Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Reexports from modules from the
val (args :: [
]) res
- TypeSchemeResult :: ( KnownTypeAst ( UniOf val) res, MakeKnown val res) => TypeScheme val '[] res
- TypeSchemeArrow :: ( KnownTypeAst ( UniOf val) arg, MakeKnown val arg, ReadKnown val arg) => TypeScheme val args res -> TypeScheme val (arg ': args) res
- TypeSchemeAll :: ( KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind) => Proxy '(text, uniq, kind) -> TypeScheme val args res -> TypeScheme val args res
- argProxy :: TypeScheme val (arg ': args) res -> Proxy arg
- typeSchemeToType :: TypeScheme val args res -> Type TyName ( UniOf val) ()
- class (uni `Everywhere` ImplementedKnownTypeAst uni, uni `Everywhere` ImplementedReadKnownIn uni, uni `Everywhere` ImplementedMakeKnownIn uni) => TestTypesFromTheUniverseAreAllKnown uni
- data Peano
- RuntimeSchemeResult :: RuntimeScheme ' Z
- RuntimeSchemeArrow :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme (' S n)
- RuntimeSchemeAll :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme n
- type family ToRuntimeDenotationType val n where ...
- type family ToCostingType n where ...
- data BuiltinRuntime val = forall n. BuiltinRuntime ( RuntimeScheme n) ~( ToRuntimeDenotationType val n) ( ToCostingType n)
- noThunksInCosting :: Context -> ToCostingType n -> RuntimeScheme n -> IO ( Maybe ThunkInfo )
- data UnliftingMode
n val cost =
- _broRuntimeScheme :: RuntimeScheme n
- _broImmediateF :: ToRuntimeDenotationType val n
- _broDeferredF :: ToRuntimeDenotationType val n
- _broToExF :: cost -> ToCostingType n
- fromBuiltinRuntimeOptions :: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val
fun val =
- unBuiltinRuntime :: Array fun ( BuiltinRuntime val)
- lookupBuiltin :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsMachineError err fun, Ix fun) => fun -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val -> m ( BuiltinRuntime val)
val (rep ::
) =
- unOpaque :: val
uni (rep ::
) =
- unSomeConstant :: Some ( ValueOf uni)
- data TyNameRep (kind :: Type ) = TyNameRep Symbol Nat
- data family TyVarRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) :: kind
- data family TyAppRep (fun :: dom -> cod) (arg :: dom) :: cod
- data family TyForallRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) (a :: Type ) :: Type
- type family FoldArgs args res where ...
- data BuiltinMeaning val cost = forall args res. BuiltinMeaning ( TypeScheme val args res) ( FoldArgs args res) ( BuiltinRuntimeOptions ( Length args) val cost)
fun) =>
uni fun
- type CostingPart uni fun
- toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => fun -> BuiltinMeaning val ( CostingPart uni fun)
- typeOfBuiltinFunction :: ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun => fun -> Type TyName uni ()
- type family Length xs where ...
- type family GetArgs a where ...
val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res
- knownMonotype :: TypeScheme val args res
- knownMonoruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args)
- toImmediateF :: FoldArgs args res -> ToRuntimeDenotationType val ( Length args)
- toDeferredF :: ReadKnownM () ( FoldArgs args res) -> ToRuntimeDenotationType val ( Length args)
val args res a =>
(binds :: [
]) val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res
- knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res
- knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args)
- makeBuiltinMeaning :: forall a val cost binds args res j. (binds ~ ToBinds a, args ~ GetArgs a, a ~ FoldArgs args res, ElaborateFromTo 0 j val a, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) => a -> (cost -> ToCostingType ( Length args)) -> BuiltinMeaning val cost
- toBuiltinRuntime :: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinMeaning val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val
- toBuiltinsRuntime :: (cost ~ CostingPart uni fun, HasConstantIn uni val, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun) => UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val
- data TyNameRep (kind :: Type ) = TyNameRep Symbol Nat
- data family TyVarRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) :: kind
- data family TyAppRep (fun :: dom -> cod) (arg :: dom) :: cod
- data family TyForallRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) (a :: Type ) :: Type
- data Hole
- data family RepHole x
- data family TypeHole a
- type KnownBuiltinTypeAst uni a = KnownTypeAst uni (ElaborateBuiltin a)
- class KnownTypeAst uni x where
- type family Merge xs ys :: [a] where ...
