servant-client-core-0.19: Core functionality and class for client function generation for servant APIs
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




clientIn :: HasClient m api => Proxy api -> Proxy m -> Client m api Source #

clientIn allows you to produce operations to query an API from a client within a RunClient monad.

type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book -- POST /books

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

clientM :: Proxy ClientM
clientM = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
postNewBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
(getAllBooks :<|> postNewBook) = myApi `clientIn` clientM

class RunClient m => HasClient m api where Source #

This class lets us define how each API combinator influences the creation of an HTTP request.

Unless you are writing a new backend for servant-client-core or new combinators that you want to support client-generation, you can ignore this class.

Associated Types

type Client (m :: * -> *) (api :: *) :: * Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Request -> Client m api Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon api -> Client mon' api Source #


Instances details
( RunClient m, TypeError ( NoInstanceFor ( HasClient m api)) :: Constraint ) => HasClient m api Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m api Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Request -> Client m api Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon api -> Client mon' api Source #

RunClient m => HasClient m Raw Source #

Pick a Method and specify where the server you want to query is. You get back the full Response .

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m Raw Source #

RunClient m => HasClient m EmptyAPI Source #

The client for EmptyAPI is simply EmptyClient .

type MyAPI = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "nothing" :> EmptyAPI

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
(getAllBooks :<|> EmptyClient) = client myApi
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m EmptyAPI Source #

( forall (n :: Type -> Type ). GClient api n, HasClient m ( ToServantApi api), RunClient m) => HasClient m ( NamedRoutes api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( NamedRoutes api) Source #

( RunClient m, ReflectMethod method) => HasClient m ( NoContentVerb method) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( NoContentVerb method) Source #

( HasClient m a, HasClient m b) => HasClient m (a :<|> b) Source #

A client querying function for a :<|> b will actually hand you one function for querying a and another one for querying b , stitching them together with :<|> , which really is just like a pair.

type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
        :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post Book -- POST /books

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getAllBooks :: ClientM [Book]
postNewBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
(getAllBooks :<|> postNewBook) = client myApi
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m (a :<|> b) Source #

( RunClient m, TypeError ( NoInstanceForSub ( HasClient m) ty) :: Constraint ) => HasClient m (ty :> sub) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m (ty :> sub) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (ty :> sub) -> Request -> Client m (ty :> sub) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (ty :> sub) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (ty :> sub) -> Client mon' (ty :> sub) Source #

( RunClient m, TypeError ( PartialApplication HasClient arr) :: Constraint ) => HasClient m (arr :> sub) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m (arr :> sub) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (arr :> sub) -> Request -> Client m (arr :> sub) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (arr :> sub) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (arr :> sub) -> Client mon' (arr :> sub) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Client mon' ( BasicAuth realm usr :> api) Source #

( AtLeastOneFragment api, FragmentUnique ( Fragment a :> api), HasClient m api) => HasClient m ( Fragment a :> api) Source #

Ignore Fragment in client functions. See for more details.


type MyApi = "books" :> Fragment Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooks :: ClientM [Book]
getBooks = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooksBy" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooks' for all books.
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Fragment a :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( AuthProtect tag :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( AuthProtect tag :> api) Source #

HasClient m subapi => HasClient m ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> Request -> Client m ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) -> Client mon' ( WithNamedContext name context subapi) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( IsSecure :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( IsSecure :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( RemoteHost :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( RemoteHost :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( Vault :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Vault :> api) Source #

( KnownSymbol path, HasClient m api) => HasClient m (path :> api) Source #

Make the querying function append path to the request path.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m (path :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy (path :> api) -> Request -> Client m (path :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy (path :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon (path :> api) -> Client mon' (path :> api) Source #

( HasClient m api, MimeRender ctype chunk, FramingRender framing, ToSourceIO chunk a) => HasClient m ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Client mon' ( StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) Source #

( MimeRender ct a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) Source #

If you use a ReqBody in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your ReqBody . That function will take care of encoding this argument as JSON and of using it as the request body.

All you need is for your type to have a ToJSON instance.


type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

addBook :: Book -> ClientM Book
addBook = client myApi
-- then you can just use "addBook" to query that endpoint
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> Client mon' ( ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) Source #

( KnownSymbol sym, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ( QueryFlag sym :> api) Source #

If you use a QueryFlag in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional Bool argument.

