source # |
class Forall (r :: Row k) (c :: k -> Constraint ) Source #
Any structure over a row in which every element is similarly constrained can be metamorphized into another structure over the same row.
( KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ, Forall (' R ρ) c, FrontExtends ℓ τ (' R ρ), AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ (' R ρ))) => Forall (' R ((ℓ :-> τ) ': ρ) :: Row k) (c :: k -> Constraint ) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Internal metamorph :: forall p f g h. Bifunctor p => Proxy ( Proxy h, Proxy p) -> (f Empty -> g Empty ) -> ( forall (ℓ0 :: Symbol ) (τ0 :: k0) (ρ0 :: Row k0). ( KnownSymbol ℓ0, c τ0, HasType ℓ0 τ0 ρ0) => Label ℓ0 -> f ρ0 -> p (f (ρ0 .- ℓ0)) (h τ0)) -> ( forall (ℓ1 :: Symbol ) (τ1 :: k0) (ρ1 :: Row k0). ( KnownSymbol ℓ1, c τ1, FrontExtends ℓ1 τ1 ρ1, AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ1 τ1 ρ1)) => Label ℓ1 -> p (g ρ1) (h τ1) -> g ( Extend ℓ1 τ1 ρ1)) -> f (' R ((ℓ :-> τ) ': ρ)) -> g (' R ((ℓ :-> τ) ': ρ)) Source # |
Forall (' R ('[] :: [ LT k]) :: Row k) (c :: k -> Constraint ) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Row.Internal metamorph :: forall p f g h. Bifunctor p => Proxy ( Proxy h, Proxy p) -> (f Empty -> g Empty ) -> ( forall (ℓ :: Symbol ) (τ :: k0) (ρ :: Row k0). ( KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ, HasType ℓ τ ρ) => Label ℓ -> f ρ -> p (f (ρ .- ℓ)) (h τ)) -> ( forall (ℓ :: Symbol ) (τ :: k0) (ρ :: Row k0). ( KnownSymbol ℓ, c τ, FrontExtends ℓ τ ρ, AllUniqueLabels ( Extend ℓ τ ρ)) => Label ℓ -> p (g ρ) (h τ) -> g ( Extend ℓ τ ρ)) -> f (' R '[]) -> g (' R '[]) Source # |
type FreeForall r = Forall r Unconstrained1 Source #
can be used when a
constraint is necessary but there
is no particular constraint we care about.
type FreeBiForall r1 r2 = BiForall r1 r2 Unconstrained2 Source #
can be used when a
constraint is necessary but
there is no particular constraint we care about.
caseon :: forall v r x. BiForall r v ( AppliesTo x) => Rec r -> Var v -> x Source #
The same as
but with the argument order reversed
Record Construction
type (.==) (l :: Symbol ) (a :: k) = Extend l a Empty infix 7 Source #
A type level way to create a singleton Row.
pattern (:==) :: forall l a. KnownSymbol l => Label l -> a -> Rec (l .== a) infix 7 Source #
A pattern for the singleton record; can be used to both destruct a record when in a pattern position or construct one in an expression position.
type family (r :: Row k) .- (s :: Symbol ) :: Row k where ... infixl 6 Source #
Type level Row element removal
(.-) :: KnownSymbol l => Rec r -> Label l -> Rec (r .- l) infixl 6 Source #
Record restriction. Remove the label l from the record.
type family (r :: Row k) .! (t :: Symbol ) :: k where ... infixl 5 Source #
Type level label fetching
(.+) :: forall l r. FreeForall l => Rec l -> Rec r -> Rec (l .+ r) infixl 6 Source #
Record disjoint union (commutative)
type Disjoint l r = ( WellBehaved l, WellBehaved r, Subset l (l .+ r), Subset r (l .+ r), ((l .+ r) .\\ l) ≈ r, ((l .+ r) .\\ r) ≈ l) Source #
A type synonym for disjointness.
pattern (:+) :: forall l r. Disjoint l r => Rec l -> Rec r -> Rec (l .+ r) infixl 6 Source #
A pattern version of record union, for use in pattern matching.
(.//) :: Rec r -> Rec r' -> Rec (r .// r') infixl 6 Source #
Record overwrite.
The operation
r .// r'
creates a new record such that:
Any label that is in both
is in the resulting record with the type and value given by the fields inr
, -
Any label that is only found in
is in the resulting record. -
Any label that is only found in
is in the resulting record.
This can be thought of as
Variant construction
pattern IsJust :: forall l r. ( AllUniqueLabels r, KnownSymbol l) => Label l -> (r .! l) -> Var r Source #
A pattern for variants; can be used to both destruct a variant when in a pattern position or construct one in an expression position.
diversify :: forall r' r. Var r -> Var (r .\/ r') Source #
Make the variant arbitrarily more diverse.
impossible :: Var Empty -> a Source #
A Variant with no options is uninhabited.
trial :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Either ( Var (r .- l)) (r .! l) Source #
Convert a variant into either the value at the given label or a variant without that label. This is the basic variant destructor.
trial' :: KnownSymbol l => Var r -> Label l -> Maybe (r .! l) Source #
A version of
that ignores the leftover variant.
multiTrial :: forall x y. ( AllUniqueLabels x, FreeForall x) => Var y -> Either ( Var (y .\\ x)) ( Var x) Source #
A trial over multiple types