- data KnownTypeError
- throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err, AsEvaluationFailure err) => ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause -> m void
- type KnownBuiltinTypeIn uni val a = ( HasConstantIn uni val, GShow uni, GEq uni, uni `Contains` a)
- type KnownBuiltinType val a = KnownBuiltinTypeIn ( UniOf val) val a
- type MakeKnownM cause = ExceptT ( ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause) Emitter
- type ReadKnownM cause = Either ( ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause)
- readKnownConstant :: forall val a cause. KnownBuiltinType val a => Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause a
uni ~
val =>
uni val a
- makeKnown :: Maybe cause -> a -> MakeKnownM cause val
- type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn ( UniOf val) val
uni ~
val =>
uni val a
- readKnown :: Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause a
- type ReadKnown val = ReadKnownIn ( UniOf val) val
- makeKnownRun :: MakeKnownIn uni val a => Maybe cause -> a -> ( ReadKnownM cause val, DList Text )
- makeKnownOrFail :: MakeKnownIn uni val a => a -> EvaluationResult val
- readKnownSelf :: ( ReadKnown val a, AsUnliftingError err, AsEvaluationFailure err) => val -> Either ( ErrorWithCause err val) a
- data SingKind k where
- class KnownKind k where
(uni ::
- toSingKind :: uni ( Esc (a :: k)) -> SingKind k
- demoteKind :: SingKind k -> Kind ()
- kindOfBuiltinType :: ToKind uni => uni ( Esc a) -> Kind ()
- throwNotAConstant :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err) => Maybe cause -> m r
- asConstant :: AsUnliftingError err => Maybe cause -> term -> Either ( ErrorWithCause err cause) ( Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf term)))
- fromConstant :: Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf term)) -> term
- type HasConstantIn uni term = ( UniOf term ~ uni, HasConstant term)
- module PlutusCore.Builtin.Emitter
data TypeScheme val (args :: [ Type ]) res where Source #
Type schemes of primitive operations.
is a list of types of arguments,
is the resulting type.
Text -> Bool -> Integer
is encoded as
TypeScheme val [Text, Bool] Integer
TypeSchemeResult :: ( KnownTypeAst ( UniOf val) res, MakeKnown val res) => TypeScheme val '[] res | |
TypeSchemeArrow :: ( KnownTypeAst ( UniOf val) arg, MakeKnown val arg, ReadKnown val arg) => TypeScheme val args res -> TypeScheme val (arg ': args) res infixr 9 | |
TypeSchemeAll :: ( KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind) => Proxy '(text, uniq, kind) -> TypeScheme val args res -> TypeScheme val args res |
argProxy :: TypeScheme val (arg ': args) res -> Proxy arg Source #
typeSchemeToType :: TypeScheme val args res -> Type TyName ( UniOf val) () Source #
Convert a
to the corresponding
Basically, a map from the PHOAS representation to the FOAS one.
class (uni `Everywhere` ImplementedKnownTypeAst uni, uni `Everywhere` ImplementedReadKnownIn uni, uni `Everywhere` ImplementedMakeKnownIn uni) => TestTypesFromTheUniverseAreAllKnown uni Source #
An instance of this class not having any constraints ensures that every type (according to
) from the universe has 'KnownTypeAst,
Peano numbers. Normally called
, but that is already reserved by
data RuntimeScheme n where Source #
Same as
except this one doesn't contain any evaluation-irrelevant types stuff.
represents the number of term-level arguments that a builtin takes.
RuntimeSchemeResult :: RuntimeScheme ' Z | |
RuntimeSchemeArrow :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme (' S n) | |
RuntimeSchemeAll :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme n |
Eq ( RuntimeScheme n) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime Methods (==) :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme n -> Bool Source # (/=) :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme n -> Bool Source # |
Show ( RuntimeScheme n) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime |
NFData ( RuntimeScheme n) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime Methods rnf :: RuntimeScheme n -> () Source # |
NoThunks ( RuntimeScheme n) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime |
type family ToRuntimeDenotationType val n where ... Source #
Compute the runtime denotation type of a builtin given the type of values and the number of
arguments that the builtin takes. A "runtime denotation type" is different from a regular
denotation type in that a regular one can have any
type as an argument and can
return any
type, while in a runtime one only
can appear as the type of an
argument, as well as in the result type. This is what we get by calling
over each
argument of the denotation and calling
over its result.