If you give False , nothing will be added to the query string.

Otherwise, this function will insert a value-less query string parameter under the name associated to your QueryFlag .


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryFlag "published" :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooks :: Bool -> ClientM [Book]
getBooks = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooks" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy False' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy True' to only get _already published_ books
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( QueryFlag sym :> api) Source #

( KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ( QueryParams sym a :> api) Source #

If you use a QueryParams in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument, a list of values of the type specified by your QueryParams .

If you give an empty list, nothing will be added to the query string.

Otherwise, this function will take care of inserting a textual representation of your values in the query string, under the same query string parameter name.

You can control how values for your type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParams "authors" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooksBy :: [Text] -> ClientM [Book]
getBooksBy = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooksBy" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy []' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy ["Isaac Asimov", "Robert A. Heinlein"]'
--   to get all books by Asimov and Heinlein
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( QueryParams sym a :> api) Source #

( KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, SBoolI ( FoldRequired mods)) => HasClient m ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) Source #

If you use a QueryParam in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your QueryParam , enclosed in Maybe.

If you give Nothing, nothing will be added to the query string.

If you give a non- Nothing value, this function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value in the query string.

You can control how values for your type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParam "author" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book]

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBooksBy :: Maybe Text -> ClientM [Book]
getBooksBy = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBooksBy" to query that endpoint.
-- 'getBooksBy Nothing' for all books
-- 'getBooksBy (Just "Isaac Asimov")' to get all books by Isaac Asimov
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Client mon' ( QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( Description desc :> api) Source #

Ignore Description in client functions.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Description desc :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( Summary desc :> api) Source #

Ignore Summary in client functions.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Summary desc :> api) Source #

HasClient m api => HasClient m ( HttpVersion :> api) Source #

Using a HttpVersion combinator in your API doesn't affect the client functions.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( HttpVersion :> api) Source #

( KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api, SBoolI ( FoldRequired mods)) => HasClient m ( Header' mods sym a :> api) Source #

If you use a Header in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your Header , wrapped in Maybe.

That function will take care of encoding this argument as Text in the request headers.

All you need is for your type to have a ToHttpApiData instance.


newtype Referer = Referer { referrer :: Text }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToHttpApiData)

           -- GET /view-my-referer
type MyApi = "view-my-referer" :> Header "Referer" Referer :> Get '[JSON] Referer

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

viewReferer :: Maybe Referer -> ClientM Book
viewReferer = client myApi
-- then you can just use "viewRefer" to query that endpoint
-- specifying Nothing or e.g Just "" as arguments
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Header' mods sym a :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( Header' mods sym a :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Header' mods sym a :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Client mon' ( Header' mods sym a :> api) Source #

( RunClient m, contentTypes ~ (contentType ': otherContentTypes), as ~ (a ': as'), AllMime contentTypes, ReflectMethod method, All (UnrenderResponse contentTypes) as, All HasStatus as, HasStatuses as', Unique ( Statuses as)) => HasClient m ( UVerb method contentTypes as) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( UVerb method contentTypes as) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( UVerb method contentTypes as) -> Request -> Client m ( UVerb method contentTypes as) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( UVerb method contentTypes as) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( UVerb method contentTypes as) -> Client mon' ( UVerb method contentTypes as) Source #

( KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m sublayout) => HasClient m ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) Source #

If you use a CaptureAll in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of a list of the type specified by your CaptureAll . That function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value at the right place in the request path.

You can control how these values are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance of your type.


type MyAPI = "src" :> CaptureAll Text -> Get '[JSON] SourceFile

myApi :: Proxy
myApi = Proxy
getSourceFile :: [Text] -> ClientM SourceFile
getSourceFile = client myApi
-- then you can use "getSourceFile" to query that endpoint
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) -> Request -> Client m ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) -> Client mon' ( CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) Source #

( KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient m api) => HasClient m ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) Source #

If you use a Capture in one of your endpoints in your API, the corresponding querying function will automatically take an additional argument of the type specified by your Capture . That function will take care of inserting a textual representation of this value at the right place in the request path.