ToRuntimeDenotationType val ' Z = MakeKnownM () val | |
ToRuntimeDenotationType val (' S n) = val -> ReadKnownM () ( ToRuntimeDenotationType val n) |
type family ToCostingType n where ... Source #
Compute the costing type for a builtin given the number of arguments that the builtin takes.
ToCostingType ' Z = ExBudget | |
ToCostingType (' S n) = ExMemory -> ToCostingType n |
data BuiltinRuntime val Source #
represents a possibly partial builtin application.
We get an initial
representing an empty builtin application (i.e. just the
builtin with no arguments) by instantiating (via
) a
contains info that is used during evaluation:
of the uninstantiated part of the builtin. I.e. initially it's the runtime scheme of the whole builtin, but applying or type-instantiating the builtin peels off the corresponding constructor from the runtime scheme - the (possibly partially instantiated) runtime denotation
- the (possibly partially instantiated) costing function
All the three are in sync in terms of partial instantiatedness due to
being a
GADT and
operating on the index of that GADT.
forall n. BuiltinRuntime ( RuntimeScheme n) ~( ToRuntimeDenotationType val n) ( ToCostingType n) |
Show ( BuiltinRuntime ( CkValue uni fun)) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Ck |
Show ( BuiltinRuntime ( CekValue uni fun)) Source # | |
NFData ( BuiltinRuntime val) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime Methods rnf :: BuiltinRuntime val -> () Source # |
NoThunks ( BuiltinRuntime val) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime |
noThunksInCosting :: Context -> ToCostingType n -> RuntimeScheme n -> IO ( Maybe ThunkInfo ) Source #
Check whether the given `ToCostingType n` contains thunks. The `RuntimeScheme n` is used to
data UnliftingMode Source #
Determines how to unlift arguments. The difference is that with
is performed immediately after a builtin gets the argument and so can fail immediately too, while
with deferred unlifting all arguments are unlifted upon full saturation, hence no failure can
occur until that. The former makes it much harder to specify the behaviour of builtins and
is the preferred mode.
UnliftingImmediate | |
UnliftingDeferred |
data BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost Source #
is a precursor to
. One gets the latter from the
former by choosing the runtime denotation of the builtin (either
for immediate
unlifting or
for deferred unlifting, see
for details) and by
with a cost model to get the costing function for the builtin.
BuiltinRuntimeOptions | |
fromBuiltinRuntimeOptions :: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val Source #
Convert a
to a
given an
and a cost
newtype BuiltinsRuntime fun val Source #
for each builtin from a set of builtins.
BuiltinsRuntime | |
NFData fun => NFData ( BuiltinsRuntime fun val) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime Methods rnf :: BuiltinsRuntime fun val -> () Source # |
NoThunks ( BuiltinsRuntime fun val) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime |
lookupBuiltin :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsMachineError err fun, Ix fun) => fun -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val -> m ( BuiltinRuntime val) Source #
Look up the runtime info of a built-in function during evaluation.
newtype Opaque val (rep :: Type ) Source #
The denotation of a term whose PLC type is encoded in
(for example a type variable or
an application of a type variable). I.e. the denotation of such a term is the term itself.
This is because we have parametricity in Haskell, so we can't inspect a value whose
type is, say, a bound variable, so we never need to convert such a term from Plutus Core to
Haskell and back and instead can keep it intact.
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Bifunctor Opaque ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Bitraversable Opaque ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods bitraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Opaque a b -> f ( Opaque c d) Source # |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Bifoldable Opaque ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism |
UniOf val => ReadKnownIn uni val ( Opaque val rep) uni ~ Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType |
UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val ( Opaque val rep) uni ~ Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Monad ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Functor ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => MonadFail ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Applicative ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods pure :: a -> Opaque val a Source # (<*>) :: Opaque val (a -> b) -> Opaque val a -> Opaque val b Source # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Opaque val a -> Opaque val b -> Opaque val c Source # (*>) :: Opaque val a -> Opaque val b -> Opaque val b Source # (<*) :: Opaque val a -> Opaque val b -> Opaque val a Source # |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Foldable ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods fold :: Monoid m => Opaque val m -> m Source # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Opaque val a -> m Source # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Opaque val a -> m Source # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Opaque val a -> b Source # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Opaque val a -> b Source # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Opaque val a -> b Source # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Opaque val a -> b Source # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Opaque val a -> a Source # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Opaque val a -> a Source # toList :: Opaque val a -> [a] Source # null :: Opaque val a -> Bool Source # length :: Opaque val a -> Int Source # elem :: Eq a => a -> Opaque val a -> Bool Source # maximum :: Ord a => Opaque val a -> a Source # minimum :: Ord a => Opaque val a -> a Source # |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Traversable ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Opaque val a -> f ( Opaque val b) Source # sequenceA :: Applicative f => Opaque val (f a) -> f ( Opaque val a) Source # mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Opaque val a -> m ( Opaque val b) Source # sequence :: Monad m => Opaque val (m a) -> m ( Opaque val a) Source # |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => Alternative ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => MonadPlus ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoRegularlyAppliedHkVarsMsg :: Constraint ) => MonadIO ( Opaque val) ( Source # | |
KnownTypeAst uni rep => KnownTypeAst uni ( Opaque val rep :: Type ) Source # | |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Bounded ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Enum ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods succ :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # pred :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # toEnum :: Int -> Opaque val rep Source # fromEnum :: Opaque val rep -> Int Source # enumFrom :: Opaque val rep -> [ Opaque val rep] Source # enumFromThen :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> [ Opaque val rep] Source # enumFromTo :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> [ Opaque val rep] Source # enumFromThenTo :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> [ Opaque val rep] Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Eq ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Integral ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods quot :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # rem :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # div :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # mod :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # quotRem :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) Source # divMod :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Num ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods (+) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # (-) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # (*) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # negate :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # abs :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # signum :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # fromInteger :: Integer -> Opaque val rep Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Ord ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods compare :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Ordering Source # (<) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Bool Source # (<=) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Bool Source # (>) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Bool Source # (>=) :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Bool Source # max :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # min :: Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep -> Opaque val rep Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Real ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods toRational :: Opaque val rep -> Rational Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Ix ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods range :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> [ Opaque val rep] Source # index :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> Opaque val rep -> Int Source # unsafeIndex :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> Opaque val rep -> Int Source # inRange :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> Opaque val rep -> Bool Source # rangeSize :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> Int Source # unsafeRangeSize :: ( Opaque val rep, Opaque val rep) -> Int Source # |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Semigroup ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
TypeError NoConstraintsErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Monoid ( Opaque val rep) ( Source # | |
Pretty val => Pretty ( Opaque val rep) Source # | |
HasConstant val => HasConstant ( Opaque val rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism Methods asConstant :: AsUnliftingError err => Maybe cause -> Opaque val rep -> Either ( ErrorWithCause err cause) ( Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf ( Opaque val rep)))) Source # fromConstant :: Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf ( Opaque val rep))) -> Opaque val rep Source # |
type ToHoles ( Opaque val rep :: Type ) Source # | |
type ToBinds ( Opaque val rep :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type UniOf ( Opaque val rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism |
newtype SomeConstant uni (rep :: Type ) Source #
For unlifting from the
constructor when the stored value is of a monomorphic
built-in type
parameter specifies how the type looks on the PLC side (i.e. just like with
Opaque val rep
SomeConstant | |
HasConstantIn uni val => ReadKnownIn uni val ( SomeConstant uni rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType Methods readKnown :: Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause ( SomeConstant uni rep) Source # |
HasConstantIn uni val => MakeKnownIn uni val ( SomeConstant uni rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType Methods makeKnown :: Maybe cause -> SomeConstant uni rep -> MakeKnownM cause val Source # |
KnownTypeAst uni rep => KnownTypeAst uni ( SomeConstant uni rep :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToHoles ( SomeConstant uni rep :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToBinds ( SomeConstant uni rep :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
data TyNameRep (kind :: Type ) Source #
Representation of a type variable: its name and unique and an implicit kind.
KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype ('[] :: [ Some TyNameRep ]) val args res (a :: k) Source # |
Once we've run out of type-level arguments, we start handling term-level ones. |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
KnownSymbol name, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) => KnownPolytype (' Some (' TyNameRep name uniq :: TyNameRep kind) ': binds) val args res (a :: k) ( Source # |
Every type-level argument becomes a
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
TypeError NoStandalonePolymorphicDataErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Contains uni ( TyVarRep :: TyNameRep kind -> kind) ( Source # | |
data family TyVarRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) :: kind Source #
Representation of an intrinsically-kinded type variable: a name.
TyNameRep text uniq :: TyNameRep a), KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyVarRep name :: a) (name ~ (' Source # | |
TypeError NoStandalonePolymorphicDataErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Contains uni ( TyVarRep :: TyNameRep kind -> kind) ( Source # | |
type ToHoles ( TyVarRep name :: a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToBinds ( TyVarRep name :: a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
data family TyAppRep (fun :: dom -> cod) (arg :: dom) :: cod Source #
Representation of an intrinsically-kinded type application: a function and an argument.
KnownTypeAst uni fun, KnownTypeAst uni arg) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) ( Source # | |
type ToHoles ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) Source # | |
type ToBinds ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) Source # | |
data family TyForallRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) (a :: Type ) :: Type Source #
Representation of of an intrinsically-kinded universal quantifier: a bound name and a body.
TyNameRep text uniq :: TyNameRep kind), KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownTypeAst uni a) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) (name ~ (' Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToHoles ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToBinds ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type family FoldArgs args res where ... Source #
Turn a list of Haskell types
into a functional type ending in
:set -XDataKinds
:kind! FoldArgs [Text, Bool] Integer
FoldArgs [Text, Bool] Integer :: * = Text -> Bool -> Integer
data BuiltinMeaning val cost Source #
The meaning of a built-in function consists of its type represented as a
its Haskell denotation and a costing function (both in uninstantiated form).
of a built-in function is used for
- computing the PLC type of the function to be used during type checking
- checking equality of the expected type of an argument of a builtin and the actual one during evaluation, so that we can avoid unsafe-coercing
A costing function for a built-in function is computed from a cost model for all built-in
functions from a certain set, hence the
forall args res. BuiltinMeaning ( TypeScheme val args res) ( FoldArgs args res) ( BuiltinRuntimeOptions ( Length args) val cost) |
class ( Bounded fun, Enum fun, Ix fun) => ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun where Source #
A type class for "each function from a set of built-in functions has a
toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => fun -> BuiltinMeaning val ( CostingPart uni fun) Source #
Get the
of a built-in function.
DefaultUni => ToBuiltinMeaning uni DefaultFun uni ~ Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Builtins Associated Types type CostingPart uni DefaultFun Source # Methods toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => DefaultFun -> BuiltinMeaning val ( CostingPart uni DefaultFun ) Source # |
DefaultUni => ToBuiltinMeaning uni ExtensionFun uni ~ Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Examples.Builtins Associated Types type CostingPart uni ExtensionFun Source # Methods toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => ExtensionFun -> BuiltinMeaning val ( CostingPart uni ExtensionFun ) Source # |
ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun1, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun2) => ToBuiltinMeaning uni ( Either fun1 fun2) ( Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Examples.Builtins Associated Types type CostingPart uni ( Either fun1 fun2) Source # Methods toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => Either fun1 fun2 -> BuiltinMeaning val ( CostingPart uni ( Either fun1 fun2)) Source # |
typeOfBuiltinFunction :: ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun => fun -> Type TyName uni () Source #
Get the type of a built-in function.
class KnownMonotype val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res where Source #
A class that allows us to derive a monotype for a builtin.
We could've easily computed a
from a
but not statically (due to
unfolding not working for recursive functions and
is recursive, i.e. the conversion
can only be a recursive function), and so it would cause us to retain a lot of
evaluation-irrelevant stuff in the constructors of
, which makes it much harder to
read the Core. Technically speaking, we could convert a
to a
statically if we changed the definition of
and made it a singleton, but then the
conversion function would have to become a class anyway and we'd just replicate what we have here,
except in a much more complicated way.
It's also more efficient to generate
s directly, but that shouldn't really matter, -- given that they computed only once and cached afterwards.