You can control how values for this type are turned into text by specifying a ToHttpApiData instance for your type.


type MyApi = "books" :> Capture "isbn" Text :> Get '[JSON] Book

myApi :: Proxy MyApi
myApi = Proxy

getBook :: Text -> ClientM Book
getBook = client myApi
-- then you can just use "getBook" to query that endpoint
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) -> Request -> Client m ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) -> Client mon' ( Capture' mods capture a :> api) Source #

( RunClient m, BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status) => HasClient m ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) -> Request -> Client m ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) -> Client mon' ( Verb method status cts ( Headers ls NoContent )) Source #

( RunClient m, MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls, KnownNat status, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)) => HasClient m ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) -> Request -> Client m ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) -> Client mon' ( Verb method status cts' ( Headers ls a)) Source #

( RunClient m, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status) => HasClient m ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) -> Request -> Client m ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) -> Client mon' ( Verb method status cts NoContent ) Source #

( RunClient m, MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts), KnownNat status) => HasClient m ( Verb method status cts' a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Verb method status cts' a) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts' a) -> Request -> Client m ( Verb method status cts' a) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Verb method status cts' a) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Verb method status cts' a) -> Client mon' ( Verb method status cts' a) Source #

( RunStreamingClient m, MimeUnrender ct chunk, ReflectMethod method, FramingUnrender framing, FromSourceIO chunk a, BuildHeadersTo hs) => HasClient m ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) -> Request -> Client m ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) -> Client mon' ( Stream method status framing ct ( Headers hs a)) Source #

( RunStreamingClient m, MimeUnrender ct chunk, ReflectMethod method, FramingUnrender framing, FromSourceIO chunk a) => HasClient m ( Stream method status framing ct a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type Client m ( Stream method status framing ct a) Source #


clientWithRoute :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Stream method status framing ct a) -> Request -> Client m ( Stream method status framing ct a) Source #

hoistClientMonad :: Proxy m -> Proxy ( Stream method status framing ct a) -> ( forall x. mon x -> mon' x) -> Client mon ( Stream method status framing ct a) -> Client mon' ( Stream method status framing ct a) Source #

data AsClientT (m :: * -> *) Source #

A type that specifies that an API record contains a client implementation.


Instances details
GenericMode ( AsClientT m) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

Associated Types

type ( AsClientT m) :- api Source #

type ( AsClientT m) :- api Source #
Instance details

Defined in Servant.Client.Core.HasClient

type ( AsClientT m) :- api = Client m api

(//) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 1 Source #

Helper to make code using records of clients more readable.

Can be mixed with (/:) for supplying arguments.


@@ type Api = NamedRoutes RootApi

data RootApi mode = RootApi { subApi :: mode :- NamedRoutes SubApi , … } deriving Generic

data SubApi mode = SubApi { endpoint :: mode :- Get '[JSON] Person , … } deriving Generic

api :: Proxy API api = Proxy

rootClient :: RootApi (AsClientT ClientM) rootClient = client api

endpointClient :: ClientM Person endpointClient = client / subApi / endpoint @@

(/:) :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c infixl 2 Source #

Convenience function for supplying arguments to client functions when working with records of clients.

Intended to be used in conjunction with (//) .


@@ type Api = NamedRoutes RootApi

data RootApi mode = RootApi { subApi :: mode :- Capture "token" String :> NamedRoutes SubApi , hello :: mode :- Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON] String , … } deriving Generic

data SubApi mode = SubApi { endpoint :: mode :- Get '[JSON] Person , … } deriving Generic

api :: Proxy API api = Proxy

rootClient :: RootApi (AsClientT ClientM) rootClient = client api

hello :: String -> ClientM String hello name = rootClient / hello : name

endpointClient :: ClientM Person endpointClient = client / subApi : "foobar123" // endpoint @@

foldMapUnion :: forall c a (as :: [ Type ]). All c as => Proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => x -> a) -> Union as -> a Source #

Convenience function to apply a function to an unknown union element using a type class. All elements of the union must have instances in the type class, and the function is applied unconditionally.

See also: matchUnion .

matchUnion :: forall a (as :: [ Type ]). IsMember a as => Union as -> Maybe a Source #

Convenience function to extract a union element using cast , ie. return the value if the selected type happens to be the actual type of the union in this value, or Nothing otherwise.

See also: foldMapUnion .