Similarly, we could've computed
from a
but not
statically again, and that would break inlining and basically all the optimization.
knownMonotype :: TypeScheme val args res Source #
knownMonoruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source #
toImmediateF :: FoldArgs args res -> ToRuntimeDenotationType val ( Length args) Source #
Convert the denotation of a builtin to its runtime counterpart with immediate unlifting.
toDeferredF :: ReadKnownM () ( FoldArgs args res) -> ToRuntimeDenotationType val ( Length args) Source #
Convert the denotation of a builtin to its runtime counterpart with deferred unlifting.
The argument is in
, because that's what deferred unlifting amounts to:
passing the action returning the builtin application around until full saturation, which is
when the action actually gets run.
class KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype (binds :: [ Some TyNameRep ]) val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res where Source #
A class that allows us to derive a polytype for a builtin.
knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source #
knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source #
KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype ('[] :: [ Some TyNameRep ]) val args res (a :: k) Source # |
Once we've run out of type-level arguments, we start handling term-level ones. |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
KnownSymbol name, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) => KnownPolytype (' Some (' TyNameRep name uniq :: TyNameRep kind) ': binds) val args res (a :: k) ( Source # |
Every type-level argument becomes a
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
makeBuiltinMeaning :: forall a val cost binds args res j. (binds ~ ToBinds a, args ~ GetArgs a, a ~ FoldArgs args res, ElaborateFromTo 0 j val a, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) => a -> (cost -> ToCostingType ( Length args)) -> BuiltinMeaning val cost Source #
Construct the meaning for a built-in function by automatically deriving its
, given
- the denotation of the builtin
- an uninstantiated costing function
toBuiltinRuntime :: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinMeaning val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val Source #
Convert a
to a
given an
and a cost model.
toBuiltinsRuntime :: (cost ~ CostingPart uni fun, HasConstantIn uni val, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun) => UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val Source #
Calculate runtime info for all built-in functions given denotations of builtins and a cost model.
data TyNameRep (kind :: Type ) Source #
Representation of a type variable: its name and unique and an implicit kind.
KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype ('[] :: [ Some TyNameRep ]) val args res (a :: k) Source # |
Once we've run out of type-level arguments, we start handling term-level ones. |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
KnownSymbol name, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) => KnownPolytype (' Some (' TyNameRep name uniq :: TyNameRep kind) ': binds) val args res (a :: k) ( Source # |
Every type-level argument becomes a
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning Methods knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res Source # knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme ( Length args) Source # |
TypeError NoStandalonePolymorphicDataErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Contains uni ( TyVarRep :: TyNameRep kind -> kind) ( Source # | |
data family TyVarRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) :: kind Source #
Representation of an intrinsically-kinded type variable: a name.
TyNameRep text uniq :: TyNameRep a), KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyVarRep name :: a) (name ~ (' Source # | |
TypeError NoStandalonePolymorphicDataErrMsg :: Constraint ) => Contains uni ( TyVarRep :: TyNameRep kind -> kind) ( Source # | |
type ToHoles ( TyVarRep name :: a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToBinds ( TyVarRep name :: a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
data family TyAppRep (fun :: dom -> cod) (arg :: dom) :: cod Source #
Representation of an intrinsically-kinded type application: a function and an argument.
KnownTypeAst uni fun, KnownTypeAst uni arg) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) ( Source # | |
type ToHoles ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) Source # | |
type ToBinds ( TyAppRep fun arg :: a) Source # | |
data family TyForallRep (name :: TyNameRep kind) (a :: Type ) :: Type Source #
Representation of of an intrinsically-kinded universal quantifier: a bound name and a body.
TyNameRep text uniq :: TyNameRep kind), KnownSymbol text, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownTypeAst uni a) => KnownTypeAst uni ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) (name ~ (' Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToHoles ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type ToBinds ( TyForallRep name a :: Type ) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst |
type KnownBuiltinTypeAst uni a = KnownTypeAst uni (ElaborateBuiltin a) Source #
A constraint for "
is a
by means of being included in
class KnownTypeAst uni x where Source #
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type ToHoles x :: [ Hole ] Source #
Return every part of the type that can be a to-be-instantiated type variable.
For example, in
there's no such types and in
(a, b)
it's the two arguments
) and the same applies to
a -> b
(to mention a type that is not built-in).
type ToBinds x :: [ Some TyNameRep ] Source #
Collect all unique variables (a variable consists of a textual name, a unique and a kind)
in an
toTypeAst :: proxy x -> Type TyName uni () Source #
The type representing
used on the PLC side.
type family Merge xs ys :: [a] where ... Source #
Delete all elements appearing in the first list from the second one and concatenate the lists.
data KnownTypeError Source #
Eq KnownTypeError Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType Methods (==) :: KnownTypeError -> KnownTypeError -> Bool Source # (/=) :: KnownTypeError -> KnownTypeError -> Bool Source # |
AsEvaluationFailure KnownTypeError Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType Methods |
AsUnliftingError KnownTypeError Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType |
throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err, AsEvaluationFailure err) => ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause -> m void Source #
Throw a
ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause
type KnownBuiltinTypeIn uni val a = ( HasConstantIn uni val, GShow uni, GEq uni, uni `Contains` a) Source #
A constraint for "
is a
by means of being included
type KnownBuiltinType val a = KnownBuiltinTypeIn ( UniOf val) val a Source #
A constraint for "
is a
by means of being included
UniOf term
type MakeKnownM cause = ExceptT ( ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause) Emitter Source #
The monad that
runs in.
type ReadKnownM cause = Either ( ErrorWithCause KnownTypeError cause) Source #
The monad that
runs in.
readKnownConstant :: forall val a cause. KnownBuiltinType val a => Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause a Source #
Convert a constant embedded into a PLC term to the corresponding Haskell value.
class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
makeKnown :: Maybe cause -> a -> MakeKnownM cause val Source #
Convert a Haskell value to the corresponding PLC val.
The inverse of
default makeKnown :: KnownBuiltinType val a => Maybe cause -> a -> MakeKnownM cause val Source #
type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn ( UniOf val) val Source #
class uni ~ UniOf val => ReadKnownIn uni val a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
readKnown :: Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause a Source #
Convert a PLC val to the corresponding Haskell value.
The inverse of
default readKnown :: KnownBuiltinType val a => Maybe cause -> val -> ReadKnownM cause a Source #
type ReadKnown val = ReadKnownIn ( UniOf val) val Source #
makeKnownRun :: MakeKnownIn uni val a => Maybe cause -> a -> ( ReadKnownM cause val, DList Text ) Source #
makeKnownOrFail :: MakeKnownIn uni val a => a -> EvaluationResult val Source #
Same as
, but allows for neither emitting nor storing the cause of a failure.
readKnownSelf :: ( ReadKnown val a, AsUnliftingError err, AsEvaluationFailure err) => val -> Either ( ErrorWithCause err val) a Source #
Same as
, but the cause of a potential failure is the provided term itself.
class KnownKind k where Source #
For reifying Haskell kinds representing Plutus kinds at the term level.
class ToKind (uni :: Type -> Type ) where Source #
For computing the Plutus kind of a built-in type. See
toSingKind :: uni ( Esc (a :: k)) -> SingKind k Source #
Reify the kind of a type from the universe at the term level.
ToKind DefaultUni Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Universe Methods toSingKind :: forall k (a :: k). DefaultUni ( Esc a) -> SingKind k Source # |
demoteKind :: SingKind k -> Kind () Source #
Convert a reified Haskell kind to a Plutus kind.
kindOfBuiltinType :: ToKind uni => uni ( Esc a) -> Kind () Source #
Compute the kind of a type from a universe.
throwNotAConstant :: ( MonadError ( ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err) => Maybe cause -> m r Source #
Throw an
saying that the received argument is not a constant.
class HasConstant term where Source #
Ensures that
has a
-like constructor to lift values to and unlift values from.
asConstant :: AsUnliftingError err => Maybe cause -> term -> Either ( ErrorWithCause err cause) ( Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf term))) Source #
Unlift from the
constructor throwing an
if the provided
is not a
fromConstant :: Some ( ValueOf ( UniOf term)) -> term Source #
Wrap a Haskell value as a
type HasConstantIn uni term = ( UniOf term ~ uni, HasConstant term) Source #
Ensures that
has a
-like constructor to lift values to and unlift values from
and connects
and its
module PlutusCore.Builtin.Emitter